I'm what the sleep doctors call, "a long sleeper," sleeping on average 11 hours a night. A year ago my kidneys failed due to an allergic reaction to medicine and I've been in stage 4 CKD since. One of the worst side effects for me was the added fatigue.
My primary care physician suggested that I have a sleep study done. Even though I'm not a big snorer, apparently I'm a shallow breather so my long sleep still wasn't leaving me refreshed in the morning. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea.
Two weeks ago I started using a CPAP sleeping machine that pumps oxygen into my nose all night. After I figured out how to use the machine and sleep with that mask on me, I have gained so much energy from the use of this machine!!! I don't need rest after exercise, I don't need naps, and I need two hours less sleep.
What a game changer! If you are a person who is pushing through fatigue through the day, a sleep study and CPAC machine might be helpful to you too.