Anyone know if Covid vaccine has an effect on kidneys?
COVID Vaccine : Anyone know if Covid vaccine... - Kidney Disease
COVID Vaccine

Still too early to tell. Didn't affect my eGFR the first and second time I got them, but it's really hard to say.
The mainstream response is broadly as Marvin suggests and its guidance could be clearer eg 1st link below which recommends despite limited evidence for many CKD categories.
In the scientific literature, there are clearer reports of renal problems after vaccination eg 2nd, 3rd links, and so more caution re vaccination.
For this community, you're in a good position to do a risk-benefit assessment for your own circumstances (all rbas should be individualised). By checking "Related Posts" on the RHS, you can trawl through anecdotal evidence of others with CKD that were vaccinated.
Good luck.
Had all vaccine and boosters available and had no change in my egfr after each one. This past September, I got covid, was hospitalized for two days, receivedIV hydration while hospitalized and my egfr went from 31 to 38. Egfr has remained on 38 for 3 subsequent labs. Not sure why the improvement occurred other than to attribute it to IV hydration and a very limited diet. I had a raging sore throat and couldn't eat or drink at all for several days/weeks.. Covid ran its course and took around two to three weeks to become less severe. I eventually recovered completely with no long term effects other than an improved egfr. BTW prior to the bout of covid, my egfr was stable at 30/31 for five or more years.
I've had 6 or 7 covid jabs and I'm ckd 3 , my blood results are always the same score so I don't believe it affects your kidney, hope this helps
No - the vaccine has had no effect on labs in my husband's case. He also had a mild case of actual Covid a few months ago. This happened right before the new vaccine came out, but he was up-to-date on the old version, and his labs worsened slightly - possibly because of dehydration. His nephrologist wasn't worried; thought they would rebound. We shall see - his appointment is coming up soon. To be on the transplant list, most centers require the patient be up-to-date on all vaccines - both his dialysis center and later his transplant routinely administered them. Interestingly, Covid can damage kidneys quite severely - sometimes they rebound, other times not. If someone dies from Covid, but the kidneys are salvageable, then those can be used for transplant...but they're generally rated as higher risk kidneys.
Yes ,months after the second shot of the vaccine I was diagnosed with FSGS now am at End stage preparing for a transplant next month
I was not vaccinated but did get Covid in November 2022. Within a couple months I experienced a great decline in eGFR. I've been dealing with kidney issues ever since. My elderly mother that I care for had no change after being vaccinated.

I have gotten all my covid shots and so far no effect on my eGFR. I just got the recent one and told the vaccine giver that had Kidney Disease but no response. I guess more important to keep from getting the Covid. Best to ask your Doctor, which I did.
Never read this. Vaccines do not work that way. They teach your body to recognize the virus so it is prepared to fight it.
But people who get very sick with Covid-19 can end up with total kidney failure. Before the treatments we have for Covid-19 now, they were having to choose who got dialysis and who died, in Italy back in 2020.

I had a friend that had a kidney transplant and early on got COVID. COVID attacked her transplant and she lost it. Had to back on dialysis and back on the wait list. This is before there was a vaccine
I get the COVID vaccine & all boosters and my transplant is doing great. My creatinine remains at 0.9. I am too afraid of COVID and what it could do my kidney.
Yes, the covid vaccine either prevents or reduces your exposure and outcomes from covid. Which protects your kidneys. It's quite simple.