At stage 4 ckd I was referred to the renal diatician (sorry can't seem to spell it right), who seemed during the telephone consultation to know a bit about nutrition but very little when it came to dealing withe the cooking of food! All she could bleat was to boil the vegetables! When I asked if there were any recipes books of table of nutrition available, there was no reply. She even had problems with recognising vegetables as when I mentioned augergines and courgettes, she asked what they were!! Am I being stupid or is she? Surely there are people out there who can devise suitable recipes for low potassium and low carb diets, as there must be quite a few of us that have the combined whammy of type 2 diabetes and ckd. Where are you all, and how do you manage? Please reply before I die of starvation or just a high potassium diet.
Are there any recipes out there that cater ... - Kidney Disease
Are there any recipes out there that cater for low potassium and low carbohydrate diets?

I am a T2D with CKD. I use the website to find doable recipes. I take none of them at face value. Their recipes give you complete nutrition information and list which ones are good for diabetics. I look at the recipe and make additional changes in areas that I am particularly concerned with, like potassium and sodium.
You can also use apps and websites food trackers for nutritional information regarding any substitutes.
Once you learn which foods contain a lot of potassium you can make changes to ones that are lower. If your renal dietitian isn't helping perhaps your nephrologist can give you a suggestion.
Another site to help is
They archive webinars and a week ago they held one on Potassium and Kidney Disease. It's now available on their site to download and offers a lot of specific information on vegetables.
Best of luck.
Thanks for good info. Will check out I also use Davita for recipes and make modifications. Also for those recipes with too high in potassium ingredients, I look for substitutes.
Last week I watched the Potassium and Kidney Disease webinar. I wish I'd had CKD as a child. I found out Brussel Sprouts weren't good to eat if you had CKD. My mother was wrong, Brussel Sprouts are not good for you! Maybe it wasn't diabetes that caused my CKD. It was eating Brussel Sprouts when I was little.

With pre-diabetes and CKD 3, I am now recovering from a horrid bout of diverticulitis. I've used Davita and Fresenius sites also with modifications for the 1st two but after too long on liquid diet, 3,800 mg of antibiotics and soft foods, bought and boiled high fiber fresh brussel sprouts. Hadn't checked the D. food rec's beforehand and eating just 3 of those little demons produced painful d. symptoms within a matter of hours!
Chuckling with you, Mr. Kidney! If only I'd known about brussel sprouts beforehand!
Sandyandtweed, I appreciate your frustration and your great sense of humor. I googled the 1st two for diet and found several sites that helped but the best came from handouts from the non-renal dietician for the combined diab. and ckd. food lists which give calories and portion suggestions.
For an oldie who ate anything and everything and maintained a stable weight for the 1st seven decades, this new journey is complicated and not for the weak spirited but it can be managed when we better learn what works for us and what doesn't.
Off to check out the's archived webinars and the NKF's Food Coach. Thanks to all who share valuable info, personal experiences and worthwhile links on this forum.

Dear Mr Kidney, I tried to register with Davita, but the website refused to recognise a UK telephone number! I have asked my family in the USA to register me with their address but so far my requests have fallen on deaf ears! Aren't families lovely!!! The National Kidney Patients Association in the UK has brought out a recipe book but it seems to have neglected to include nutritional values alongside the recipes, and that isn't helpful when you are trying to combine both the requirements of both the renal and diabetic diet recommendations.
One of the ambassadors in this community, OC, posted this a short time ago, and I've copied the link and posted it below. It should provide you what you are looking for.
I, too, started with recipes on the Davita website. When you read through those recipes you’ll see at the bottom of each suggestions to modify that particular recipe to lower its carb level, lower it’s protein level, lower potassium level, etc. These suggestions are provided by renal dieticians. And, as Mr Kidney has said, the recipes on the Davita web site have nutritional information per serving calculated by renal dieticians.
Fresenius also has recipes on their web site. And other online websites for persons with CKD include recipes as well. I spent a lot of time reading the recipes and their suggested modifications on the Davita website shortly after I was diagnosed. After doing this I had a pretty good idea how to modify other recipes to make them renal friendly as well as which other recipes I found online would be pretty renal friendly.
So at that point I began entering these additional recipes into an app called HealthWatch 360. It’s free and available for both android and Apple devices. It will give you accurate nutritional information per serving of other recipes. You can make modifications in these recipes, eg, substituting red bell peppers for tomatoes, and see how those substitutions impact the potassium level, for instance.
The other thing this app does is let you calculate your total daily food intake and therefore your daily amounts of stuff like sodium and potassium. I’ve actually entered many of my family favorite recipes into this app. Some needed no modifications to meet my renal and Type II diabetic requirements. Others did need modifications. Now I’m able to cook family favorites and eat them with confidence that I’m staying within my nutritional targets on a daily basis.
Hi Sandyandtweed - The NKF has a handy tool called My Food Coach where you can find and save recipes, along with tips for dining out:
I hope this helps!
Join Natural kidney Journey group on Facebook. They can guide you improving your kidney function and it's free.
Something else that I started doing was listing the dish I wanted to prepare followed by ckd. Doing that often led to various kidney websites which listed recipes for that dish.
Many thanks to you all. I have collected a number of useful website addresses, and am about to go sailing off into the wide blue ether!
One more question--- What nutritional value do vegetables have that have been soaked/boiled? All the water soluble vitamins and mineral on the surface have been washed away, and boiling usually softens and makes some vegs very slimy.
So far I have not been given parameter guidelines on amounts of the upper and lower levels of the various nutrients needed, is this normal to have to wait or is this yet another problem caused by the lack of joined up thinking we suffer from in the UK medical establishment? (Another question!)
Best wishes to all my new buddies!
In regards to your question on nutrients, check out this website
If you type “how are nutrients in vegetables affected by cooking methods,”
You will find a whole bunch of articles related to this issue. More likely more thorough than most of us know. In some cases the nutrients are more easily digested and the nutrients are more easily accessed through light steaming, but generally heavy boiling loses many of the nutrients so in the case of potatoes, it becomes more of a filler food and one that really isn’t that great for those of us with CKD.

Hi Sandy,
I do leech my broccoli. I simply soak it in warm water for about two hours. Then I dump the water and cook until it boils and then turn it off. I let it sit for a minute until the stems are just soft. It keeps the flavor and it is not slimy.
One tip is using cauliflower for many things. I put it into the food processor and crumble it so it looks like little pasta and add it to soup and other things. I have not tried any of these yet but you can make a dough from it and make pizza and bread from the dough. I make a mac and cheese ( lo fat creme cheese and some cheddar) where the main ingredient is cauliflower and not the mac. Even my husband eats this.
The issue with plant based and potassium is the limit of great veggies that you can enjoy. My doc and I are talking about me going back on a binder so that I can continue to eat the veggies I love. And I love brussel sprouts. Haven't had them in ages. I like to roast them with garlic and olive oil or steam them until they are just soft and add mustard and butter. They used to be part of my winter diet before I knew better. Not anymore.