First time here: People keep telling me... - Weight Loss Support

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First time here

WillBeTrim profile image
11 Replies

People keep telling me I am not fat and are surprised when I tell them my weight. I coach, play and umpire netball which takes up most of my evenings and I walk quite a bit at work. However, this morning I got on the scales and was not impressed so I checked my BMI which is 27.1 so I need to do something quick sharp.

I tend to grab a bite to eat when I can, which is often late at night, and I know I am not getting as much sleep as I should. I don't like being 'told' what to eat or do so I have shied away from the groups that meet once a week. Looking at the NHS website I found this group so I am hoping that I will get inspiration and motivation and start to get healthier.

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WillBeTrim profile image
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11 Replies
vivster profile image

You know that muscle weighs more than fat and we're all a mixture of fat and muscle and water and the scale just tells us what all that weighs together and that BMI says nothing at all about how fat someone is? 

If I were you, I'd get some scales that give you an idea of your body fat percentage and get some good nutrition advice. Maybe when people tell you you're not fat, they mean it. Also, what's your waist measurement? If it's half you height or less, you're doing fine. Don't obsess about the number on the scale.

WillBeTrim profile image
WillBeTrim in reply to vivster

Thanks for your reply. Yes I do know that muscle is heavier but all my clothes are getting tighter too ;)  

I also know that it is unrealistic to try and get down to the same weight I was when I got married 20+ years ago but I am now over 4 stone heavier so I would like to try and shift 1.5 to 2 stone if possible. 

I recently sustained quite a bad knee injury so exercise has been very limited for the last 6 weeks but on the plus side I haven't gained any weight. (Losing some would probably help my knee heal quicker) I am hoping that better portion sizes and less snacking along with drinking more water will do the trick but I could do with a little nudge from time to time to keep on the right path!!

vivster profile image
vivster in reply to WillBeTrim

Okay, well glad you took the comment in the spirit in which it was intended 🙂 I just thought that, as you say you do a lot of netball, you might need a more three dimensional picture of what the problem is and what you want to change.

Intermittent fasting - the 5:2 - has worked brilliantly for me. I'm down 2 stone since mid January.

WillBeTrim profile image
WillBeTrim in reply to vivster

Wow! That is a amazing well done. I looked into that a little while ago, I even bought and read the book but couldn't seem to get my head around it. If it is that good I will read it again. Thanks for the advice

vivster profile image
vivster in reply to WillBeTrim

It's pretty simple: two days a week you eat 500 calories or less. The rest of the time you eat normally, that's normally not excessively.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to WillBeTrim

Every 1 lb off takes 5lbs from your knees

Son1 profile image

There is an NHS 12 week plan that is very good - I think there are links on here, I've found it very useful.  Like you, people were saying that I don't need to lose weight, but nobody knows your body like you and where you really are and where you want to be.  I have been dressing very carefully for the last few years to hide what I don't like.

There is a Monday morning weigh in which is a good motivator, and it's nice because you don't have to go anywhere, just weigh yourself at home and put it on the thread on here.  Good luck!

WillBeTrim profile image
WillBeTrim in reply to Son1

That's great, thank you for the advice. I will do the weigh in next week.

Diana profile image

Welcome, here there is no big meeting or weigh in, no one will tell you what to do, help you tho.

WillBeTrim profile image
WillBeTrim in reply to Diana

Thanks Diana

Toomanybiscuits profile image

I'm on a similar page and only on day 3 and need to keep up that inspiration too! Hang in there and hopefully sharing progress will keep us all going together!!!

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