Had my visit with kidney doctor today . I fell second kt/v for second time fail by .3 points . He concern that my urine has drop so sudden . The green bags I was doing gave me severe cramps in my legs and hands. I actuality fell cause cramps were so bad my legs gave out hit m head on dialysis machine. He want me to try lasix to help with urine but he has to be careful my blood pressure bern low . He think it best if I do the purple bag he said they have longer dwell time he said diabetics are on it I don’t have diabetes but he said my cyst are so much pushing against my other organs that my kidney are filtering all the toxins like they should .he said it nothing I did it the polycystic kidney . If the purple bags don’t work then we have to talk about doing hemo .
my question is the pd nurse said I have to get approved to do the purple bags that can take five to z8 days they said I would have to come in for some training what training is differnt then doing the yellow and green. Bags’.right now he said keep doing one green one yellow he doesn’t want me in misery from doing green bags
would like to hear from other who started out on the glucose bags and change to EXTRANEAL did you notice a difference did it helpi you ? Thanks for any input