Hello all! I'm excited to announce that I'm finally healthy enough to go back to school! I was accepted to an online program starting this summer as well! It is a very exciting time despite how rough this transition through dialysis has been.
I started having some serious abdominal pain that has been very disruptive to my life, but I'm hoping that keeping a steady dialysis treatment and some tests can figure out what's going on. Thankfully my dialysis hasn't been affected, so I'm keeping positive thoughts on that.
My blood pressure has also been chronically high, so I started back on my Losartan, which has helped tremendously to lower my blood pressure. However, my potassium has been on the lower side of normal (3.5-3.6) and I've found that if I have an active day, I'm washed out and stuck in bed for 2-3 days following. My dialysis nurse, the nutritionist and I are working on ways to boost my potassium as well.
On the transpant front, I've had 2 donors already denied due to medical issues present that make it too high risk for them to donate. I have another donor being screened at the moment I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works out.
I will admit that with some of the good things in my life, there are plenty of challenges and I'm sometimes left wondering why I bother continuing treatment or looking for another living donor. It's a very emotional ride and no amount of counseling could have prepared me for the sheer amount of mental and emotional baggage that this transition back into what can be considered my new normal has given me. I'm a lot slower than I was mentally, which is the most frustrating part. I just keep the slogan "just keep swimming" running through my head. My mom also reminds me that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.
I am still making lemonade with the bazillion lemons that life dumped on me. I'm slowly pushing through finishing my incompletes so I can be free to either get a transplant in the summer, or go back to school. I'm also juggling the medical stuff that goes along with dialysis, but overall I'm in a very positive point in my life and everything is very manageable.
I would love to see other people's experiences with kidney disease/failure and how you all are doing! Hope everyone is well and thank you for reading my post