I have stage 3 CKD, gfr 41, creat 1.4. What can I do to improve these #'s, either with diet, natural or meds. Also, need a renal diet. Suggestions or site referrals.
Improving #'s & need renal diet: I have stage... - Kidney Disease
Improving #'s & need renal diet
Hi shira, please see this video "Is CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Reversible with Diet?" on Utube for Dr. KenDberryMD. He talks about how to reserve ckd with diet.
Generally speaking, patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are advised to limit their sodium and protein intake and if recommended by their doctor, may also need to make adjustments to the amount of fluid, potassium, and/or phosphorus in their diet.
Because each person’s dietary needs are different, I would recommend that you ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian to discuss your specific needs.
For more information about nutrition and early CKD please visit us at: kidney.org/nutrition/Kidney...
In general look up Kidney diet on Google. There are foods to avoid and others that are limited. The ones that are hard to understand are "high potassium and Phosphorus". Like potatoes and tomatoes and any canned or processed meats. Dark colas are out. My creatinin was 5.1 and I followed the correct diet and now my creatinin is 3.7, so it really makes a difference and over time can save your kidneys. My doctor told me how water I should drink as well, and you should ask your doctor, since we are all in different stages.