My arthritis has gotten very annoying. I can't be on my feet for very long. Stage 4 Renal disease for a while now and tylenol really doesn't do much.
Arthritis without NSAIDS: My arthritis has... - Kidney Disease
Arthritis without NSAIDS

Yup, it is what it is. No NSAIDS, Talk to your doctor about finding something else out there that you can do that is not as toxic as NSAIDS. There are treatments like a biologic or pain managment. Do not suffer in silence.
Kidney function or pain relief…so many here have CKD plus some sort of degenerative bone/joint issue…I had an AKI 8 days after my ckd4 diagnosis nearly 30 years ago…stage 4 CKD since eGFR 16-20. Also have early onset poly-osteoarthritis that has so far led to bilateral knee replacements, bilateral hip replacements and bilateral ankle fusions…now it’s in the joints of my feet and I mostly use a wheelchair 75/80% of the time and must use the chair if grocery/WalMart shopping.
As far as pain relief my belief is to realign your thinking and NOT seek another medication in place of NSAIDS…one reason, there are not a lot of options to help with longer-term pain management that aren’t nephron killers, two while my OA remains unchecked and I have chosen to not have any more surgeries unless life threatening, I have found that by judicious use of ice and heat therapy daily and some sort of 30-45 minute workout using a recumbent bike I have been able to manage the worst of the pain…Truth is I know the pain isn’t ever going to be gone nor will I ever be pain free so time to adapt, improvise and overcome without meds as I don’t want to risk killing more nephrons…I would not be considered for a transplant and have no desire to spend years on dialysis, in fact I’d probably forgo dialysis as well…so it’s all about keeping my few healthy and hard working nephrons happy! I’m not miserable and I believe much of the debilitating/life-altering effects folks have with pain overtaking their life is as much about outlook as it is the actual pain…if you believe you can live a productive life without allowing pain to become your master you can.
I hear you. It's just that my arthritis takes away the things I most like to do and was doing them only 5 months ago. I dealt with the arthritis before but things just changed now that I am firmly in stage 4. I was hoping for a magical pill that went through the liver, you know? My liver is great.
My hip arthritis is getting worse but I'm hesitant to have a hip replacement due to CKD. Considering injections, but had rather not. Walking has always been my exercise but thinking I may need to switch to the bike. I'm probably going to follow your plan and just deal with it. I'm at 3b and holding. Thanks for your informative posts. Always helpful.
Well said. I tell my self no to pain relief. I have disfiguring arthritis in my hands and fingers. Type 1 diabetes, and CKD 3b. I haven’t even seen a Dr for any of the meds for arthritis. Supposed to weaken your immune system. So for now I watch my diet, drink water. At 66 I want my kidneys to stay as stable as possible. God Bless us all in our struggles
So sorry for your situation, I can relate I have rheumatoid and osteoarthritis luckily neither are very active right now. My doctors nephrologist and rheumatologist work well together. I haven't taken nsaids for many years due to kidney disease so I don't miss it,I just have Tylenol patches and cream, However should my RA act up there are prescription meds I have available that I could take but hopeful that wont happen. Talk to your doctor and see if he/she has any suggestions. I also use ice and or heat depending on which helps the most at the time. Good luck.
If I went the patch and cream route I would have them all over! My doctor teased me that my appetite was good (gained weight). But I can't exercise everything hurts! I do my gardening sitting on a cart. Just last October I was in a play. Rehearsals every night, two weekends of 3 performances each....But now I can just make it to the garden and back. My body went down so fast! These meds you speak of , like oxy?
No oxy, now I take very minimal meds 2.5 mg Prednisone 3 times a week and hydroxy chloroquine 200 mg 3 days a week. If pain would get out of control my rheumatologist is thinking of methotrexate and he mentioned another one that I don't recall right now. They need to always keep in mind kidney disease which my doctor's do. I'm wondering why your rheumatologist isn't giving you a prescription medication for your arthritis. If your seeing a rheumatologist not sure if you have RA or osteo. Either way I would find a good rheumatologist and get the help you need if possible. I sure hope something can be done to ease your awful pain. I see many people on here saying no to pain meds and that is their choice who knows maybe yours as well. I myself choose pain relief if needed. I do some exercise and try to watch the diet etc and so on, If my doctors were to tell me no to any meds well stronger meds then so be it but they are on the back shelf for now since my RA is not very active right now. I do love the heat or ice treatments. I agree the patches and creams are not the best but in a pinch they help a bit, with heat and ice. Again I hope you find something that will work for you.
I don't have a rheumatologist. Question, does the daily prednisone cause any unpleasant side affects?
So sorry but first talk to your doctor. I'm sure you know with CKD no nsaids. There are prescription medications but again it depends on you and what you decide with your doctor.