Kidney's are sneaky: Hi I am a new patient of... - Kidney Disease

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Kidney's are sneaky

Marie4 profile image
10 Replies

Hi I am a new patient of stage 3 kidney desease. I was totally surprised by it. My b/p was 127over 80 my A1c was 6.00' so I guess will find out my quest for all of this inFebuary. I want to stop it in it's track now. I am 63 years old, and not ready to kick the bucket.

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Marie4 profile image
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10 Replies
Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador


Hang in there! The most important thing was that the kidney disease was discovered so that it can be addressed. Understandably it is a shock and you have every right to feel frightened. Just remember that you are not kicking the bucket until your doctor says so!

Right now, the most critical thing that you can do for yourself is to make some dietary changes. No more ted meats, watch your sodium intake ( 1500-2000mg) per day) which eliminates cold cuts, canned soups etc. and eat alot of fresh or fresh frozen steamed vegetables and fruits such as apples, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.

Limit your protein intake daily ( there is a calculator on the NKF site as well as food lists and suggestions for eating out..under "tools" , I believe..or google it)

Try to get some exercise in even if it is walking..

Chicken, fish, eggs and eggwhites are recommended. Dairy in moderation and drink lots of water.

I read labels and don't touch anything that is not no sodium or low sodium.

The more plant based the better.

The davita site also good as they provide information as well as recipes which break down each meal into calories, sodium, carbs etc. take a look.

Make a list of questions for your doctor when you see them in February and have them explained in layman's terms. Don't be afraid to seek a second opinion as you are paying them for their services.

Inquire about a renal dietician or RD to meet with and discuss food choices and portions as a path to help you.

I am sure it sounds overwhelming..but remember that you are not alone, one of us is always on the other side of the computer to support you!

Stay strong and please let me know how you are doing!

I care.


Marie4 profile image
Marie4 in reply to Bet117

Thanks for the reassurance , I have started to change my eating right after my diagnosis. I eat lots of veggies, and make smoothies with frozen fruit and almond milk. I stick to chicken or fish for my protein . So I gonna give it ago, and I have already lost 6 pounds only 15 more to go!

Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador in reply to Marie4

Hi Marie!

The greatest advice on the site is below.

I am in total agreement with both Mr._Kidney and O City.

I would advise you of the same thing, as well as staying positive!

Know that we are all here on the other side of the computer to support you..just a click away!

Please keep in touch..I care!


Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador in reply to Marie4

Excellent! Go girl! Stay strong and be in touch!


Ps: please see a nephrologist and dietician!

Good news! You are not dying. If you want to kick anything, join a senior soccer league and kick the soccer ball around.

Bad news! You can't stop it. Better news. You can slow it down.

First, if you smoke, stop. If you drink alcohol, slow your consumption way down if not stop it altogether.

Talk to your primary care physician and ask for help in developing an exercise program that will fit your health issues and lifestyle.

Get a referral to meet with a Renal Dietitian. Bring all of your lab values with you and the RD can help you develop a healthy meal plan with kidney-friendly meals.

Set yourself up for an appointment to meet a Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) and develop a Care Team of doctors and support people who are willing to be open and honest with you with the understanding that you make the final decisions regarding your health issues. For example, my care team includes a Primary Care Physician, Nephrologist, Urologist, Retinal Specialist, Cardiologist, Podiatrist, and Renal Dietitian.

Go to the website and find a Kidney Smart class in your area. It's a free 90-minute class that will answer many of your questions about CKD and gives you the knowledge you need to ask intelligent questions and understand your health issues with CKD. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

There are many websites to go to help you increase your knowledge. You've already found this site so you're off to a great start. to find lots of great information on CKD as well as many kidney-friendly recipes. to help you understand your lab tests/values. to help you understand your medications and how they may impact your health issues including CKD.

There are many other sites to help you but I don't know where you live but still, they are easy to find.

Good luck and remember to breathe.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador

Welcome to this forum Marie 4. It is very helpful in dealing with CKD. I too had similar numbers when I was diagnosed, Granted it can be a scary diagnosis, but there is hope. I am 76 and was diagnosed at CKD level 3, and with prescribed diet and exercise routine my eGFR number progression has slowed down. It is important to be proactive, and as others have stated to be informed.

curleytop1 profile image

Hi Marie4, Agree with all the other comments above, just want to add that one can stay at level 3CKD for many years (in my case at least 7 at 76 years old, also female - and have seen even greater numbers in years on earlier posts) so try not to worry too much. By taking control of your diet and lifestyle, you can feel calmer and more relaxed and can enjoy other aspects of your life. Good luck and best wishes - Curleytop1.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to curleytop1

Very well put Curleytop1. I too am 76. You are right about control of diet and lifestyle and not to stress about it. Sometimes think is natural to say to yourself.. "this darn diet.. measure this weigh that" But it is well worth it to keep on the diet.

cstrutt profile image

Hi, I've been diagnosed with ckd3 but am only 40, so scared it's going to get worse. My creatine level was 101, so quite high I think. I've never smoked and may as well be t-total. I'm just trying to be careful with what I eat. Not had much advice from docs so feel a bit alone and unsure how worried I should be

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador in reply to cstrutt

You have come to the right forum for support and sharing and information.

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