Has anyone had COVID and what was the outcome for you? If you could tell me what stage you are and if you had Covid and what if anything, was the effect on your kidneys? My husband I have COVID right now. We are on Lagevrio to combat it. He is stage 3 and I am 4-5.
Anyone had COVID?: Has anyone had COVID and... - Kidney Disease
Anyone had COVID?

My husband and I had covid in June. I am stage 3a as of last blood work, which is an improvement. Covid did not affect my kidneys and we haven’t had any long term covid effects. We didn’t take any covid medication but did take some Tylenol, just when the aches & pains were more intense, so I can’t speak to the effects of the medication. We had breakthrough cases so we both had mild covid and didn’t require treatment, thank the lord! Prayers for you and your husband and that your kidneys aren’t harmed & that neither of you have any long term effects. God bless 🙏🏻

I had all my covid shots and did get very mild case. It was like having a cold and lasted only for a few days.
Both of us got our shots too. So frustrating. It is sort of like a cold so far. But I am very tired and my back aches.
i had covid 3 weeks ago and was prescribed 5 days of paxlovid( renal dose). it, for me was a horrible experience taking it. caused nausea, some sort of horrible taste in my mouth which was as close to what i would imagine being poisoned to be like.i dreaded taking those pills twice a day for 5 days. however , after the third day on it i was testing negative on covid home tests. symptoms were gone but still felt lack of energy.original symptoms were severe sore throat nasal congestion w/ dripping nose like never before but never a fever or chest congestion. i am now about 15 days since negative covid home tests and feeling better. by the way i had previously had all vaccines and boosters. just concerned about what my kidney labs are going to show. plan to have them done next week.

I too was tired and took me a few days to get over it.
I had Covid back in May and took 5 day treatment of Paxlovid. I am in stage three and my blood work is about the same. So far it didn’t have any effect on my kidney function.
Prayers to you and your husband far a speedy recovery and no harm to your kidneys.
I'm stage 3b, borderline 4, got covid last July after 4 rounds of Moderna. I had no fever, sore throat or cough, but it did feel like I was run over by a truck for 2 days. I actually have a regular cold now and that one hits a bit harder than covid did.
So far so good. No covid.
But at 82 with stage 4, I've been double boosted and always
avoid crowds. I think AGE alone is a good reason to be careful.
I've not had it but am vaxed and boosted. Just wanted to tell you I'm sending tons of healing energy your way.
Thanks for the healing energy. Both of us are double vaxxed and my husband had a booster. Still got it. Don't think because you have the shots you are totally protected.
I know I can get still get it but if I do it shouldn't be too bad. I mostly stay home so feel safe from that. I'm careful when I go out.
I’m so sorry you’re sick Bassetmommer! My husband and I are quite isolated so have been able to avoid it thus far but I know eventually it will catch up with us. Praying your case remains mild and you recover fully without any ill affects to your kidneys. Can I ask, did your husband get the latest omicron specific booster?
Thanks for writing this thread one and all. I have covid now and its been like having flu. Aches and pains, a headache like Ive never had before, sickness, diarrhea, sore throat, sneezes... the lot. Luckily my breathing has been good so far.
Had such trouble getting my antibody infusion which here in the uk, the immunosupressed are entitled to on the nhs. The system to access it is not easy and when you are feeling ill its real hard to persuade.
Finally and thankfully got mine on day 4 or maybe it was day 5 and starting to feel better already.
All the best Bassetmommer to you and your husband...
i had it and it isrreversably damaged my kidneys .i flatlined once and recovered .the key is tylenol.it hates tylenol.and now that the pills are out its better.i made it and so did my husband
Wow, that's interesting about the Tylenol. I have been taking it since I had a massive headache. I am on the mend faster than my hubby who did not take Tylenol. Well, he's going to now.
No covid but doubled vaxed and boosted. Getting ready for my third booster. Stage 3B. Just wanted to wish you and your husband the best. Hope you have a quick recovery with no lasting effects. Prayers and positive energy being sent.
Hello, I had Covid. It turned out to be a very mild case. It was like a cold. gfr stayed level. But I notice that I have had more protein in urine since having Covid. Get well soon and hope you have a quick recovery from Covid.
I had it right at the start, I hadn't been told I was stage 3b at the time and found out later. Looking back at my blood tests it had no effect on my kidneys at all.
both my husband and I got it in July. His was mild and I got very sick. Luckily my PCP got me monoclonal antibodies but still had a fever for 2 weeks. I’m stage 4 borderline 5 but don’t think it affected my kidneys.
I live in a very rural area…more cows than people, but my doc knows of my kidney disease and she’s excellent.

