I have CKD Stage 3b and am working with a nutritionist and adhering to a kidney friendly diet, but keep losing weight. I have a high metabolism and have always had a problem keeping weight on, but this diet is not providing me with enough high calorie options. My nutritionist advised me to eat more nuts, seeds and artichoke, but that hasn't helped. Does anyone have an idea on what low sodium, high calorie foods I can eat?
How can I gain weight on Kidney friendly diet? - Kidney Disease
How can I gain weight on Kidney friendly diet?

I interpret "kidney friendly" to mean CAUTION with what you eat. You don't eat meat every day, but that you can eat it occasionally. You don't eat nuts by the pound, but a smaller amount will be fine. Same with dairy, etc. And focus on some kidney beneficial foods that you can enjoy for snacks. And then keep track of your numbers and adjust accordingly. Workin' for me. Dave at 82.
I have the same issue. Plant based does not work for me. Low protein has my ALB too low. I have hyperthyroidism so even when I was eating fast food, fried foods, frozen meals I still never had a problem with weight gain. When I looked at some of the ideas for high calorie foods most were candy and cakes. Low sodium now has my serum sodium level too low. It's a damned if you do and damned if you don't. I've yet to find a dietician that helps other than provide a list of high potassium foods.
Let's keep in touch as you and I are in the exact same boat. I am searching high and low for an answer that works as I can't afford to keep losing weight. And yes, damned if you do and damned if you don't. SO frustrating!
Do you have diabetes or HBP? It's been suggested that toast with jam can add calories. I found a high calorie Boost (530 cal) but if I drink too many in a week I get bad stomachaches so I limit what I can.
I found some plain walnuts and have added a handful a day as a snack. Are you in the US or elsewhere? I found unsalted pretzels and have been eating them with some cream cheese. For the longest time my potassium has borderline high, now it's down to 4.1 so I'm adding in some of the higher potassium, high cal foods like a banana once a week, maybe a potato or two.
For a long time I struggled with no appetite so my neph prescribed a med to help stimulate my appetite but still fruits and veggies don't have a lot of calories and there's only so much lettuce I can choke down.
I am in the US and have HBP. Thanks for the tip on Boost and unsalted pretzels with cream cheese. My nutritionist has been warning me off of too many carbs, but I still eat potatoes and have toast and jam every morning along with oatmeal, nuts, berries, grapes and oat milk. I will add back in a banana occasionally as you suggested. I am literally eating all day long - but just like you, fruits and veggies can only take me so far in satiating my hunger and keeping the weight on. Given that I have lost 10 pounds in the last month, my nutritionist is adding in avocados and copious amounts of olive oil.
I don't have diabetes and my glucose levels are fine so I have no problem with carbs. I know people cut them way back in order to lose weight so I figure the more the better for keeping/not losing weight.
Good point. I don't have diabetes but my glucose level is high normal. I think I'll take the plunge with the pretzels and cream cheese and just keep watch on the glucose. Thank you so much for your help!
I have the opposite problem, but I found that carbs always reversed my weight loss, carbs such as brown rice in the soup, oatmeal, whole grain waffles with one egg white. (I had to cut all those out). They are all kidney friendly as far as I know. Nuts are kidney friendly as long as you keep an eye on your potassium. Ask your nutritionist about how much olive oil is safe for your heart, then find a way to use that much, in cooking or on salads or whatever.
I'm impressed that you're sticking to a kidney diet, bit I'm getting the feeling that you're doing it too well. Ease up a bit and have two waffles and maybe a banana every day. Everyone is different and has different food needs. And, the bottom line is that food and diet may not effect everyone the same way. It's only within the last several years that doctors are talking about diet. Before that no one talked about it. Some docs still dont. I started out very strict with my diet and was miserable and became anemic. I slowly put back foods in my daily meals but always watched the sodium and potassium. Amazingly, my labs numbers got a little better and stayed that way.
I'm not recommending that you stop watching what you eat. I only think you should be more reasonable. Your weight is as important and may even be more important than kidney watching.
Best of luck. Keep us posted
Thank you so much for saying this. I do think I have gone to an extreme as when I received my diagnosis, I panicked. Unfortunately, my nutritionist has supported my extremism, but I don't fault her for that. It takes a fellow CKD on the same path to understand the journey. For that, I am so grateful for this forum and feedback people like you and others provide. Many thanks!
