ok had fistula yesterday not sure it working cause not feeling anything . I did have a nerve block and said it could last until today don’t know if that natter. Plus surgeon told don I need another surgery in three weeks never told me that . I look it up about having second surgery a
Nd found this
Two-stage fistula surgery for the arm is a procedure to create a brachiobasilic arteriovenous fistula (BB-AVF) for hemodialysis access. The procedure involves two stages, with the second stage performed about 6–12 weeks after the first:
• Stage 1 A transverse incision is made, the brachial artery and basilic vein are dissected, and an end-to-side anastomosis is created. The fistula is then allowed to mature.
• Stage 2 A longitudinal incision is made, the arterialized basilic vein is dissected, and a new end-to-end anastomosis is created. The two-stage procedure allows the basilic vein to become more arterialized and easier to mobilize, which may reduce the risk of devascularization. However, the two-stage procedure requires two surgeries and delays access to hemodialysis
so don’t know if this I really didn’t get much info on discharge yesterday but I know the nurse said I will start feeling the thrill but I don’t so wondering if it work . Will talk to dialysis nurse today . Any tips for caring for it do you always feel the thrill right away .im just feeling pain in the fistula today it doesn’t last long I didn’t receive any paperwork about fistula itself