Hi family, I went back to my doctor and my ultra scan was fine and my blood test showed my creatine level at 138, but my blood pressure was high and I was anemic. So my dr has me on new pressure tablets and iron tablets. But I'm worried that my urine is tea colour and sometimes I see blood when I urinate. I told my urologist and he wanted to admit me this past Tuesday for a ct scan and he was bringing in my gynaecologist and physician. However now he is sick and I have to wait to do the tests. Have any of you experienced dark urine like this?
Dark urine: Hi family, I went back to my... - Kidney Disease
Dark urine

There can be so many reasons for dark urine including not drinking enough water. Wait until you have more tests and find out what is going on. Follow up with the doctor to make sure they reschedule your tests.
Hello there, Isipingo! Yes. I can definitely say I know what you’re going through. My urine is almost always dark, and foamy. From what I’ve learned on the internet, this is generally caused by excessive protein in the blood. When kidneys are in a weakened state, they don’t properly filter these things well. I do my best to maintain a low protein diet, however, being a diabetic, I need to consume a little, to offset the carbs I intake.
And, I can also relate to the high blood pressure and anemia troubles you are experiencing. I would say, follow your doctor’s instruction. She / he knows, based on your lab results, what is required to adjust those things. Believe me, you are not alone on this forum. I’m sure most of us can identify with what you’re enduring. We’re here for you, dear. Please keep well, and keep us posted on your progress. I wish you all the best. God bless. 😊👍
Hi Sammi_n_Munk thank you for replying. I'm so worried about the urine because sometimes I can see blood. My dr has given me a new date for tests after her postponed. I'm in South Africa so specialists are busy, and patients have to wait till they have time for us😢
Hello again Isipingo! I can understand your concern. It’s always difficult when an important appointment is delayed because our doctors are overwhelmed with many patients to see. Perhaps though, while you’re waiting to see the kidney specialist, you could ask your family doctor to refer you to a renal dietician, who could help you with any necessary changes to your diet.
Try researching online on the website, DaVita.com. They usually have very helpful recipes and lists of kidney-friendly foods and beverages for people in all stages of CKD.
Also, try to drink more water in a day in order to help flush the kidneys. Sometimes, that may also help with the dark urine. It may be that, without realizing it, you are dehydrated. Dark urine with blood is actually quite common in those of us with CKD, unfortunately.
And with regard to your anemia, if your doctor has not yet prescribed some iron supplements, then ask her / him to. Even over-the-counter iron supplements should work, but remember to take them with something that contains vitamin C, as the iron may not get absorbed by your body well enough without the vitamin C. (I learned that the hard way).
I hope some of these tips are helpful to you. Please do keep us posted on your progress. We are always here for you, Isipingo. I’ll keep you in my prayers. God bless. 🙂🙏
If you aren't dehydrated or haven't imbibed a urine-coloring substance, you need to look into this quickly. Find another doctor post haste.

I have ADPKD Polycystic Kidney Disease and I often had those symptoms with cyst ruptures UTIs etc. Get in to see someone. Blessings
It could be a kidney stone. I had brownish colored urine for a couple months starting last year in April. Then one evening, I drove myself to the emergency room while experiencing extreme pain in the groin area that came on suddenly. A urine test showed there was blood and a CAT scan showed a 7mm kidney stone that my urologist told me wouldn't pass on its own. I had surgery to remove the stone and the urine color was normal again.
Hi dave9136 thank you for your reply. My urologist suspects that and wanted me to go for a ct scan but is unable to get a booking for me. I'm getting worried about the urine being so dark and sometimes blood . Keep well, I will keep you posted.