Thanks for the info Barbara. I am glad you are on the mend. Lagevrio is Monupiravir, which is what I am on. I cannot believe in just this thread alone how many people are still getting this awful virus.
Was stage 3. Had Covid 19 in 2021. Only lasted about 5 days. Then I got Covid about 3 weeks ago on top of Lyme Disease. I was basically unconscious and in pain for about 4 days but had to stay in bed for 12 days due to being very tired and weak. I had tested just before this as Stage 2. However, because I could not drink water or eat for days I would guess that I have lost some function. I will test again in about a month to see how much damage has been done.
Hello, I am stage 3B, age 31 and had covid. I think I felt more ill from my covid jabs than I did when I actually had the virus! Just had bad sickness and fatigue but recovered after about 5 days, my kidneys have got worse since I had it but I think that is down to my chronic glomerulonephritis rather than having covid. Hope you both feel better soon!
Sending healing vibes your way! I don't have your health conditions, but I did catch Covid in August. The interesting thing was that my hubby, who had a transplant, didn't catch it at all - he was boosted and was up-to-date with the Evusheld antibodies treatment. I was only sickish for a week, shorter then a usual cold. But the fatigue lasted about two week. Hang in there - hopefully you caught the less severe variant. Hugs!
I had covid earlier this year. Symptoms were very mild, a few days of rest were all that I needed. My urine was a bit more foamy than usual for a couple of weeks but came back to normal. No evidence of damage but I am not looking to get it repetitively. I had 3 doses of Moderna.
I had covid in 2021 January could hardly breath, this was prior to vaccines, went to the doctor she gave me prednisone sent me home. I lived obviously but it was rough, in bed 6 weeks barely able to function couldn't eat, lost 21 lbs. It affected my kidneys was stage 4 went to 5 and now back and forth between the two but other than that no lasting effects. Prayers for you and yours.
Hang in there Bassetmommer. I had it last month and I am stage 5 and 11%, not on dialysis yet. I will report back to you later this week what my labs are but I was not allowed to take any meds because they are harmful to kidneys. If I had gotten bad, I would hav head the antibody treatment. It wasn’t bad at all, fever first day, then cold like symptoms for 4 days and little fever every evening which is when fevers and sickness usually get worse, but with Tylenol to keep it down, I felt fine every day except first day. I don’t feel any worse now than before.
I am endstage on dialysis. I had Covid back in March. Was very sick. Sent to special unit for Covid patient’s after receiving monoclonal antibodies. I also had a bout with Covid delirium while recovering. Experienced excessive fatigue, depression and anxiety. Was about a month or so before I felt better. No effect to my kidney’s.
Despite being fully vaccinated (Moderna) and wearing mask in airports/on plane including overnite flights to and from Europe, I got one of the variant Covid infections in mid-June. Extreme runny nose, headache, fatigue only symptoms, and started Molnupiravir 200 mg within 8 hours of confirmed test. It's the anti-virus that clears kidneys best, according to my primary physician. Was not worse than a bad head cold and lab work 2 weeks in showed no effect to my kidneys. Stage 4, Gfr 39 which I have raised 4 pts. thru careful diet and exercise. My advice: Get the free anti-viral ASAP.
I am stage 3b and got covid like 4 times since 2020. It affected my creatinine, it jumped from 1.4 to 2.1.
My kidneys hurt every time I get covid, my kidneys are the first thing that hurt in my body. I don’t feel as healthy as before after my first covid hit me.
Stay safe
I’m not vaccinated and no plans to get the vaccine. I had the Delta variant in July of 2021. Prior eGFR averaged 17-20, just had my 6 month appointment I’m still 17/18. Seems COVID had no adverse effects on me but I was concerned from July until my appointment last week due having COVID. Fortunately it seems as the virus didn’t affect anything long-term in my labs!