After I got the moderna first shot, my heart felt like a iron pressed it down to the point i couldn't breathed, even though later it gradually let go but ever since I felt my heart short of breathed very easily, so I don't dare to take the second shot now.
My heart can't breath after Moderna shot - Kidney Dialysis
My heart can't breath after Moderna shot

Have you reported this to the place where you received the shit? Also, have you talked with your doctor about this reaction?
I was the last person in the center that getting the shot, it was after 5pm,so the nurse that gave me the shot waited 15 minutes, then she left, went home, and at the same time I found the symptom came, I wanted to call her but she already out of the door, and I was on a dialysis chair. Then I talked to the center charging nurse, but they didn't know what to say. Next day I went to ER , I told them what happened, that ER doctor didn't say nothing about my symptom,,they drew my blood, did an x ray, then he told me ,"you don't have a heart attack, you can go home now." They didn't address the symptom at all. I did called Moderna sideeffect report number, they sent me a long form to fill, I going to fill it right after this. thanks for reminding me of that.
Like JayHawker said, I'd talk to your doc and/or call 911 if you ever feel that way, and definitely let the facility know if you have those symptoms before you leave. I can't say I'd blame you for not wanting to feel that way again, but if you don't get the second dose then the vaccine won't be effective. Just a heads up.
Well it will be effective, just not 100%. The booster provides the final 10% or so effectiveness. I had the same shot and was horribly sick for a week. I'm set to get my booster this week.
Hey mingmiley, I can understand your position. The Covid vaccine is a real tricky thing to navigate. I know there are many reports of really bad adverse reactions and like the others have said you should report this to your physician and or call 911 if you continue to have these type of symptoms. Unfortunately depending on where you live it seems pretty soon that if your are not fully vaccinated then you will have no ability to do anything except staying at home and stare at the tv. So just understand what might be coming your way if you decide to not get the full vaccine. Also obviously you would not be fully vaccinated so there is that risk as well depending on how you look at it. Hope the best for you and like I said I understand your hesitance. Cheers.

Thank you
"It seems pretty soon, if not fully vaccinated, you will have no ability to do anything except staying at home and staring at the TV."WOW that is so false. I have loads of friends not vaccinated who work full time from home, garden, own businesses, do about everything online and still enjoy a full life. Some travel all over STILL! Please don't add to misinformation about not being vaccinated. Life still goes on, for everyone with varying degrees of limits or lifestyle changes....vaccinated or NOT. Jmho Blessings
KidneyCoach, I appreciate your comment and opinion. But have to disagree with you. Yes, at this point many places are not putting stricter measures in place but I do know for a fact that some family members that I have that live in California were told by their employers that if they do not get vaccinated they would lose their jobs. Trust me when I say I am not spreading misinformation. Just wait and there will be many states that will enforce vaccine passports which will effect many people who are not vaccinated. I am not saying that people should not get vaccinated but that it should be a persons own decision since each person is different and each body responds differently. Oregon is the first state to introduce stricter regulations and California looks like they are going to follow and New York is also already imposing vaccine passports. So each state is different. Like I said give it some time and you will see what happens. Maybe not at this moment but soon things are going to be different depending on where you live on a state specific basis. Everybody has a difference of opinion and I respect yours and ask you respect mine. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful day. Cheers.
My point is that a non-vaccinated person does not lose ability to do anything but stay at home staring at a TV. We still walk, talk and are capable of doing MANY things besides "staring at a TV." We have choices, abilities day in and day out, vaccinated or not. That is my point. I apologize for my lack of clarity.The vaccinations regulations are often misunderstood and can change daily. Nothing is set in stone, and much misinformation different as each unique individual and opinion. Please don't see my disagreement as disrespect as it was not disrespect, just a difference of opinion.
You want to be vaccinated okay by me. You don't want to be vaccinated, fine by me as well.
I'm merely stating many people will continue working from home doing business from home, sleeping, eating, entertaining, gardening and more from home. Not being vaccinated will not strip one from every ability in life except "staring at a TV." No disrespect, just an opinion/observation. No need to ask for my respect for your opinion as I already have given it. I never disrespected it, my opinion is merely different not disrespectful. Wishing you well in all your worthwhile endeavors..
Is there a hospital or clinic where you can go for the 2nd shot so they can monitor your condition over a period of time. The 15 minute usual waiting period does not apply to you. You will need a longer period of monitoring. And, you do have to be aware that anxiery about the injection can also play tricks with our body. But, pls consult with your doctors and follow their advice
Ever since getting the first shot, after that I feel my heart getting weaker, and I'm getting short of breath more easily now.
I agree that you should definitely consult with a doctor before deciding not to take your second shot. See a different doctor if you are not feeling good about your current one. Being exposed to the COVID virus may be the bigger risk if you don't get the second shot but only your medical team can answer that. Five years ago, I switched nephrologist after I was not comfortable with my first one. It made all the difference and I got the attention and care I needed. Best wishes to you.