I have stage 4 CKD and high cholesterol. I cannot take statins due to them causing muscle wastage and pain. The cholesterol injections have not been tested on CKD patients. I have tried to research plant sterol as a possible solution but NICE do not recommend this supplement for people with CKD. Has anyone any suggestions on a solution?
Plant sterol and stage 4 CKD: I have stage... - Kidney Disease
Plant sterol and stage 4 CKD

Hi Eveebear,
This may be an obvious question, what do you eat? Take a look at your diet and see if there are things you can eliminate that might bring you cholesterol down naturally. Mine was high and so was my triglycerides. I cut out pretty much all meat and even chicken to some degree. I stopped all butter, peanut butter or high fat foods including my beloved mayo. I limit my cheese to some degree and I eat egg whites. I eat lots of salads and veggies. I dropped both numbers significantly and also lost weight.
It also helps to move more. It does not mean you have to go run ten miles. But try to do something active everyday for at least an hour or two. My biggest problem was I had a sedentary job where I sat for 8 hours. My only movement was the time I walked to different rooms for meetings. Then I was so exhausted at night I sat. Just a little bit at a time makes a big difference.
Hi Bassetmommer
I have tried cutting out meat and eating veg and salads
I walk 90 minutes a day with my 2 dogs. Swim an hour every other day. Cycle an hour now and then.
But I have under active thyroid as well. Nothing has worked. I don't lose weight and even a renal dietician and bio chemist can't solve my problem. I spoke to pharmacist at renal dept today and have been told to avoid all supplements. Garlic included and plant sterol caps.
Thanks for your reply and advice.
I must admit I do like egg yoke. But only have one duck egg a week.
Hi Eveebear,
I can empathize with your frustration. My cholesterol has been slightly elevated for years due to my having Hashimotos Hypo Thyroidosis. I also have
Membraneous Nephropathy, an autoimmune kidney disorder where I spill protein.
I was found to be statin allergic in December of 2017 after a very painful 8 month episode caused by Lipitor, which really didn't lower the cholesterol by much even with dietary changes.
Like Bassetmommer, I really looked at and adjusted my diet, which is key to many things. The egg whites are a great alternative to the eggs.
Myself- I have been totally plant based since January of 2017; eating salads with olive oil and vinegar dressing, lots of fresh and fresh frozen steamed veggies, fresh fruits, cream of wheat, gluten free oatmeal, hummus, beans, I also switched to Benechol Lite if I need a buttery spread and a tad of fish every now and then. Alot is reading labels as well.
I read and found Clinical Strength Plant Sterols by Piper Biosciences, as an alternative to statins via their website and Amazon.
I then called a renal dietician as well as my PCP regarding the use of Plant Sterols before trying them.
Both approved this particular product due to the ingredients.
My PCP also added the use of 1200mg Lecithin twice daily as well about 6 months later. Spring Valley is the brand - it is not soy based etc. I also try to walk.
I just had my labs done last week and found that my LDL has dropped to 125 ( ranges 64-131) and my HDL is 74. My total cholesterol is within 17 points of normal and my Triglycerides are perfect. I am hoping to get the LDL lower.
My husband and I have both lost weight since making the dietary changes.
Take a look at the Piper Sterols as they do list ingredients. Write them down and talk it over with your doctor, who is your go to person; perhaps he/she will be receptive to letting you try it.
The other alternative we discussed was Zetia, which is not statin based.
Bear in mind that we are all different and our bodies respond differently to different things, and it takes time !
I understand as CKD is no fun and the thyroid is an annoying challenge; although medication can keep it in line.
Please let us know how you are doing - we care.
Hang in there!
Hi Bet117
Many thanks for your reply.
I will ask my renal team about the Piper Sterols and also the Zetia
I told the bio chemist that I was more concerned about my kidney function than cholesterol and that I thought the CKD would be more likely to kill me off than a heart attack.
I had a calcium score scan and she was amazed that my result was a score of 5. That is a score a 20 year old would have on their arteries.
I think I will try a plant based diet though because I need to loose weight and it will be interesting to see if it changes my GFR.
Hi Eve,
The plant based will be great! As mentioned, I don't miss meats etc. in the least.
As far as the choices between the CKD and cardiac, you are right.
I have had to choose between thyroid friendly veggies and kidney.
Kidney won, hands down!
Speak to your RD anyway; curious as to the response. The Piper product lowered my cholesterol asap.
Let me know how it all plays out.
Wishing you and all of the folks in our community a wonderful Passover or Easter; which ever is celebrated.