Hi, I'm new here and I don't know what to do with how I'm feeling about my kidney disease.
I am a Type 1 Diabetic diagnosed at 16, 35y/o female with high bp (currently being treated with amlodipine and now losartan) My last egfr this month is 32, my creatinine level is 2.13. I am african american, and with my last appointment with nephrology, it was discussed that my kidney function is expected to get worse and I was told that I can only work to prolong the progression with change in diet, exercise, and controlling my blood glucose levels. My last A1C was in Dec. and my level was 7.2. I have been told countless times in the past that keeping my blood sugars in range will help with my kidney function. I switched nephrologists earlier last year because the one I had before took me off lisinopril in 2020 (due to the ongoing cough and stomach upset that kept me awake at night) and said she felt my blood pressure was well-controlled without suggesting a replacement. So at the beginning of 2021, my egfr went from 40 to 36, and the new nephrologist has placed me on amlodipine and losartan.
Now I am being told that my nephrology team feels I'm going into stage 4 ckd, since they are no longer going by the egfr for african americans and are now considering me being in the "everyone else" category. It was a lot. The "everyone else" category places my egfr at 27, not 32 and ever since I have been fearful, and having ongoing bouts of tears. But in the Nephrology NP notes, my staging of CKD is listed as "Stage 3/4" so this is very confusing considering what was discussed in my appointment. My mother passed at 55 due to congestive heart failure, but she also had ckd on dialysis. My latest nephrology appointment this month involved future discussion of being placed on a transplant list, and looking at kidney failure in my future. I don't know how to cope with how I'm feeling. I am still keeping up with checking my BP at home daily (especially since starting losartan), a diet and exercise routine, and I've lost almost 10lbs. since December and working on continuing my weight loss journey. I'm just constantly worried now and don't know how to shake the feeling, any suggestions of how to cope?