So in I went to hospital yesterday a complete wreck. I was terrified. My husband wasn't allowed to stay with me and had to leave.I was prepped, signed all the documents and lay down on the bed. The nephrologist couldn't find my kidney because it was buried so deep so there was a lot of probing. I had all the numbing meds and off we went.My feet went numb first of all but not sure what that was and then I got really bad discomfort in my abdomen but on thinking back to my biology lessons I think that's because I had a full bladder. He eventually got the samples but it took about an hour all in because of trying to locate my kidney. The bed rest went ok but I was bursting because how do you use a bedpan lying down. Five hours later they decided to prop me up to tilt my bladder forward and I was peeing for England. I am not sure what to think about how it all went because everyone is different but so far so good - no back pain and blood in urine I just couldn't sleep last night because I kept going over it in my head - it was like having PTSD. I have come to the conclusion that patients undergoing this this procedure should be sedated because I started to panic a bit. I scoffed a large plate of fish and chips when I got back home but I feel totally wiped out today perhaps because I am tired as well. Now I have to wait for the results - I have an appointment on the 28th - I could do with some good news now - thanks.
Kidney Biopsy: So in I went to hospital... - Kidney Disease
Kidney Biopsy

You weren't out? And he went in through your abdomen? The kidneys are in the back. I was totally knocked out, and they did let me up to P.. They weren't all that concerned with me laying flat. Although I have to say they weren't concerned about much but my BP. Sorry you had to go through all that.
Thanks for the information, I hope you recover well. I might have to get one soon, not particularly looking forward to it, but the specialist said it was the best way to see the extent of anyvpossible kidney problems. Do you mind me asking what you had the Biopsy for?
You did it. CONGRATULATIONS on going through the procedure with a .minimum of discomfort. Rest and try not to worry about the results
Getting ready to have my biopsy on Wednesday. I am excited about it because of all the information it will provide my nephrologist. I too was told I would only receive local anesthetic, which I am happy about (I do not like being put to sleep). Hop your results shed some light on things for you.