Hi there! 1 month ago my 3 year old son came down with an ear infection. They put him on Cefdinir. They swabbed him for strep and it was negative but they sent it off to culture. It came back a week later without strep but positive for MSRA. He had no symptoms so we didn't treat. Then a week and half later he broke out in a head to toe raised rash that the pediatricians couldn't diagnose. Eyes were swollen. They decided to treat the MRSA just to make sure (even though there were no signs of it...throat clear) with Batrim. He also had urine test and had small amount of blood in urine. Then 4 days later he started having a 103-104 temp and laying around the house crying. Took him in the next morning and they swabbed him for strep again and it tested very positive. We stopped the Bactrim and began Clindamycin to cover strep and MRSA. Tested his urine again and it came back with MORE blood...they sent us for labs and everything was perfectly normal except BUN-creatinine ratio showed he was "dry"....even though he had been drinking a TON of fluids without having any diahrea or throwing up. So odd! They said lets just watch him for a week and then recheck his urine. He began feeling better due to his strep clearing up and no fever. Today we did a recheck on urine and there was even MORE blood in urine. His eyes are still swollen and he's irritable and cries over every single thing (very small things like his toy falling off the couch) otherwise he's up playing and being a normal 3 year old. The doctor is referring us to a Infectious Disease specialist and we have an appointment for Feb 20th. But I feel like this has something to do with his Kidneys. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
3 year old with odd symptoms!: Hi there!... - Kidney Disease
3 year old with odd symptoms!

Hi and welcome to the community,
I'm sorry to hear what your son is going through, along with you and the rest of the family.
We could not begin to diagnose anything here. For better or worse, and hopefully better, you will have to follow the directions of the physicians who are treating him. If you aren't happy with the pediatrician you might want to see another for a second opinion. I realize that the next appointment is on the 20th, and that may seem like a long way off, but if anything should change contact the doctor(s) and have him seen immediately.
I have a three-year-old grandson and know that when he gets the sniffles or runs a fever I'm ready to drive across the country to help. Hang in there.

Hi There is a community for kids with CKD which might be a good place to ask your questions. But you are also welcome here.
Thank you for your replies!!
I am so sorry. How scary for you and your son. PING is something I’ve heard about in kids with strep with the same symptoms. Starts from a throat infection and leads to kidney issues. Good luck finding the cause. I know from experience it can be scary and exhausting waiting for to find answers.
I’ll have to research what that is. Yes, it’s been scary and exhausting. I’m the type of person that can deal with difficult things fairly well but the unknown is so hard for me.
Be careful with Bactrim since it is not good for kidneys, You might check with a nephrologist if you have a concern about your child"s kidneys,
If he had a high fever that will deplete the fluids in his body rapidly. Sometimes you can't drink enough water to keep up with it and they have to give you IV fluids.
Strep infection can cause a rash like what you described. It's not that unsual.
A year ago I had a bladder infection and diverticulitis. The combination of infection and the antibiotics I was given caused my kidneys to fail. It's called acute kidney injury and it's fairly common.
I was hospitalized for several days and made a full recovery although it took several months for my kidneys to get back to base level.
Now your son's kidneys might have been affected by his illness - when you go to the infectious disease specialist tell them your concerns and have them explain what they think has happened. It is very likely his kidneys might have been affected by the infections or just by his dehydration in which case, it's likely to resolve itself.
Your primary care doctor should have alerted you to this.
Please take a breath and try and calm down. Having a crabby, tearful 3 year old after having been very sick is comletely normal. I'm 64 and I was tearful and crabby after I got home from the hospital. It takes time.
Good luck.
Thank you! We now see ID doc tomorrow so I will explain all this