Newbie needing some inspiration - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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Newbie needing some inspiration

β€’27 Replies

Hi all, I've just signed up as I need to lose some weight and get a bit fitter. I have tried every diet and slimming club and have even got to goal once at weight watchers but have gained all if not more weight each time. Any tips would really be appreciated 😁

27 Replies

Hi Hidden and welcome to the forum.

Check out the Welcome Newbies post in the pinned posts section (to the right of your screen on a pc, bottom on a mobile) - this contains some great info for starting out and navigating your way around the site. Then work out your BMI using the NHS BMI calculator and have a look at the 12 week healthy eating plan. Don't forget to sign up for the weekly emails.

Take all of your before measurements and maybe a photo.

We run weigh-ins every day; at the moment Sunday is our least busy day and consider joining some of our challenges as they are fun and motivating.

We also give out weight loss badges and you are welcome to have a Newbie one for the first 12 weeks of your journey if you would like one?

Best of luck and I look forward to seeing you around ☘

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Thanks for your reply. I will have a look at the 12 week healthy eating plan. I would like a newbie badge, thank you 🀞🏻

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You're welcome :-)

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How do I join in a weigh in day?

Some days are full so let me just check which ones have available spaces.

Ok Sunday as I said is the least busy. I'm posting the thread for that tonight, so if you follow me, you will be notified when I post it.

Or alternatively if that's not convenient, Thursday and Friday still have spaces.

You will see the thread appear in the newsfeed either the night before the weigh-in or on the actual day. Read the instructions at the top of the thread and log your weight. We run a competition and the day that loses the most weight for the week gets to wear a badge to represent that until they lose.

Let me know which day you would like and I'll add you to the list 😊

hdarcy profile image
hdarcy in reply to

Could I also be added to the Sunday weigh in please 😊

Can I have Sunday please?

in reply to

See you tomorrow πŸ˜‰

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George56 profile image
George56 in reply to

Good luck to you. G56

in reply to George56

Thanks George

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How are you gettting on George?

Hi Hidden :) Welcome to the forum. :)

Perhaps before starting any healthy eating plan you could have a really good think about why you over eat/eat 'not the most healthiest of foods' etc; do you perhaps comfort eat, are you eating through boredom, is it a coping mechanism...all these you need to ask yourself. Often being over weight is a symptom to some underlying issue, perhaps emotion turmoil or stress that needs to be addressed. Only you can answer these questions. First address your relationship with food and attempt to understand it.

Good luck and I hope at least some of what I have said helps you.

Sazkia :)

George56 profile image
George56 in reply to

That's me in a nutshell!!!🌰 I now have the help from the Health Centre meds etc. ABERDEEN NHS as well. I'm going to take all the support I am offered. It's been a fight all my life. I'm going to be more positive this time. Good luck to everyone who has the same issues.🍽 George πŸ‹

in reply to George56

You sound motivated. Good luck. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Thanks Saskia fir you helpful reply. I do eat relatively healthy but too much and too many unhealthy snacks. I have yo yo dieted for years joining every club going and although was reasonably successful the biggest amount of pounds lost were of the money kind and every time I gained even more weight! I also found that food becomes an obsession

in reply to

Find a new obsession - for me it's now exercise and running. I'm in love with working with my body and seeing what we can do together; body and mind in unity or at least that's what I aim to achieve! ;)

Good luck! :)


I've downloaded couch 2 5k so will give it a try, not sure at 57 I will manage though

Liz-is-trying profile image

Hi Lou-mac.

Well done for making a start on your journey. I got to goal weight years ago then without paying much attention it crept on again. I have just lost two and a half stones. I never think of myself on a diet, I just cut the rubbish out of my eating. No biscuits, cakes and crisps, and started exercising. The weight started coming off! Bring it on! I snack on fruit and raw carrot, and don't feel I am missing out on anything. When you see how many calories are in a chocolate biscuit, for instance, and how much exercise has to be done to shift those calories, I feel they aren't worth the bother.

Good luck!

Liz-is-trying profile image

Hi Lou-mac.

Well done for making a start on your journey. I got to goal weight years ago then without paying much attention it crept on again. I have just lost two and a half stones. I never think of myself on a diet, I just cut the rubbish out of my eating. No biscuits, cakes and crisps, and started exercising. The weight started coming off! Bring it on! I snack on fruit and raw carrot, and don't feel I am missing out on anything. When you see how many calories are in a chocolate biscuit, for instance, and how much exercise has to be done to shift those calories, I feel they aren't worth the bother.

Good luck!

taymar profile image

Hi I'm new as well, just getting used to the site. I really hope I can use some of the ideas from the members and get some encouragement from the site. Good luck!

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to taymar

Im new to site also. I have already found it helps very much to be able to pick up the tablet and read other people's experience is the same as your own. It doesn't make you feel like a failure having dieted so many times before as most people on here are in the same boat. We are all experts on what we need to do its just putting it into practice for the rest of our lives. Best of luck.

taymar profile image
taymar in reply to Cuddlygran

Yes thank you, I wish you luck also!

Hi Taymar, I only came across this site yesterday and I'm really impressed with it. I, too, am just finding my way round it. Good luck to you too πŸ‘

You are right cuddlygran (love the name) we do know. Good luck to you too πŸ˜€

Cuddlygran profile image
Cuddlygran in reply to

Thank you sweetheart, and all the best to you to.

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