Bleeding in urine after biopsy... - Kidney Disease

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Bleeding in urine after biopsy...

Bananas2007 profile image
ā€¢16 Replies

***UPDATE: 1/6/2023*** The bleeding is back. His doctor ordered a ultrasound to see if there's a possible fistula. He will be getting that tomorrow. šŸ˜©šŸ˜„ Still no pain, no trouble urinating, etc.

**UPDATE: 1/3/2023 The bleeding is almost gone! Barely noticeable. No red or pink whatsoever. Just light amber and only slightly darker than usual! **

12/30/2022 Anyone else bleed in your urine after a kidney biopsy? My husband got his biopsy Thursday; 12/29/2022. Without any complications. They made him stay in recovery for about 4 hours.

Everything was fine. On Friday, after the 24 hour mark, he got up and took a shower. Afterwards, we drove to grab a few items at thw grocery and pick up a to-go meal.

When he got home that night around 7pm, he noticed pinkish blood in the toilet. His discharge instructions say that he can have blood in his urine for 3 days. Today, he still has it. I called radiology yesterday and they said after today, if he still has blood, to call them.

This just seems like a long time. He has absolutely no pain, normal appetite, and no trouble urinating.

I guess I am frustrated because I called his Nephrologist and left a message. The automated call said that a doctor was on call. That was yesterday and he still hasn't called back. Called radiology and the doctor isn't in until tomorrow. Don't they have people I should be able to reach?

On a side note, I don't think this is a worse case scenario but we are both highly uncomfortable just because no one will bother calling and talking to either of us. If this was a weekday, I'm sure his doctor would of at least ordered another CBC panel and maybe even an ultrasound.

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Bananas2007 profile image
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16 Replies

I can recall bleeding for about a week after my biopsy. I took a long time to recover, 2 days in the hospital, I bled a lot.

I suspect your docs will get back to you on the 3-4th.

Mine doesn't reopen until the 4th and I only know this because I have an appointment!

Bananas2007 profile image
Bananas2007 in reply to

This makes me feel a bit better. I searched the forum and couldn't find anything on this other than major hematoma or something along those lines.

Bananas2007 profile image
Bananas2007 in reply to

I forgot to mention, they made him stay in the hospital for 2 extra hours due to bleeding. He bled heavily the first time he urinated. 2 hours later, all the blood was gone and they let him go home.

Bananas2007 profile image

Update: The doctor called and he said some people can bleed longer than others. To give it up to 3 more days. As long as the color does not get darker and no pain, things sound normal.

Yea, I bled a lot, but my Neph told me I probably would, so I wasn't alarmed. I know, the anxiety can be brutal, but I think they should prepare you for a realistic recovery. I am on another CKD Forum and everyone who has a biopsy seems to have had a longer recovery than expected.

Glad your doc finally called you!

Bananas2007 profile image
Bananas2007 in reply to

Yes, they should definitely give you a picture of what it will be like. Other than the bleeding, he feels absolutely fine. But he's being extra cautious and pretty much bring a pure couch potato or laying in bed. I think driving the following day then coming home to the blood made him wonder if he over did things.

On a positive note, preliminary results came in and they were normal. Now we wait for all the other slides, antibodies and whatever else they test for...

in reply to Bananas2007

The waiting is hard. Just breathe and watch funny tv shows. lol

Edited for lousy spelling!

jodaer profile image

Glad your doctor finally called you back. As I've said before I had to stay in the hospital for 24 hours but never bled at all. Not needed now but I was going to suggest you call the hospital emergency room. They would probably be able to answer some of your questions. Glad all is well.

Bananas2007 profile image
Bananas2007 in reply to jodaer

Thank you!

Pigsfly profile image

hi there, yes I bled quite a bit and had to stay longer in recovery.

Iā€™m glad youā€™ve had the call now as Iā€™m sure you have both been worried.

I wish your hubby a speedy recovery, happy new year.

Bananas2007 profile image
Bananas2007 in reply to Pigsfly

How long did you bleed? Did you pass any small flecks or clots?

Pigsfly profile image

hi I bled for 4/5 days but no clots

Blackknight1989 profile image

Iā€™m going to show my ignorance but Iā€™ll never learn if I donā€™t ask. Why do some have a biopsy and most of us do not? It is not a physician guidelines as recommended by either the NKF/ASN in the US or the NHS in the UK. Itā€™s not a diagnostic requirement for a proper CKD diagnosis. Is a biopsy needed to determine the underlying cause of the CKD/AKI/kidney disfunction if not caused by the ā€œnormalā€ culprits? As I read the posts specific to that procedure it seems as if it causes problems for all and intuitively makes no sense to remove even an extremely small portion of potentially healthy kidney nephrons from already compromised and most likely below average sized kidneys most of us suffer. I appreciate the knowledge in advance! As always my best to all and the OPā€™s husband in their journey with CKD!

Bananas2007 profile image
Bananas2007 in reply to Blackknight1989

I am not the most knowledgeable on this but, my husband has had proteinuria for the past 3 years. His gfr has also been declining. He does not have any of the traditional reasons for his symptoms. His blood pressure is perfect and no diabetes. His doctor thinks it may be something autoimmune and says only a biopsy can answer that. Depending on what is the cause cab determine his future treatment.

Blackknight1989 profile image
Blackknight1989 in reply to Bananas2007

Thanks so much for taking the time to explain that you to me. I suspected but donā€™t donā€™t know now I do. So not as great news as I initially assumed (sorry) and somewhat more confounding, due to the continued uncertainty. Iā€™m sorry for not reading and sounding off with positivity when I misunderstood. I hope I didnā€™t offend. Still, with the work yā€™all are doing with you doctor you will get an answer, I am sure! Best wishes to you and he!

Bananas2007 profile image
Bananas2007 in reply to Blackknight1989

Thank you! So far, the results that are coming in are looking like the direction of thin basement membrane or alports. Both are genetic. We are just waiting in a collagen type 4 test to come back but he does have some damage to his basement membrane. Everything else has come back normal.

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