Hi I’m new here and I have CKD stage 3 due to having high blood pressure and diabetes also I’m very afraid and feeling pretty alone in my situation so I’m here hoping to find some support and encouraging information because I feel completely overwhelmed and lost
New and afraid : Hi I’m new here and I have... - Kidney Disease
New and afraid

Hi and welcome to the community.
You have certainly found a supportive place to be. Since you and I have similar issues let me share with you some details. I've had T2D for almost 20 years. My last A1c was 5.4 without medication. I also have HBP which is controlled by three medications.
I was diagnosed with CKD about 40 months ago. I met with a nephrologist, then met with a renal dietitian and we developed a kidney-friendly meal plan that with just a few minor tweaks has moved my GFR from its low of 32 to a current average of 53.
Even though there is no cure for CKD you can slow the progression with a good meal plan, an exercise regimen developed for you by your doctor(s).
You can learn more about CKD by going to davita.com and registering for a virtual, free, 90-minute Kidney Smart class. Lots of information and resources will be available. You can also go to kidneyschool.org and view their learning modules. Anything you need clarification on, ask your nephrologist.
If you have any concerns please come back and you'll find many knowledgeable folks to help.
Best of luck.

Thank you I appreciate you sharing 😊
Hey there, I am in the exact same boat as you and on a steep learning curve. My first piece of advice is to have a nephrologist that gives you information. I did not. The only thing he said was “you have kidney disease stage 3. Lose weight, exercise, and watch your salt.” Luckily, for me, I have a friend that has been through every stage. If you message your email? I would be happy to forward you any info she sends my way. She asked me, is it in one or both kidneys? Is it stage 3 A or B? When I told her my doctor never told me or explained anything, she was adamant that I get another doctor. I have done so and have my first meeting in November. I would be happy to “Buddy” you on this journey.

Welcome to the forum. I was diagnosed at CKD level 3b over 4 years ago. I am age 79. The Doctor put me on a CKD diet based on eGFR and other blood work (sodium, potassium, phosphorus and protein restricted); and an exercise routine (in my case walking). The progression of CKD has slowed. My wife and I also attended a kidney class given by Davita which was very helpful. Please reach out to the forum if you have any questions and keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you so for sharing 😊
I find that knowledge and being pro-active is helpful too.
Yes! I totally agree with Orangecity! My pcp was unconcerned that I was stage 3 ckd and through encouragement here and researching on my own, I repeatedly requested a referral to a dietitian and nephrologist.
You are not alone and the members here know the fears at first diagnosis and are responsive and supportive. Welcome to the group.
That was me back in August . Since then I realize I have hope . I have gone from darkness to accepting it’s a lifestyle change that can be managed . The good people here have lots of good advice and Personal experiences. Chin up and do what you need to do to stop the progression!
Hi TayMinni80,
I am kind of like you, I was diagnosed last year with stage 3 and right now still trying to learn. I am on four different medications to control my high blood pressure.
I use this forum for help and support and find it to be very helpful. Hang in there. you are not alone.

Hi TayMinni,
Welcome to a great community composed of wonderful, compassionate and knowledgeable people, as you can see by the great responses that you have received.
Honestly, your feelings are very normal. The words kidney disease can be frightening alone, without the connected high blood pressure and diabetes. Take a breath and know that you are on the right path as you have been identified which will yield treatment.
Unfortunately, kidney disease, diabetes and high blood pressure can't be cured but they can be controlled with the goal to prevent progression.
At this point, it imperative that you put together a health care team who will listen, discuss and explain labs, medications and heath issues to you in basic language. These folks should also be willing to communicate with each other as well as to be on the same page to benefit your health.
Together they will put together a health care plan geared to your individual needs and guide you.
Doctors should be your first line of communication so finding team players and communicators are so important.
My thoughts are to print out a copy of labs prior to each appointment; check off any labs which flag high or low based on the ranges next to your results. List questions and ask your doctor. I often will note on the sides of my lab sheets and transfer discussion notes into a notebook after the appointment. This serves as a review point after I leave the office and a reference point before the next appointment. If you have a family member who can join you at the appointment and scribe for you that would be great as it is a second set of ears and allows you better focus on the discussion.
Diet, medication and exercise are keys to stop progression, control the diabetes and keep your BP in check.
Mr._ Kidney and Orange City have both given you fabulous insight and direction. The Davita Smart Class is wonderful, informative and free of charge; look into it.
I would also ask for a referral to a dietician who will review your labs with you and make food suggestions which will be appetizing, nutritious and healthy for the kidneys hypertension and diabetes. Think of it as a healthier lifestyle change rather than a diet. You can even discuss your food choices with your doctors. My PCP and nephrologist are always willing to answer questions about choices.
Remember that this is process which takes time to settle in with.
Just know that you are not alone; reach out to anyone of us at anytime as we will ways reach back!
Stay safe and positive! Looking forward to hearing good words from you!
TayMinni80 welcome to healthunlock you are definitely in the right place. Your not alone I have kidney failure and facing dialysis very soon. I am in some ways afraid too,but since I have been on this website I don't have as many fears alot of my questions got answered and the support that I have received has helped me to stay strong and knowing that I'm not alone helped me too. I am a diabetic and kidney failure. Please know that you are not alone on this journey there is still so many things I don't know but I kept asking questions and expressed my fears.

HI and Welcome
The thing that is great about this forum is we all have walked the walk. It is frightening in the beginning. But as you see below, there is a lot you can do to help preserve your kidney function. Don't hesitate to ask questions. If you have a question, chances are really good that so does someone else and someone will have an answer.
Welcome! I know the feeling you are thru, I was just diagnosed 6 months ago with stage 3 kidney failure. Since then I have been very proactive with getting some control over it. I found that the DaVita website very helpful, they have a Kidney Smart class that I do recommend, they have recipes for kidney friendly diet and much more. I also found other websites that I'd be glad to share if you'd like. God Bless
Thank you much I’m interested in any information I can get so far I’ve only visited DaVita
For your low/no salt diet, go to:
Healthy Heart Market - healthyheartmarket.com
Italo's Pasta Sauce - pastasaucegourmet.com
Brick House Salad Dressing - chefbricker.com
Walmart - walmart.com (has tons of low/no salt foods that you won't find in stores)
For more info on this disease, go to:
National Kidney Foundation - kidney.org
American Kidney Foundation - kidneyfund.org
Hope this helps you!
Google DadVice.com...this guy is awesome at explaining Kidney Diet...You can still do a whole bunch at Stage 3 to slow the progression....
Hi TayMinni. It's good that you've reached out and found us here. I'm a caretaker to my husband, who has Diabetes II, and recently went on dialysis at age 70. Please be assured that you still have much living to do. Simply keep in mind that the health condition that is influencing your kidney health is the underlying diabetes. So keep that tightly controlled and, if you can, try to eliminate it. (Diabetes destroys the small blood vessels in your kidneys and elsewhere - the vast majority of kidney failure is due to that monster. ) So, in that journey, your food choices will be very important. The "Renal Diet" is a good diet to follow if you use substitutions for the high carb/high sugar items it promotes. It's smart that you're being proactive in trying to improve your health picture now. My husband stayed in Stage 3 for many years, lulling him into complacency which he, of course, deeply regrets now. I sense that your interest in turning things around now, and not later, will make a huge difference. Sending you much encouragement your way. Please keep us posted!
Slowing down CKD is not just about reducing sodium intake. Based on the lab results you may have to lower protein, potassium, and phosphorus intake as well.
It's not about maintaining a diet where you can cheat here and there and get by. It is all about making lifestyle changes that allow your kidneys to not have to work so hard when they aren't healthy.