Can any one have solution for kidney disease - Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease

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Can any one have solution for kidney disease

19 Replies

I am new to this community, my father's age is 67, he is diabetic for last 30years,and last 8 days he was admitted in hospital, and doctor informed me that my father's kidney is damaged, I saw reports, his serum creatinine is 2.1,i am aware of all this things, can anyone suggest me, is there any solution to cure his kidney

19 Replies
Charlene_Coxhead profile image

Sorry there is no cure for kidney disease the best you can hope for is to delay the progress of the disease. You need to ask if he or you can see a renal dietican as diet can help. Every kidney disease is different so please consultant an expert, but in general he needs to reduce his sodium intake, stop or at least reduce processed meats/foods, no takeaways or ready meals or jarred sauces as full of salt and fat. Loss or gain weight so he has a healthy BMI. Depending on his phosphate and potassium levels he may have to avoid whole grain foods and brown rice/bread etc. He also may need to reduce dairy intake and protein but this is very much dependant on his bloods and this is why I say speak to a medical professional. Avoid caffeine and no dark sodas.

I was diagnosed 19years ago with only 20% renal function and I lasted 19years, they expected 8years so delaying the progression of this is possible but not always but worth a try

Good luck x

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to Charlene_Coxhead

Are you on dialysis now?

Ahmad_92 profile image
Ahmad_92 in reply to Marvin8

20 years ago you diagnosed with stage 4 and lasted for 19 years, you are an inspiration.

Charlene_Coxhead profile image
Charlene_Coxhead in reply to Ahmad_92

Thank you but all I did was follow my consultants advice abs tried to remain positive and active. It wasnt easy but looking back all the hard work was worth it and I was lucky.

Everyone's story is very different

Charlene_Coxhead profile image
Charlene_Coxhead in reply to Marvin8

Yes I started home haemo dialysis 28th jan 2019.

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to Charlene_Coxhead

How tough is it? You still overwhelmed? Needles hurt as bad as folks say?

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to Marvin8

It's a tough life. I've been on dialysis for almost 18 years. Home Dialysis helps you feel best with the least food and fluid restrictions. I don't think the needles are that painful but a lady said she'd rather give birth without drugs rather than be stuck with the needles. Everyone is different. Blessings

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to KidneyCoach

Having suffered for 18 yrs on dialysis means you are nothing less than superhuman. Did you ever have a transplant?

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to Marvin8

You are too kind, thank you. I was listed for almost 10 years but due to high antibodies never received a transplant. Over 10 years I acquired sepsis seven (7) times requiring 16 transfusions thus making me a very difficult match. I'm great at overcoming obstacles. I've also done HOME hemodialysis most of the time putting myself in as much control as possible. Doing dialysis at home takes away the "dialysis hangover" symptoms including nausea, fatigue, headaches and more. Sadly at this point I won't be getting a transplant. Many dont. Of the 600,000 on dialysis less than 100,000 are on the list and less than 15,000 receive kidney transplants are done per year. Blessings

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to KidneyCoach

I truly stand in awe of what you've been thru and you are the perfect example of the human spirit's capacity to overcome what is thrown at you. "Great at overcoming obstacles is one helluva understatement. May I ask how old you are? Is the reason you won't be getting a transplant due to age or the low likelihood of a match? I feel absolutely disheartened to hear that you've been thru so much and don't have a shot at a transplant. That's just terrible. Are you doing home dialysis now?

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to Marvin8

I started dialysis at age 43 now 61. Won't get transplanted due to high antibodies. Yes, I'm still doing home hemodialysis. Just lost my arm access last month. Had a near 4 hr surgery last week to get another as I currently have a tunneled femoral catheter. I consider myself very blessed. Namaste. Blessings

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to KidneyCoach

And blessings to you as well. Sorry to hear about the lost arm access after all these years. You've had it very very hard.

Charlene_Coxhead profile image
Charlene_Coxhead in reply to Marvin8

The first 6 months was tough, not the needling as it actually doesnt hurt that much when you do it yourself and I did that from week 2, the bit I found hard was the tiredness after the sessions and it took a while for my tummy to adjust to the concerntrate and bicarbonate they use through the machine. I would often have to dash to the bathroom. Things settle and do get easier and we just have to be patient and wait for that miracle transplant. Dialysis doesnt have to mean the end. I know I'm new to this but I'm only in my 30s and I've got a lot more life to live and this disease isn't going to take that away from me it just makes it a little more complicated.

Stay strong with support and encouragement you will get there and always someone here to offer a ear.

Take care Marvin

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to Charlene_Coxhead

When you say your tummy took a while to get used to the concentrate, are you talking nausea or diarrhea?

Charlene_Coxhead profile image
Charlene_Coxhead in reply to Marvin8

Diarrhoea unfortunately. Some people to others dont. Some get wind others dont. I think everyone is very individual. Some can eat and drink on dialysis I cant. Unfortunately theres no science you just have to try these things.

Are you about to start dialysis soon or just considering your options of PD, HD or HHD?

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply to Charlene_Coxhead

Right now I'm fluctuating in the 50's, but my cystatin-c is good, so hopefully it'll be a while before I start. I would certainly prefer diarrhea to nausea, but neither are good. I wonder if it's possible to maintain one's normal body weight when on dialysis? I suspect not. The very best of luck to you.

in reply to Marvin8


drubina111 profile image
drubina111 in reply to Charlene_Coxhead

I am amazed with your story. You are really doing well with your lifestyle balance. Its so encouraging. Did you any time try herbal medicines and do they actually work.

JimVanHorn profile image

The medication that helps kidney disease are your food choices. Stop eating foods high in Phosphorus , Sodium, and Potassium. Cut way back on protein, only three ounces per meal of chicken, turkey, or fish (not fried). Drink the amount of water daily that your doctor recommends. Watch your lab results with each visit so you know how you are doing. Eat fresh foods and nothing processed. Do not cheat on your diet. This helps your kidneys more than anything else.

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