Is there a chart or something that shows how much phosphorus, potassium per day is best?
Thanks to all for the help
Is there a chart or something that shows how much phosphorus, potassium per day is best?
Thanks to all for the help
There is no amount of "how much." Each person is different and depending on what your labs show. A renal dietitian will give you a place to start. You'll find daily recommended allowances but people with CKD will have different levels.
So true. Based on my labs Doctor restricted my diet to Max of 850 mg per day
DaVita dialysis centers (if in your market) provide all that, plus lots of other worthy information, as a part of their free KIDNEY SMART 2-hour seminars. I'm CKD4. I am finally charting what I eat (protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorous). I have a fairly repetitive diet, so it won't be a monumental project. Lots of foods don't routinely list potassium and phosphorous on their labels, so it requires some "detective work."