Eating Guidelines?: So in short, I... - Weight Loss Support

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Eating Guidelines?

12 Replies

So in short, I really don't work well with calorie counting. So instead I am trying to make "eating guidelines" or an "eating routine". Here is what I'm thinking of doing. Does it sound sensible?

Breakfast 07:30 - 40-50g wholegrain cereal with milk or porridge made with 40-50g oats

Lunch 12:30 - Wholegrain starch (i.e. a bagel, pitta, 2 slices toast) with salad or fruit

Dinner 18:00 - Split my plate into 1/2 veg, 1/4 lean protein, 1/4 starchy foods.

This is something I washoping to stick to on week days. I would vary it more at weekends so I don't get bored (perhaps soup).

I'm 250lb so I do have plenty to lose!

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12 Replies
Norni profile image

Why not work out how much this would typically be in calories?Then you would know if you were on track to lose weight. The proportions may be ok but it all comes down to portion size.

I think it is important not to be hungry though as it is likely to slow your metabolism as well as undermining will power. So

filling up on non starchy veg sounds excellent. Good luck.

MissisB profile image
MissisB4 stone

I know you have worked out how many calories a day you need before, but how many a day is it at the moment?

I sympathise with your calorie counting issues, and can see you are trying to work out a different solution, which is fabulous.

Other people have far more experience than me, but it looks lower in calories than I suspect you need, and I would certainly want more fruit and veg, and I like my (healthy) snacks during the day too.

If you want something structured in this way, you might find it helpful to go to the British Heart Foundation website, and look at their food plan, which is all about counting portions of different food types, rather than every calorie.


IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to MissisB

I was just going to suggest this 😊 An excellent eating plan 😊

Bu-dog profile image

Hi Natz, soup is a saviour. It's filling and healthy, you can have lots of different kinds so you don't get bored. It's a healthy option if you feel hungry too. I always have a pot in the go.

Good luck with your weight loss journey xx

nteapea profile image

It is good to try and think of ways that you can sustain weight loss that work for you, but I agree that this seems quite low in calories? I know you don't want to calorie count but we should not too little as it can hamper our weight loss and make us sad. Have you tried the hairy dieters books they have all the calories worked out so you would have a rough idea where you were each day but without being restricted

GoogleMe profile image

What is it about calorie counting that makes it not work for you? I'm not saying it 'should' but you have come up with a very rigid plan there which seems like something which isn't going to work for a lifetime. (And the weekends could easily undo whatever you have done in the week... if you already know that you might get bored with your plan, I think you know that it is not sustainable long term)

That said, I've been surprised that 30g porridge oats is enough to keep me going nicely till lunchtime (I have to weigh those oats every time because I can never believe that titchy amount dry in the bottom of the bowl is going to be enough) I make mine with all water these days and add the calories in the form of noticeable delicious things eg double cream. This morning I cooked mine with a handful of dried apple chunks and a drizzle of good maple syrup and I feel I have had a big treat as well as it supporting my goals.

Thanks for all your replies. I'm just going to bullet point answers to all of your above questions as it seems easier:

1) I have a metabolic disorder and so need to eat relatively low calorie in order to actually lose weight (I'm aiming for about 1500 calories - the above plan works out to about 1300 plus occasional treats and more relaxed weekends)

2) I will snack on fruit/veg between meals if hungry

3) I am also considering the British Heart Foundation plan which involves counting portions and fits in quite well with what's above

4) I don't calorie count as I have a history of bulimia and find it too triggering. I get far too obsessed and don't want to relapse.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

This is all sounding very positive Hidden 😊 The most important thing is knowing yourself and your triggers, then searching for a solution! well done on that 😊 😊😊

Ps I'm totally with you on the calorie counting issue, it makes me obsess and a bit depressed, the BHF plan really suits me, 😊

Fran182716 profile image

I'm not keen on calorie counting either whereas I find healthy eating puts me in a positive frame of mind. I would find with your breakfast and lunch though I'd need more protien and a little natural fat to keep me from getting hungry again too quickly.

feelgood41 profile image

You do not say anything about exercise. For me it is eat what you fancy with not much bread or potatoes, otherwise eat sensibly according to the meal in question and extra exercise to what you normally do in the course of a week. According to the amount of weight lost, adjust lo. Good kluckst it can always be adjusted the following week. Hoping you find a good routine and solution

cherv profile image

Nat welcome, bulimia can be a difficult condition and one to be feared to relapse. This forum is very supportive and will help you at anytime you have questions. I would think a few low calorie snacks during meals to fill yourself. Carrots and celery have empty calories along with green peppers and radishes. Drink 8-8oz glasses of water a day for hydration, also gives you a full feeling I like mine with lemon. Best wishes, join some of the areas groups.

Yveybeslim profile image

Hi You seem very organised with your meal planning so I think you will have great success, It's all about self control and counting calories works for me as I can see if I have saved enough to have a small treat. Best of slimming luck

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