This is an interesting study that may have been posted on Healthunlocked previously, but I have not seen it before
Stanford study finds that kidney cells can ... - Kidney Disease
Stanford study finds that kidney cells can regenrate

Please don’t get your hopes up. This is not the same process that occurs in the skin and nothing like the liver’s regeneration powers. You cannot increase the number of nephrons to increase filtering protection. See the attached link to PubMed:
Thanks for your reply. There were several more studies linked to the article you sent. Although it is clear that kidney nephron regeneration is not currently possible with stem cell therapies it may be possible in the future. Hope springs eternal.
I agree and my apologies I was a little blunt with you. Not my intention but I was in a rush. I wanted to clear that up because of the different ways folks think about regeneration. I, for example, who had multi-organ failure and have experienced nearly total regeneration of my liver (at least according to labs and biopsy) and in the same time I have been stage 4 CKD with atrophy because the kidneys don’t act like the liver unfortunately.
I am 100% with you on the stem cells or finding a way to activate the protein responsible for the regeneration to either grow new in our current kidneys, or a pig or in a scaffold. But, I may be approaching the age where it won’t matter. However, for all the others who suffer or may suffer wouldn’t a stem cell “cure” be awesome!
Again, my apologies if I offended. Thanks for the post, it got me out of the nutritional research…!
No apology needed- I was not offended. We all have our own way of looking at things and processing new information. I to may be too old for stem cell therapies to rejuvenate my kidneys - but I hope my chikdren and grandchildren will benefit from improved treatments should they ever be diagnosed with KD.
Don't ever read the book "Our Medical Future 2000". It prognosticated that most diseases would be cured by the year 2000 through the sequencing of the human genome and stem cell therapy.
It is amazing even though we didn’t reach that prediction, it is amazing what they can do with the advances in those therapies nonetheless. Definitely is probably the future “cure” for CKD in one form or another with the KidneyX program and others like it.
Oh and I try to stay away from prophecy and prognostication myself. Usually I am wrong 50-99% of the time…lol!
I was struck the other day by the thought that research such as that by David Sinclair might actually be of interest to those researching CKD. However, I have not yet spoken with anyone knowledgeable enough to confirm or debunk that speculation. Dr. Sinclair's research is on anti-aging.
I have run across some of his literature but like you haven’t researched enough to offer any kind of opinion. Though I did read the Israeli study recently that has reversed the aging process at least at the cellular level using a hyperbaric chamber. I just figure I am too old for any major breakthroughs like that or Sinclair’s ideas. Plus, I am not sure I’d want to add another 50 plus years to my life. Stuff hurts too much already after the first 54 years and most of the bendy parts are already titanium and plastic…lol!