Hi. I have been stable at CKD stage 3A for 10 years since initial diagnosis. I also have problems with a hiatus hernia/acid reflux which are helped by taking a PPI (Omeprazole). However, I have read that use of PPIs is damaging for kidneys so have been advised to stop taking them after 4 - 6 weeks and am worried about managing the symptoms without them. The doctors don't seem very clued up on this subject - does anyone have any experience of taking long term PPIs with CKD?
Taking PPIs with CKD : Hi. I have been stable... - Kidney Disease
Taking PPIs with CKD

I am at CKD 3b and have been taking Omeprazole (lowest dose) for years. Being concerned about it I asked my gastroenterologist about connection to CKD. I was told best to keep taking them in my case. I too have hiatal hernia and GERD. I guess have to weigh all factors? Keep us posted on what your Doctor says.
Thank you, that's helpful. I will see how the symptoms are when I finish this round in mid-January. Can you just tell me by lowest dose, do you mean 10mg?
What low dose are you on? I had been on 10 mg of Omerprazole, but im on 20 mg now. I may try to get back on 10 mg. Have both GERD and hiatal hernia.
The 20mg Omeprazole (OTC) seems to work for the GERD and Hiatal Hernia.
I have the same results....20 mg works for GERD and hiatal hernia. I have an appt.wirh my nephrologist in a week and an half and will check further with him
Thanks drmind. It would be very helpful to have a nephrologist’s opinion on use of Omeprazole. I was diagnosed with hiatus hernia and GERD 13 years ago and took either 20 or 40mg for a few months initially. Symptoms largely disappeared so I stopped but then found out I had CKD 3 years later. Not sure if the Omeprazole contributed to the damage or not but have not taken it again until this year when symptoms reappeared quite strongly and ongoing since February. Have started taking the PPI again (usually 20mg) but don’t want to keep taking it if it will cause further damage. Would be very interested to see if you can get any further guidance.
Good idea. My PD also approves. One does not know what further damage to our bodies if we were not to take Omeprazole. Maybe there is a suitable substitute. In my case it does not appear to damage my kidneys according to eGFR.
Ill ask my nephrologist when i see him in a week and a half and report back to everyone. As i change.my diet, i may try to get back on 10 mg instead of 20mg.
Hi drmind. I hope you’re doing well. Just wondering if you managed to get any information from your nephrologist about taking PPIs?
Had a hectic telehealth visit with my kidney doctor and never got to ask. His staff kept calling a wrong number for me while i waited on the right number. GFR continues to fall and im so worried. Back on old BP meds plus a new one and still can't get BP right. I see him in 2 weeks in a face to face appt and will ask. However, i go over my meds each visit and he never said anything negative about omeprazole.
Got my first vaccine shot this week and all went well. Hoping the same with the 2nd one. Stay safe and be well as possible
I have this very same issue! Any suggestions out there?
Hi cmo999, good advise from our fellow members. I was diagnosed with stage 3A recently. I have an appointment with a nephrologist in February, meantime I've changed my diet, no more meat, just fish/chicken veggies, etc. However, that change on diet made me lose weight 4 lbs in the last three weeks. It's great that you have been able to maintain stage 3A with no further damage to your kidneys, how is your diet and exercise routine?
Aside from info on Omeprazole, id also love to have info about your diet. Im struggling with mine once i found out that the frozen fish i was using in my new diet had too much phosphorous in it. Going out to buy fresh fish is difficult with covid19 around. Thanks
I have some information below that may help you get some general information. When you open the website look to the far left column and click on elements you'll see other items that you can check for in various foods. Just scroll down and get to the type of food you are looking for. I hope this helps. If you have trouble getting the link to open, try it a second time by copying the whole link and delete the www and then try it. That's what I had to do when I didn't go directly to the site. Sorry if this is confusing.

Thanks for this site. It opened without the Its helpful and i think that I downloaded this before. However, my recent problem dealt with phosphorous. I had been buying several slices of flounder frozen with my grocery pickup. then, someone on this forum mentioned that lots of frozen poultry and fish were frozen along with high doses of phosphorous. I checked my frozen flounder package and noticed that it was definitely frozen with a phosphate ingredient. So, all my recipes with frozen flounder and other frozen fish have to be changed and this is not easy. I'm still trying to find out if I can handle whatever phosphate is present in these items. Gosh, one has to be a food chemist to figure this all out. Buying fresh fish several times a week is not an option with covid around. I have a wonderful recipe with flounder fried with butter, lemon, and capers that I would hate to give up! Darn.... Waiting on a referral for a dietitian and i guess it will have to wait until my next nephrologist appointment in a week and a half.
Once the site opens and you click on Elements on the left side all of the various elements are listed on the right side and can be clicked on individually. I've used it mainly for the sodium and fat content since my gallbladder was removed.

Sounds good. You've done so much good research thst you share so freely. Thank you

Finally, I found the chart for Phosphorous by looking at the right. I was in too much of a rush to read your instructions carefully. I've got my charts now. Hope i can do better with checking out some of my old recipes. Thanks again.
My caregiver recently purchased "Renal-Friendly" food from momsmeals.com. The info on these says they are designed made by dietitians especially for those with kidney disease. The website also has "diabetes-friendly" meals" and offers other special needs meals. You might want check this site. The Renal-friendly meals are $7.99 but if you are a member of Davita you pay $6.99 for each meal and there are several meals to choose from. Best wishes for your health.
Kidney.org gives advice on PPIs.
Sorry no idea - but I take Peppermint Oil Capsules and manage my Hiatus Hernia as my reflux is very mild.
I actually take 30mg of Lansoprazole have done for years and have CKD 3b, recently have had to up it to 60mg because of acid reflux which hasn't touched it so am now being treated for Helicobactor Pylia which I have already had 2 times already. That's the trouble we are given the tablets but don't tell you its bad for CKD so what can we do, I chew gum which helps because of all the swallowing you do keeps it down, hope you get sorted soon Love & Hugs Xx
That's very true that's why it has to be treated antibiotics 2 types before it takes a real hold and causes ulcers, so beware if it continues get to your Dr in case you have it. Love & Hugs Xx
Acid Reflux can also cause Esophagial Cancer....known as Barretts Disease
Me too! Pantoprazole 40mg twice a day helps more than the omeprazole as my gerd is worsening as i age. It also helps my nausea but still i have symptoms, they said it was ok but not ran by nephrologist as I fired my last one. Not but one practice around me. If icould i wouldnt take ant PPIs but yeah i really need to…
I have a CKD linked to Omeprazole but stress its very, very rare. I didn't even have any issues just used as a protector for another medication. It is now CKD over time. I crashed to 8GFR spent weeks in hospital and am now 26GFR. Just one of those things and entirely unpredictable its been life changing though. I'm not going to say you should worry over it just follow the advice of your medical team as it is so rare I'd still have taken it. Make sure you get regular blood tests which I did and that probably saved my life. But again sometimes these things are just so rare that it has to happen to someone and statistically it probably won't be you. I hope that helps.