I’ve been stage 3 now for 2+ years age 35 and have dealt with varying levels of anxiety my whole life. How do others in this group deal with anxiety or feelings of anxiousness pertaining to work and every day life while facing Ckd? This has been my hardest challenge.
Ckd stage 3 question on how people deal wit... - Kidney Disease
Ckd stage 3 question on how people deal with anxiety with ckd

Hi Yogi, This is a really good question. Here is my opinion only. The only way to get through any chronic illness is to be educated on it. Fear comes from not knowing. So the more you understand your condition, the more you can work with it.
For example, understanding the impact of certain medications on renal function. Just because a doctor orders something does not mean it might be good. Do your homework and talk to your doctor, and or, pharmacist. Look it up on Google and then talk to your doctor. They hate the challenge, but tough. It's your body.
Understanding the impact of consumption on the kidneys is also important. Learn about healthy living, no smoking or limited alcohol, exercise and proper renal diet can make a huge difference.
Find out about how other commodities such as high blood pressure and diabetes can affect CKD. Find out what you can do now to prevent them.
Being in charge of your health will give you confidence and power. YOU are the only one who knows how you feel and what works and what doesn't.
Accepting that anxiety is not failure. It is concern. Everyone has some to some degree, including me. CKD is definitely a challenge but doable. Understanding the illness will really help. Talking with other patients will help support you so you do not feel so alone and overwhelmed. I have been fighting this battle for 17 years. There are many of us warriors and are here to support you and have you join the tribe.
Hope this helps.

I took a Davita class and it helped me. I was diagnosed at 3b.
hi.i take things one day at a time.i enjoy sunrises and sunsets and no longer let the small stuff bother me.it is what it is and once you find you can let go of whats bothering you it kinda falls into place....it did for me anyhow and ive been3b since 2019
i was 3b for 10ish years and am now stage 4. Anxiety is real, especially in ckd patients. You are not alone.
Yes, learning what you can will help. While there are lifestyle changes that will help you like diet, exercise, and cutting down or out on smoking/alcohol, stage 3b is still moderate.” For me, I was able to live a pretty normal life.
That said, for anxiety, I’ve had to wear a mouthguard at night to prevent teeth grinding, and I journal, and meditate to reduce my stress and anxiety. I also just started seeing a therapist and am learning to not dwell on the negative.
If you can, do something that you love at least several times a week, whether it’s an activity like running/playing a sport, or painting, or even watching an episode of your favorite tv show that makes you laugh.
And just to reiterate, you are not alone. Feeling anxious about having ckd is normal.
I have anxiety about my disease. I went to therapy when I first found out because I was not functioning it overwhelmed me. I stay informed and read all I can about the disease, especially diet. I try to do what I can, sometimes I don't do as well as I should. I don't beat myself up about it. We are not promised tomorrow weather we have ckd or not. Live each day the best you can. Get help if you need it. It has helped me.
i am 70 yrs. old and have been in stage 3a and b and even an egfr over 60 a couple of times . i was diagnosed w/ ckd 5 years ago but probably had it longer than that, since i have had hbp since i was 19 yrs. old. i became extremely anxious after trying to deal with this disease and others (prostate cancer). i was having a hard time functioning due to the anxiety. my doctor eventually put me on lorazepam which i have to say has helped a lot.i am sure a lot of folks out there feel that that was probably not a good decision but I believe that some people are just not able to cope any other way.