Poetry: I was scrawling through my... - Weight Loss Support

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20 Replies

I was scrawling through my photos earlier and came across this poem I wrote in August last year. When I wrote it I had been feeling a little low and had been particularly hurt by a couple of 'off cuff' remarks made by an acquaintance ( no longer even that). By putting pen to paper ( rather, stylus to Ipad) I managed to lift myself and boost my mood considerably. Reading through it for the first time since it was written, I find that the words still lift me to others negative attitudes, and in particular my weight issue and the perception some folk have about me, though they do not know me at all. I find poetry, however badly written or grammatically incorrect, cathartic. It can lift my spirits and help me overcome issues I am facing. For me it is a positive thing to do.

I thought I would post the poem and hope it strikes the right chord with some of you.

20 Replies

Hi, Thank you for sharing.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Shellie, I love your poem and I love your positive attitude towards yourself. I hope one day to emulate you, because at the moment I believe the people that make the hurtful, throw away comments and add my own into the mix.

I agree, you are amazing :)

in reply to moreless

Don't believe them moreless! Or you'll break my heart! People don't even know what they say, or seem to say by a look, a tone of voice etc. The worst thing is to constantly postpone happiness because of what you believe other people think x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

In my head I know what you say is true, but my heart is very slow on the uptake. I'm trying so hard to reset the way I feel about myself, but failing dismally.

I know it's something I really need to get to grips with, because otherwise I'll end up sabotaging all my hard work to lose the weight. like I have in the past. I just really don't know how to do it, although being on this forum is increasing my confidence, because everyone's so kind and supportive :)

in reply to moreless

Gradually is always the best way, by first realising you need to address it, next by getting on with your life, focusing on the now. But keep testing how you're feeling every now and then. Also keep reading. I know you read a lot round the net etc. Keep reading things that support you, not your critics. Positive thinking all the way :)

in reply to

By the way I was looking for things for you in Sainsburys today. They had stuff up to 22, don't know if that's their largest size, maybe 24s and 26s are actually quite hard to get? I feel pretty ignorant about what happens when you go up to those 20+ sizes, I was only just squeezing into 16s when I turned up here. But now I'm in absolute awe of anyone who sets out to lose weight, whatever the start point. Sainsburys has some ace slippers in at the moment by the way. Treated myself :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I looked at Matalan and they had just 7 items that were a size 24! I'm afraid there's not a lot out there outside the plus size stores like Evans etc

Great about your slippers, I suspect I shall get some from Santa (read grandchildren :) )

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Ruth,

You're always so calm, sensible and positive and wise way beyond your years. I shall do exactly as you've suggested and keep testing myself.

I know it probably sounds really silly to you, but I've been so close to walking out of my door and down the street recently, that I could almost feel myself do it. I've been thinking I'll do it this weekend with my grandson. I'll let you know if I've been successful :)

Let's hope I don't bump into someone like I did the other day who mistook me for a man. That shattered my fragile confidence, I can tell you!

in reply to moreless

Not always so calm ML. Had 2 panics of my own today. Finally relaxing and logging on here. We're all a work in progress!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

My goodness, by the time we've finished with each other, we'll be the slimmest, sanest people this side of the black stump! :)

You rarely let your panics show through Ruth, don't struggle alone, don't forget this is supposed to be mutually beneficial :)

in reply to moreless

Thinking of writing a post about stress actually... Might be useful... I think it def relates to food and becoming derailed etc... Watch this space :)

in reply to moreless

Let us know if you do go out with your grandson, pay attention to him and ignore everyone else, you'll be fine, great goal to aim for :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'm hoping to surprise us all. It's been a long time coming :)

Heartfelt words and never forget to celebrate who you're and where you have been. Life is too short and precious to waste on others that do not see us for who we are.

I'm sure you are beautiful in every way{{{{hug}}}}


merendina profile image

these are powerful words, written by a strong woman. Well done you. The acquaintance should hear them. And all those (us?) who often slip to judge the book by the cover, and make nasty comments about other people.

useitorloseit profile image

We all know people who do that stuff. Cut 'em out - it's the only way! I did that with someone about 3 years ago, and my whole life feels so much better now. I hadn't realised how much she was bringing me down till I got brave and told her I didn't want her in my life any more.

Great poem x

fibronfedup profile image

Your poem is beautiful hun. So heartfelt and touched a cord with me. Your right writing can be healing by letting go of the negative voices in our head onto paper. Never let anyone judge you hun. Stay just as beautiful as you are

Thank you for sharing such a special poem, a poem that we can all relate to. x

hi there Shelliel many i say that poem was beautifully written, i just wish i had read the when you had first wrote it, i love listening or reading poetry, like you i do poems but with songs, i would love to be able to write poems hopefully you can help me, just to let you know something about my size i'm 6 ft 3 in tall at the moment i'm down to 21 stone, 12 to 13 in shoe and i don't give a dam what people say yes it hurts i've had one this week that's hurt my feeling, but its over and done with, like i always say to people if you don't like what you see that's your problem not mine, i hope you can set me on the road to write my first poem forgot to say i'm 48 years old, so take care and many i say again that was beautiful bought a lump to my throat just reading it kindest regards Alan x

Thanks for sharing Shellie, great to read this as a poem, very eloquent and concise. Other people's judgments can be very harmful, more harmful than they may realise. I'm still haunted by comments from my teenage years, ridiculous how long these things can survive. It's all nonsense though. And we know it. Just got to keep reminding yourself.

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