Starting my weight loss journey again... - Weight Loss Support

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Starting my weight loss journey again...

aimeex95 profile image
21 Replies

So I have decided to get back on track and start trying to lose weight again. I am angry at myself as I started last year at 16stone and got myself down to 13stone but with depression lingering over me I went on massive binges of food nearly every day and I am now 17stone so I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I am only 22 and I have been living a reclusive life for 4 years due to my weight, depression and anxiety, my weight problems started when I had my daughter at 17 years old.

I feel horrible and I have limited clothing that fits me so I am determined to get this weight off for good this time. My end goal would be to get to my weight before I got pregnant so that would be 8stone but I would be happy to just get to the 10stone mark by this time next year. I am sick and tired of spending my days in the same house and only leaving for things that have to be done. I want the happy me back, to be able to go and do fun things, to bring my daughter to nice places and to be healthier and get rid of all of the pain that excess weight brings.

Today will be the day that I change everything, I have always had an all or nothing approach to anything in life so I am positive that I will do this. I don't really know if anyone will read or respond to this but I feel like it will help me by just taking a few minutes to write this and get that clarity to start this day well.

I would love if anyone with similar weight loss goals could write to me and we could share tips and help each other along because this will be far from easy. Thanks to anyone that has read this, bye for now, Aimee.

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aimeex95 profile image
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21 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Aimee :)

Your story is very similar to mine, I was 19st 10lbs and a recluse in my house, but that was 20 months and 7st ago, so I'm proof that things can be turned around :)

Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread, then move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you.

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news.

Take a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as a lot of people have been successful with it, making sure to enter your details into the BMI calculator, to get a calorie allowance tailored to your personal requirements. Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate.

We run daily weigh-in's and you'd be very welcome to join us. The threads can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the HOME page, bottom on a mobile.

We also run a Daily Diary, where we share our meal and exercise plans for the day. It's a great place to get ideas and to keep us focused. The link can also be found in Events.

Be aware, that the HU app doesn't give you access to all of our important features, so we advise that you use the full website page.

We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too.

It's only left for me to wish you well on your journey :)

aimeex95 profile image
aimeex95 in reply to moreless

Hi :) wow that is an amazing achievement, well done :D Thank you very much for that information, I will be sure to have a look at it :) I am actually excited to get this weight loss started :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to aimeex95

That's a perfect mind set :)

Louxa profile image

Hi me too! I'm over 18 st (haven't weighed for two years) and will get my scales today (as I never had any in the house) and am determined to get rid of my extra weight. I've always been happy go lucky about it and didn't want to become a boring obsessive dieter but recently with some health issues and my belt not fitting well on a plane seat I realised I must have become massive without realising it! I'm 47 so think it will be slower for me than for you but would love some advice on how you lost those 3 st first time round? I can't do running but I can cycle and swim and I've just bought a bunch of home exercise dvds. How did you do it first time? Would be very happy to support each other.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Louxa

Hi and welcome, Louxa, I hope that you'll read all the information that I've given to Aimee and we'll look forward to following both of your journeys and seeing you participate in everything this forum offers :)

aimeex95 profile image
aimeex95 in reply to Louxa

hey :) we can do it :D I lost the first 3 stone by using the myfitnesspal app to track my calories at the start but I got bored of using that so I started slimming world, I didn't attend classes but used facebook groups and information online for help and it was brilliant. I didn't actually do much exercise due to how unfit I was (and how much I hate it), so I only went for half an hour walks with my dog every morning when my daughter was at playschool. It helps that I live in the middle of nowhere so very few people could see me struggling on those walks.

I know it can be done but for me to be able to do it I need to be in the right frame of mind and thankfully I seem to be getting that back after a long time not caring :)

It would be great for us to support each other :)

Louxa profile image
Louxa in reply to aimeex95

How's it going?

Ceals profile image

Congratulations aimeex95 and Louxa you have just done the best thing you could possibly do. Joining this forum is life-changing and life-saving. Come on regularly and get involved in the conversations and challenges, you decide what you want to be involved in. Everyone else will support and encourage.

People choose different routes but we all have the same goal-to weigh less. Apart from our lucky friends who are maintaining their goal.

I don't know what kinds of things you eat but I have cut out all refined sugar (no longer have a sweet tooth and can have 1 piece of chocolate and leave the rest), I eat no ready/processed foods as they contain things I don't want to eat and that are not good for me, alcohol-a glass a week maximum but not every week, just find I no longer want it. I don't put anything in my mouth unless it is good for me.

