On March 16, I had a CT guided Renal Biopsy. The procedure itself went smoothly and pain free. Post procedure I was observed for about 45 minutes and then sent home to resume normal activity.
By the time I reached my house (15 minutes) I was in so much pain it was blurring my vision. My wife made me call 911 and I was taken bake to the hospital where the procedure was performed. Within minutes, I found myself on a helicopter being flown to another hospital (I had little clue as to what was happening).
After what seemed like minutes, but apparently was several hours, I woke up in a trauma unit. Apparently, something was nicked during the biopsy and it caused extreme internal bleeding (which formed a grapefruit sized hematoma in my peritoneum which was compressing my kidney).
The options provided by trauma was: 1) remove the kidney, 2) inject dye and attempt to cauterize the wound, 3) observe and hope the pressure will seal the wound until it can begin to heal (this is the option they went with).
After a week in intensive care, and 5 blood transfusions, I am now home recovering. I am still in incredible pain and it appears that the hematoma has to break up and go on its own or there is a chance of reopening the wound. All of this for a simple 3 hour and back to normal procedure.
After the fact, I am now seeing that recommended observation time post renal biopsy is 4 to 24 hours, not 45 minutes.
I only post this to advise everyone to research anything they are going to have performed and be certain to ask every question that comes to their mind pre and post any procedure. Out kidneys are extremely delicate and also very integral to our blood flow . . . take everything seriously even if it seems to be minor.
Now I sit back and wait to see what kind of additional damage has been done to my already sick kidneys (18 GFR at time of procedure).