My husband has a new dialysis manager that’s very young and hasn’t been a manager for long. She has the center in an uproar by moving people around daily each treatment and changing the doctor’s prescription of medications on the machine. It’s so frustrating to hear my husband talk about it and I feel like I need to go there and say something, but I don’t want to cause him any extra problems with me stepping into what’s going on. We have reported her and her not wearing her PPE or gloves when going from machine to other patients and preparing meds. She is a disaster and someone is going to get hurt because of her. I just don’t know what to do to help him. My husband was getting sodium citrate on the dialysis machine to help with clotting and she has stopped that and said it’s too dangerous, since a nurse has to give it to him. Then she said the company doesn’t approve it and he’s been on it for three years and now all of sudden she stops it. He doesn’t want to move to another facility because my job is close by and I can get to him fast! But this manager is Rogue and needs to go or get more training. Writing to the grievance committee only single him out and they tell the manager who the person is, so you’re not anonymous. What can be done?
Moved around : My husband has a new dialysis... - Kidney Dialysis
Moved around

Sounds like she's inviolation of several laws. Ask to speak to facility administrator. You can also file a grievance through your ESRD Network anonymously to avoid concerns of retaliation which can and does happen. Many are very passive aggressive but this is also against the law. If you need more info, send me a
Your husband may have to change centers temporarily, but when your health & your life are on the line, stand up &
I read your post & I was abhorred. That kind of unprofessional behavior is not to be tolerated.
Before you or other patients are hurt.
That being said.
I live in a very small community in central South Dakota. I have to say I have the best dialysis team!!!! I tell them that frequently !!!!!!!
1) They are always positive & cheerful & kind. They know we need that subtle support.
2) They follow all protocols to the letter. They are always professional. I watch. I know.
Some protocols seem silly/inconvenient, but there is a reason.
3) They make sure I follow all of the patients protocols.
((I have been scolded for breaking the rules. Especially with all the frustrating covid rules))
I have traveled a bit & gone to other dialysis clinics. While the staff is unfamiliar, they are very accommodating. I watch carefully that they also follow all universal protocols. If they messed up, I will not hesitate to report it. So far I've had good experiences.
Yes, definitely check with to find your local network. contact them and let them know your concerns. That is part of what they do. Their information by law should already be posted in the dialysis center, and if it is not, that is an issue in itself. A patient's safety is top priority and if your husband has concerns, chances are others have it too.
We’ve reported to ESRD and yes they kicked us under the bus! I never thought they would, but we are going higher up the ladder. Something must be done!
I'm sorry to hear that. I assume you have already contacted the grievance department higher up in the dialysis company itself? Or the social worker within your husband's center who may be able to recommend something even if he/she is a colleague. The state health department I think also regulates dialysis companies. Maybe that's another resource? Best wishes to you. I'm sorry that you are facing this issue.
The STATE came in last week and didn’t stay long enough to find anything! As for the social worker, she’s so lazy! That’s why we write our own letters cause she’s not going to bother herself with anything! She takes off every Friday and just gives you stuff to read instead of explaining it to you. She a piece of $&!?@. She’s not for the patients at all, all for herself!
Can you change centers? Sometimes it’s better to just move on for both basic health and stress level…
It sounds like she is doing many things she should not be doing in her position. There are certain things that only her nephrologist can change. It seems that she is changing things she shouldn't be doing. I would speak to her kidney doctor and tell him what has been going on so he/she is aware of the situation. Or the kidney doctor's PA who most likely comes to visit you while you are getting dialysis. I would try to get the other people getting dialysis at the same time as the patient to try to get them together to complain to the higher ups about this person saying I don't want to give your clinic a bad name but so and so........ If there are enough complaint's something will get changed. Something has to be done soon because it is very easy to become infected by not using gloves, etc. concerning the machines. I know this is not that helpful but I wish you luck and let me know how things turn out.Paul A.
The Esrd network has never helped me. I reached out 3x during my run in center. Now because of bad treatment, I do home hemo. One staff member called me a “White bitch.” The network called me and made light of it, laughing on the phone, did nothing. Staff still works there, no punishment at all. Another time the clinic was retaliating and told the nurses and techs to put in a lower goal to cause fluid overflow, plus a longer time, to take off even less. I told the network, “They are trying to kill me.”
After that message I left, never heard from them again and I was forced to leave the clinic. That clinic told the next one about my grievance, and they had the staff touch me inappropriately and try to annoy the hell out of me, so I would attack them. That way, I could be labeled as “The crazy one” and make my 20 page grievance unbelievable.
Keep in mind, the clinics give financial kickbacks to the Network. They are one in the same. You are better off contacting Arlene Mullins, from Dialysis Advocates, if you Google it you will be directed to the web site. Good luck.
This is the first time I've heard of Dialysis Advocates! Looks like a good place to bring concerns.
Yes Darlenia! I found them by googling for help out of sheer desperation. They are free as well. Apparently there are advocates that you can hire but will expect payment. How sad, paying for fair and descent treatment? The lady who started the program, once worked in the corporate office of Fresenius, and saw the truth of how the company operated and couldn’t stand it anymore, how badly patients were being treated. She resigned and founded, Dialysis Advocates. This is the only company like this I have been able to find. You have nothing to loose!
I believe everything you said they did and it’s terrible how they treat dialysis patients like they don’t have any sense! My husband and I talked to the representative for ESRD and she said we wouldn’t be recorded, but we knew that we were and the manager heard everything and really started acting more aggressive in her tactics. I wrote a letter to the doctor in charge of the clinic and he said he didn’t know things were happening and will look into it. So that’s a step towards getting something done. That just happened last week. You shouldn’t have put up with all that you went through. Couldn’t you have transferred? Doing it at home is harder.
Thanks so much for your kind words. Oh yes, I could always tell they repeated each and every word I said to the clinic! They pretend they are on our side, but they are really snakes and often make everything worse! I escalated my grievance to the medical director and Dr. of the particular clinic. That’s when things got really nasty. He refused to reply in writing like I requested, but offered to speak on the phone. I have wanted all correspondence in writing, so I refused at the time. I did leave that clinic but everything continued for up to 3 clinics later! Different companies too!?
Each clinic would call the next one and ask them to keep all of the abuse and neglect going, the last one was in a neighboring state even!? By then I was burnt out of documenting and having meetings with the advocate on speaker phone. They would play nice during the meetings but never completely stop the behavior. I think back, I believe the only thing that would stop it all would be threatening to sue them. Actually having a lawyer write a letter so they know it was real.
I have been doing home dialysis for about 2 years now. Yes, it has its own issues, and I actually do hemo 4x a week, instead of 3. They wanted me to do 5x a week and I asked the Dr. and he agreed to do 4. The set up alone is time consuming. I will be active on the transplant list within a month. I was told I’ve been on dialysis longer than the average patient in the state vs. the wait list, so I shouldn’t be waiting long.
As of last week!! The manager said she is moving to Texas with her husband. We heard that the Vice P. gave her a choice! To retire or find another job. She had been getting too many complaints! She had the center turned upside down and patients weren’t happy!! My husband was very vocal and made it known to the doctors and now something is getting done. Thank God!!