Hi thanks for reading I need some guidance if that possible? I'm alittle worried I have ckd I think I'm.stage 3a not sure my numbers have come down from 57 to 40 had repeat bloods done today so will know more from today bloods this was at my at my rhematoid clinic I've seen no one regarding kidneys/ Heart gp is useless hasn't even rang me about ckd been down to 40 specialist nurse wasn't happy today she sent my result over from last bloods 4 mo the ago. Gp didn't bother to ring me about them..basically I was diagnosed with rhematoid 5 years ago everything as escalated form this could have been over use of naproxen anti inflammation drugs and steroid to try and get my ra under control..seen regular in rhem except for covid like everyone else .. had a call a few months ago about kidney function declining. Went in clinic today .my feet and ankles swollen 😫 which isn't new been swollen for a while.. blood pressure is high the last few years . specialist nurse at clinic is concerned now and been referred back to gp re heart and kidneys she seem to.think it could be my hearts as well..my question is with a grf of 40 is this common should I be worried about both kidney and heart ..no breathlessness just swelling in feet ankle and hands and some days not often wake up feeling sickly don't pass lots of urine I will admit I don't drink loads of water..I know inflammation and swelling is part part of rhematoid also my ra is pretty control but inflammation as never settled but joints feel a lot better than the previous years . I have a terrible history on my mums side of heart problem. Advice please waiting for gp to contact re what next what should I expect 🙏
ckd getting worst : Hi thanks for reading... - Kidney Disease
ckd getting worst
Here is a link to helpful information on eGFR and age, and questions to ask your Doctor depending on stage of CKD. kidney.org/atoz/content/gfr
My advice is that stress will kill you faster than all the above.
Totally agree
Ok, I reread your post...here is my second advice: get your diet under control. Low salt--fruits and veggies. Don't tank on water if you are retaining it. The whole drink loads of water is jacked advice. If you are retaining water and the kidneys don't work right, the last thing you want to do is drink a load of water. As far as the inflammation goes, a vegan diet will likely take care of that. And so will walking or slow jogging. That will help with water retention too. Any pills that someone tries to give you, start with the lowest dose, and gradually increase. Too often doctors want to start at recommended doses and you might not neeed all that. Also the statistics are that the heart issues will kill you before the kidney issue, so yes, be worried about your heart and get control of everything you can control. Food is your best medicine.