Hi, I'm new here, I am so happy to have found this board! In advance I want to thank you for reading all this, and I realize not to expect medical advice. I just need some direction. I have been feeling VERY ill for almost two years, and the docs think I'm nuts (probably). My skin has darkened, major fatigue, salivary gland stones (severe pain now), red eyes and vision gradually worsening, fever, swelling in belly and veins, rash on neck and chest, swelling around neck and ribs (lumps on ribs) which is painful. Urgent care doc said that was calcium deposits, but family doc said they weren't. One month ago my eGFR was 59 and creatinine a little high, which is new for me. These numbers haven't deviated to outside reference range ever. I told the doc I have kidney pain, but he said we'd recheck if needed. I went to the ENT for neck swelling yesterday and the labs came back today:
I'm hoping someone could give me an idea of what to expect this coming week when I go back to the doctor, and it seems to me my latest labs point to CKD:
eGFR = 55 (L), Creatinine = 1.09 (H), Glucose Level = 103 (H) *Incidentally my BUN was marked (L) = 7 and MCHC = 30.5 (L)
**My son has a genetic disorder (BBS) that is autosomal recessive and often leads to renal disease and decreased kidney function. He was born with solitary kidney and our genetics puts us at risk for CKD.