I been doing hemodialysis for 1 1/2 year now, I’m still afraid and depressed ever since. I’m also started menopause, I’m 51 and having hot flushes all the time. It makes my bp shoot up everytime I have hot flushes. I’m on antidepressants and I feel like I’m all alone. I can’t ask no more from my husband because he’s the only one working and putting food on our table. I don’t know what to do
Always afraid since I started dialysis - Kidney Disease
Always afraid since I started dialysis

HI Worrylady,
You are not alone. I am going to recommend that you contact the National Kidney Foundations peer mentor program and see of you can get connected with a peer mentor. It is a great program. You will be paired up with someone who will be there for you.
I would speak to your doctor about the hot flashes, especially since they are raising you BP. There are things you can do to help with those.
And you I would tell your husband what you are going through. You are not asking for anything other than understanding. It might help him to understand what you are going through. We think we are a burden, but reality is that people want to know and understand even if there is nothing they can do.
thank you for understanding my situation. I feel a little better knowing I’m not alone. I think a mentor will help me a lot, somebody to talk to.
Your husband is your life partner in all things. You should communicate with him your needs. You are never alone here in these forums. We all love everyone and care about everyone.
Hello Worrylady, I'm so sorry you are going through this and feeling afraid.I was on dialysis for 9 years and my husband also worked.For me it was very hard to talk to even the people who love me because you don't want to burden them even more, and I also felt they couldn't understand.But , I did talk to them and I still do.They do want to know what you are going through,they love us and want to help.(on second transplant and starting to lose it GFR 20) but I also went to a weekly yoga class and brought my own mat etc and walked in the park when I could.And you could take a class for just about anything at a local college as I did.Sometimes just getting out helps alot.I don't know if you have any religious affiliation but praying would always be a comfort to me when I was at my worst and still is.
I hope things get better for you soon and know you are not alone.
Best wishes
Thank you for your advice. I always felt like my husband and the few friends I have cannot understand what I’m going through. I guess that the only people who would understand are the people who been through this Like the people in this forum. That’s why I’m so glad I joined in. Good luck with you, I hope your kidney keep on for the longest.