Any young moms with stage 3? Have 3 year old. How do you handle being so tired
Mom with stage 3: Any young moms with stage... - Kidney Disease
Mom with stage 3

Are you sure it's from that? How low is your gfr?
I’d recommend getting your b12, vitamin D and iron levels tested. Low levels of any of these cause fatigue as does stress and depression. Ruling out other reasons for the fatigue is important as you are attributing it to KD but it may be something else. Have a word with your Doctor.
Hello Lo10,
Three is a lovely age, children are so interested in everything yet can be exhausting for us; even more so when we are not well ourselves.
I too have had kidney problems for a very long time. I'm not a young mum now but I used to be and it is very hard when you feel so tired all the time.
Some of the things I found that helped included other people. I'm sure you already do many of these things.
I found it was always so much easier and more fun to include family and friends in day to day events. They can be such a great help for sharing troubles, making you smile and for babysitting to give us time to rest or catch up on what needs doing. I remember doing a lot of things sitting down too; playing with the children or doing chores. In the time I had to myself when they were sleeping I would plan ahead; I was happier if I was well organised although this was not always the case and things would often go wrong.
The main thing I found though, is to be kind to yourself and not expect everything to be perfect. You're doing a great job in very difficult circumstances.
Best wishes,
PS Have you had your iron levels checked? Some of your tiredness could be anaemia and that can be treated...
Aaawe how old are you... I’m stage 3 but I’m 54... bloody hell ... you must be way younger to have a 3 yr old bless you... I don’t sleep well... have water retention and on water tabs. ... had this ckd3 for years now... but lisiniprol stabilizes me... stay strong lovey🙏🙏🙏🙏
Im 43 year old mom of a 12 year old i understand completely some days i drag thru my dad sending prayers and hugs