Having said all of that, this is just what I do, you decide for yourself what you will do. Above all enjoy your lifestyle change and have an adventure with food. It is a friend not an enemy. Well done for making this decision, I am sure you won't regret it.

aimeex95 profile image
aimeex95 in reply to Ceals

Thank you :) I hope that in the next few months I too can cut out all processed things, I am good with making dinners and lunch with healthy ingredients, I just need to get my portion sizes under control :) I do enjoy a challenge and I am looking forward to changing my life for the better :D

Ginger-shell profile image

Hi aimeex95!!!

I read... and I want to say hi!! 😊😊

I too have moments of low days and weighed in at 17stones 3lbs in January this year. To say I wasn't shocked would be an understatement!!

I am have never been small- I think 12 stone the lightest so I am heading that way too! I walk as much as I can good exercise but for my mental health it's a saviour. Personally, I need to go to a slimming group- gets me out lol but it's whatever suits your personality and lifestyle xx

I am here! Xx

Good luck you can do it- one day at a time with a plan and routine xx

aimeex95 profile image
aimeex95 in reply to Ginger-shell

hello :D yes i agree with the exercise for mental health :) I was loads happier when I was finished my daily walk, it just lifted my mood more than anything :D the weather is lovely today so I plan on going for a walk later on :)

thanks for writing here :D Good luck to you too :) xxx

Stevo5585 profile image

Welcome to the site to both of you, looks like you realize this is not going to be a short term achievement, it will take time and dedication. You've already shown you can shed the pounds aimeex95, you just need to learn how to continue doing it until you reach your goal.

Ceals made some great points, apart from one, the maintainers here aren't lucky, they didn't scrape off a scratch card and suddenly get healthy, all of them worked at it and are now reaping the rewards of that work and dedication. The fact that they are still here, maintaining, means that they are still working at it, just as much as we are!

See it more as a long term healthy lifestyle that leads to weight loss, rather than a short term loss of weight that lets you indulge once more.

Good luck and stay active on the forums, it's a real boost when you're down, reach out to us instead of a packet of biscuits on your bad days. The congratulations are a great boost when you've got good news too.

aimeex95 profile image
aimeex95 in reply to Stevo5585

hi :) Thank you, yes you are 100% right, I need to find a way to avoid self-sabotage and I am sure with all of the support on this website I will be able to achieve my goal.

I am looking forward to making these changes as I need to be a good example for my daughter, it will be a long journey but it will be so worth it in the end :)

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to Stevo5585

You are absolutely right Stevo5585 I know it isn't luck that maintainers are indeed maintainers. There is lots of energy, planning, and hard work to get to goal in the first place and then to maintain. I honestly don't underestimate this.

Thanks for the reminder.

Clark1973 profile image

Lots of luck on your journey Aimee! I'm starting as well today, lets do this xx

aimeex95 profile image
aimeex95 in reply to Clark1973

Awh thank you :) and same to you :) we will be thankful that we took this step once we reach our goals :) xxx

Louxa profile image

Great and motivated first day yesterday, scales arrived, have goals in place etc I was wondering what reward system you give yourselves with the whole do not deprive yourselves of anything mantra in mind. For example do you say one meal a week eat what you want? Treat yourself to a night out or takeaway? Or is this a slippery slope. When I was doing 5/2 diet it worked as I just naturally became less greedy as stomach shrunk. Any tips?

aimeex95 profile image
aimeex95 in reply to Louxa

brilliant :) well with me I have difficulty with having treat days as I tend to go on massive binges with high calorie food and find it very hard to start again fresh the next day, so I avoid having those kinds of days as much as possible as that is how i ended up gaining 3 stone in less than 4 months by not being able to get the motivation to diet again.

I know plenty of other people manage very well with having days of eating what they please and remain good for the remainder of the week and have great success with weight loss, I just know it doesn't work for me. :)

For my rewards I like to order myself something, not anything expensive but things like candles or bath bombs to help relax :D x

LizzyB23 profile image

Hi Aimee,

Oh I feel for you! It is hard to find things to wear and it makes one feel embarrassed to go out. You are brave to start again, to share your struggles, and there are lots of people that are in the same boat and want to support you. Look forward to hearing more about your journey! What's hard about being an all or nothing personality and weight loss - and I know because I'm like that, too! - it can be easy to give up when we make mistakes or have an off day, week or month. What I'm going to try to do is just stay engaged with the community and not beat myself up if I slip up! Don't know if that's something you are worried about, but if you find yourself in that position, just know that we are all here to support each other and help pull each other through the harder patches of the journey!

VictoriaKG profile image

I hear u. All the best

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to VictoriaKG

Hello and welcome to the forum VictoriaKG 😊

You have replied to a very old post so I doubt this person is still active on the forum I’m afraid ☹️

If you haven’t already, then please read the Welcome post here which has lots of useful information about all the things we have on offer

Best wishes in your weight loss journey

Indigo 😊

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