Hello there people.
So here's the thing...
I'm not over weight and never have been but it's really hard to find people who will help/sympathise over my eating habits because i often get overlooked for NOT being overweight. BUT I have very unhealthy habits that i really want to crack.
I exercise 4 times a week happily (sometimes more), I have an active day job on top of dog walking everyday so I'm pretty fit! (I'm 40 btw). However...... I have been single for 10 years now (I don't mind at all) I'm mum to a 10 year old disabled child who can spend considerable time in hospital. In the day i eat healthy! Salads, stews, soups etc... NIGHTTIME My goodness once he's gone to bed i can seriously binge! I have this urge/craving/ i don't know what it is but i just want to eat utter crap! I think I'm a bit bored of my own company and something sticky and sweet can feel really comforting so i end up having more. I want to get back to my 9 stone fitness level but i'm always now sat at 10 ish and i'm guessing no amount of exercise is shifting the serious sweet tooth calories i'm packing in at night.
What makes it worse is that my son doesn't eat this stuff, only me!! EEK...... Can people give me some good tips on how to break this bad cycle?
Many thanks