A couple of months ago I had blood work done that showed that my eGFR was continuing to drop, though it would go up and down with each test, the slope was definitely downward. When that recent test showed that I was about to slip from Stage 3a to 3b, I decided it was time to get serious about this. I had already given up soda (man, that was difficult), now it was time to go the rest of the way. I made an appointment with a nephrology nutritionist and we discussed my diet and what needed to change. We discussed how serious to be about it, how it was ok to cheat occasionally, but to stay focused on the goal. Well.....I just had labs done again and though it was only one mark on the chart, it showed my eGFR was back to stage 2. I know that it might only be a fluke and future bloodwork will tell the whole story, but it still excites me to see that number back where it belongs. I also understand that I still have CKD, that it never really goes away, but maybe, just maybe, I've slowed the progression to a point that I don't really need to worry about it so much and honestly, the diet isn't that bad. I've also started to loose a bunch of weight, thanks to the new diet, so my family doc and my cardiologist will like that as well. In fact, my family doc had to ask me if my weight loss was purposeful, I think it surprised him, since that is not the direction I have been going for many years.
Latest bloodwork is great!: A couple of... - Kidney Disease
Latest bloodwork is great!

Good for you. When I went on my renal diet, I lost 50 pounds over a year and have kept it off. And after years of trying to lose weight, it was a miracle. By being careful with diet and exercise, I stayed off dialysis for almost 15 years and I started at 3b in 2009.
I've also upped my exercise in the past few months. I've always gone for walks to exercise, but in the past few months, I've gone from 2-3 miles per day to 4 miles per day.
great to hear. Do you mind sharing what your efgr values were and are now ? Any big tips from your new diet that you could share ?
To me, diet is the most confused part of CKD. The important thing is your diagnosis. For me, I have FSGS and I am in 3b. At this level, nutrition neither accelerate the disease, nor slow it down. If you have kidney disease because of diabetes or obesity, than nutrition plays critical role. So maybe share with us, what is the root cause of your kidney disease?
Also your gfr is measured with creatinine in your blood. There are various reasons why creatinine increases, not only kidney disease. When I bike to hospital, I have higher creatinine (lower gfr), because exercise increases creatinine in blood. Thats why they also look at proteinuria, since its the most important marker of kidney disease, a.k.a. you can tell the worsening in your disease by looking at the protein in your urine. Especially if you collect it in 24-hour. How is your proteinuria?
Anyway, sorry for too much technical information, what I am trying to do is that before you start stress about it, maybe its better to analyse the reasons. Because I see so many people believes that only nutrition might slow it down. But it depends on the type of your disease.
I feel for you. I have had friends with autoimmune disorders like lupus, wegeners, etc. FSGA is one too. I watched helplessly as psoriatic arthritis brought my son down. It's finally somewhat controlled. The body is complex, mysterious, and can turn on itself for no good reason no matter what one does. Sending up prayers that treatments and even cures can be found for all of them.
Good for you. Can you share some information about the renal diet you've on? I'm sure there are many who would be interested. Thanks
Well fone, keep up the good work. I need a leaf out your book xx
My eGFR went from 49 to 62. My CKD appears to be due to high blood pressure, but that has not been confirmed. I've had my blood pressure under control for several years now, but Creatinine and eGFR were continuing to get worse. Meeting with nutritionist, she basically said to cut out as much sodium and sugar/carbohydrates as possible, since my Potassium is normal, she said that I can cut items with high potassium as well, but not really needed. She also said to cut down on meat based proteins. So that is what I have done, I load my plate with vegetables and a small amount of meat. I supplement my proteins with chia seeds and ground flax seeds. I get my sugar fix from unprocessed fruits (I still cheat occasionally and eat a very small sliver of cake or a cookie, but not very often). I've eliminated most salt/sodium as I can. I stopped eating fast food (ok, every couple of weeks, I will still grab a burger somewhere).
Here was the big surprise for me. I have normally eaten cereal for breakfast. Years ago, I switched to Special-K, because I liked it and it was "healthy". Never thought to look at the nutrition label. Turns out a bowl of Special-K has more sugar in it than a bowl of Fruit Loops. Now I switch it up. I either have a bowl of oatmeal (not the packets) with a handful of fruit in it and some chia seeds and ground flax seeds, or a smoothy made of frozen fruit, oat milk and some ground flax seeds and maybe a small amount of greek yogurt, and some days I cook up some onions and peppers in olive oil then add an egg to that, with some Mrs Dash to make a frittata. Most days it's oatmeal for breakfast, because I can put it together fast.
Oh, and my fruits of choice are frozen blueberries, strawberries and cherries. I chose those because I like them and they have good anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
Congratulations to you. I wish I could find a nutritionist that could deal with my CKD and IBS. So far it’s illusive.
I tell everyone I know or meet that it is important for YOU to take charge of YOUR healthcare. No one knows YOUR body as waell as YOU do. I have decided that dialysis is not me me and so I am on a mission to heal my kidneys. Sounds crazy, I know. I said the same thing, but.... My c ratinben was at 6.8 when I was hopitalized for a month and left with a catheter and a dialysis schedule. At first it was just an inconvenience, but now it is making me sick. I am only going 2 days a week by MY choice for 2.5 hours. and my blood work is excellent and my creatinine is at 2.0. My nephrologist will not listen to me so I am contstantly AMA until I prove him wrong. The Center only cares about the financial bottom line so they have been no help to me whatsoever. I am noaw in the process of learning about stem cells. I am scheduled to attend a seminar on 11-17-23. I will let you know what I learn and will journal my journey here for other to make their own informed decisons. Keep of the good work with your nutrion. Watch your medications as well.
Other than my ALB and PTH being low my labs are great. My eGFR increased from 8 to the recent 14 after starting dialysis. Once I gain 10-15 pounds I can get relisted on the transplant list.
yes, its not just being overweight but underweight can be just as bad.when my bmi started to climb i said i am going to lose 10 lbs, well 10 lbs ended up being 25 and now i am underweight and cannot , no matter how i try to put weight back on it does not work. i try eating more but because of ckd stage 3 diet restrictions its just not happening.