I had some negative experiences with dietitians. The last one I was referred to was a life coach who approached diet in a cult like manner. She never asked what foods I liked or disliked. She made up menus that were totally foreign to me. I didn't even have any of the food supplies in my pantry. That's when I knew I had to take charge of my own food intake. Everything in moderation and it worked out fine for me and it still does. Fortunately. I had a sweet, kind kidney doctor who supported my move.
I think everyone gets excited when they get first get the CKD diagnosis and start to dig in with a vengeance. For the past year, I have been eating a modified version of my past diets and my last labs have been the best I've had in a few years. So, be so advised and once in awhile eat those bananas and waffles. Good luck and best always
I have the opposite problem, but heartily agree with Drmind. Be careful but loosen up.
Suplena carb steady Therapeutic nutrition for people with CKD. 420 calories per 8 ounces. By Abbott Labs. Taste like vanilla malted. Good recommendation by kidney nutritionist
Taken it for 5 years. Helps gain / maintain weight.
This sounds very promising! I did look it up and found that it is nearly impossible to find now. Even Abbott doesn't sell it anymore. Where do you get yours? I am wondering if they are just replacing it with Nephro LP, which is also owned by Abbott? Nephro HP is for patients on dialysis, but Nephro LP serves the Suplena market. The only difference is that Nephro is a dry powder application.
I believe you are correct with the switch to Nepro with same calorie content. Suplena had only 10 G protein.
I had order several 24 count from Amazon and haven’t ordered since I have not tried Nepro
Other info which is not related to weight gain but provide to you as a recommendation
I’m not sure why the change , however Nepro does look good. I have recently been using OWYN with 20 g plant protein but only 180 calories. I use it in conjunction with the Ninja jug and filter which also provides an alkaline pH. The taste is no different than water.
Both for me have slightly lowered my creatinine level
Hi David, I lost 11Kg last year to be diagnosed with CKD S4, HBP and Hyperthyroidism. I trained in Macrobiotics back in the 80's so dug up the books and applied myself. I reversed the Hyperthyroidism in 2 weeks and started to put on weight but it is work, as this diet is essentially vegan. They had me on BP tablets for a month but has to take me off as my potassium went to 6.3 last test put it at 5.5. The CKD I is holding steady saw the nephrologist the other day 2 months after diagnosis and they were not to worried. I will get a CTscan later. Hand full of nuts daily help, but sometimes it feels like you never stop eating. I do be shocked that size of the portion doesn't make me feel stuffed. I hope you find the balance. Best of luck. G
Thank you for sharing your story, Gerrysan. I remember Macrobiotics well. Good for you for going back on that diet and reversing the Hyperthyroidism and Potassium! That is amazing. Balance is the key, isn't it? I'm hopeful I will get there and start seeing some positive results soon.
Hi David100....the pretzels I found on Amazon are called Splits. I found the walnuts on Amazon too...Tata Raw. They have plain, tumeric/ginger, and cinnamon. I have all three and mix them together and eat a handful. I also found a recipe on line (Mayo Clinic) for Pumpkin Spice Muffins that sounds great so I'm going to try it. I'm constantly eating but still stuck at 92 lbs. I need at least 5 more.
Those turmeric/ginger Splits sound delicious. I am also going to also look up and try the pumpkin spice muffin recipe. Thank you, horsie63, and here's to both of us piling on the pounds (within reason, of course!)
How's it going David? I have labs on Wed and based on the results may start eating some bananas. Perhaps a baked potato. I'm still having no luck with the weight gain.
I've been thinking about you, Horsie65, as I did make the Pumpkin Spice muffins from the Mayo Clinic you recommended and I thought they were delicious. Great recipe find! Despite adding 2 of those a day on top of other additions others recommended, I am with you - the weight gain is still not there. However, I'm finding more tasty things to eat, so that helps!
Nuts and seeds ,??? Not really recommended for people with Kidney disease unless just a small amount each day.
Hi Seabreezegirl. I had read that when I first was diagnosed, so was surprised when my nutritionist recommended I eat both nuts and seeds and gave me exact amounts to eat daily. Given that my latest labs showed my numbers are improving, I'm sticking with them as long as my nutritionist recommends them.