It's not heavy it's my blubber. Oh ye... - Weight Loss Support

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It's not heavy it's my blubber. Oh yes it is!

pcrw profile image
6 Replies

Just back from walking 3 miles. 1 1/2 miles to the supermarket and then 1 1/2 miles back but the shopping. Four bags of frozen spinach and two packets of contraband (chocolate biscuits for the builder) my purse umbrella and keys all in my back pack. Downhill on the way there and obviously uphill when laden on way back. On arrival home I thought I would weigh my back pack and found it weighed 5.25 kg.

Just think I have lost more than twice that amount i.e. Nearly 12 kg and that was what I was lugging around with me everywhere day and night. No wonder I puffed and panted up inclines, my knees hurt and my hips ached. Thank goodness I have lost weight and have only another 8 kg to lose to hit target.

I simply could not have done that walk at a brisk pace 8 weeks ago.

So folks when you are getting a bit downhearted don't be tempted to give up or eat that biscuit or sweets or extra helping because your body is crying out to be relieved of that extra burden you are asking it to carry.

When I took that back pack off on arrival home I almost felt I was floating

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pcrw profile image
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6 Replies
YellowRose55 profile image

Brilliant post pcrw and a great way to relate to your weight loss with the heavy bags of shopping. You have done brilliant to do all that walking with the heavy bags. :)

NinjaW78 profile image

great play on words with you post title, and well done on the 3 miles :-)

Thermopod85 profile image

That's a fantastic loss and thank you for your inspiration.

Good job!!

Wadestreet profile image

Thank-you for that inspiration. I was feeling down in the dumps today. I have to rearrange my healthy eating plan less CARBS!!

pcrw profile image

Sorry you are feeling a bit down but hey the sun is shining and as I say each morning - "I am still alive" and so are you.

I have found by cutting bread, potatoes, pasta, cakes, biscuits, crisp breads and all things sugary and restricting myself to one piece of fruit a day or blackberries, strawberries or raspberries or blue berries and eating full fat greek yogurt I am no longer craving food and the wrong foods at that. If you haven't read Dr Michael Moseley the 8 week blood sugar diet which explains the science behind it, its worth a look. You can get it from Amazon and no doubt in the library and book shop as well. It has enabled me to lose weight steadily and rapidly when I had not been able to do that for years. I count calories and only eat low GI carbs.

Give it a whirl

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