***UPDATE: 1/6/2023*** The bleeding is back. His doctor ordered a ultrasound to see if there's a possible fistula. He will be getting that tomorrow. š©š„ Still no pain, no trouble urinating, etc.
**UPDATE: 1/3/2023 The bleeding is almost gone! Barely noticeable. No red or pink whatsoever. Just light amber and only slightly darker than usual! **
12/30/2022 Anyone else bleed in your urine after a kidney biopsy? My husband got his biopsy Thursday; 12/29/2022. Without any complications. They made him stay in recovery for about 4 hours.
Everything was fine. On Friday, after the 24 hour mark, he got up and took a shower. Afterwards, we drove to grab a few items at thw grocery and pick up a to-go meal.
When he got home that night around 7pm, he noticed pinkish blood in the toilet. His discharge instructions say that he can have blood in his urine for 3 days. Today, he still has it. I called radiology yesterday and they said after today, if he still has blood, to call them.
This just seems like a long time. He has absolutely no pain, normal appetite, and no trouble urinating.
I guess I am frustrated because I called his Nephrologist and left a message. The automated call said that a doctor was on call. That was yesterday and he still hasn't called back. Called radiology and the doctor isn't in until tomorrow. Don't they have people I should be able to reach?
On a side note, I don't think this is a worse case scenario but we are both highly uncomfortable just because no one will bother calling and talking to either of us. If this was a weekday, I'm sure his doctor would of at least ordered another CBC panel and maybe even an ultrasound.