'What my mum eats is nothing to do wit... - Weight Loss Support

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'What my mum eats is nothing to do with me!' and the dreaded weigh in.

sibyll profile image
39 Replies

Well I have not budged weight wise, so still 15st 4lbs and I blame it on the fact that I have not been drinking water.

I am just fed up with not being able to have carbohydrate, so I am afraid today I have broken out and I have had porridge for breakfast and for lunch brown rice with my stir fried chicken and broccoli and as I might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb - I might have a hearty slice of homemade, seedy bread toasted for tea. I must try to be better tomorrow.

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sibyll profile image
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39 Replies

You rebel!! Still sounds pretty healthy - so I'm guessing you've radically changed what you are eating compared to the past? Remember this is a marathon not a sprint and we are all in good company so enjoy the ride (and the toast....!).

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to

Yes I have changed since I boarded the diet train. I used to have hot croissants with butter - makes my mouth water just remembering them.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

The trouble with carbs Sibyll, is that they're addictive. The more you have, the more you want :)

I want to eat the whole loaf of homemade seedy bread! :)

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to moreless

Salmon and cucumber sandwiches are one of my failings.

in reply to sibyll

Oh, yes...

I have porridge for breakfast every day it is healthy and fills you up.

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to

Ah but do you have it made with milk and add cold milk and sugar? If you make porridge with water then for me it is gruel - sort of thing people lived off in Victorian times.

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to sibyll

Today I felt much better all morning having eaten it, so I am going to have some tomorrow.

in reply to sibyll

I have it with milk not really a sugar fan. I eat some carbs wih very meal. Carbs are part of a balanced diet.

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to

The way it was explained to me was that the carbs pull against the other foodstuffs and stop you losing weight.

in reply to sibyll

I have lost the best part of two stone. I keep within my calorie allowance. I eat toast fir snacks sometimes. The dietician told me to have carbs and protein in proportion at all meals.

in reply to sibyll

Sometimes butter and syrup are added...

in reply to sibyll

Try adding mashed banana to porridge (made with milk) - adds a lot of bulk, so you can kid yourself to have a smaller portion, also it makes it taste like banana milkshake :) 🍌

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to

It is hard to work out the calories for some of the meals I cook as I tend to just throw everything in and then take a portion to eat straightaway freezing the rest. Something like dumplings to go into the beef casserole I suppose I should be weighing the flour and the butter and then weighing it again when I make the meal the next time. However, I never weigh anything and could not tell you just looking at something what it weighs. I suppose this all stems back to years ago when I was first married and didn't possess scales and I learnt to cook just by bitter experience. I have scales but for me it would be arduous to weigh everything and it would take the spontaneity out of cooking and make what I find enjoyable, a chore. AND yes I can hear your reply, "Well Sib how much do you want to be slimmer?" AND my answer is a whole bunch, so I will start to weigh and count calories and make a food diary- honestly.

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to sibyll

Maybe tomorrow...

in reply to sibyll

I don't weigh my food - no scales. I use a 'tala dry measures cone' for things like flour, rice, oats, lentils, sultanas etc. The rest I estimate according to the proportion of the packet it's come from, or measure in spoons, cups etc. E.g. I still measure oats - I make my porridge with 25g oats using the tala cone, I measure my milk (I use soya milk) in a mug (200ml), + a banana at about 100 cals and hey presto I know my breakfast is pretty balanced. It doesn't have to be too complicated...

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to

I think if my weight does not come off this week, I will need to do more with regard to counting calories and a diary. I have to be careful that I don't let my eating lead to depression and I give up being careful entirely. So in some ways it is better for me if I just do my best without obsessing on.

in reply to sibyll

It's definitely a fine balance. I also tried not to get too obsessed, seemed to work most of the time. Good luck 😊

gillyflower88 profile image

Hi Sybill, what you,ve chosen to eat today sounds fine to me. Love that handsome chap

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to gillyflower88

Yes all the other dog walkers have a soft spot for Mr Boo. He had such a bad start and has a succession of maladies but he just loves everybody.

I am a carb craver too so know how you feel. You can defo have a better day tomorrow and take your beautiful dog out for an extra long walk. Get me giving out advice as I sit in my chair with my wee cockapoo at my feet looking at me longingly for a walk.

sibyll profile image

Shame you girls are not living nearer to me as we could have 'walkies' together.

sibyll profile image

Strange thing is that I am not hungry tonight so I will refrain from the planned toast fest lol.

hydrogirl profile image

Mr Boo is adorable!

carbs are ok as part of a balance diet - everything in moderation! banning it makes u crave it - incorporate a little into your diet as long as you count it and if it fills you and stops you from going OTT on snacks and more carbs then great!

ive tried to give up carbs before and only lasted 2 weeks before going mental and eating everything in sight - im now week 4 and not banned anything and it seems to be working 9lb loss so far!


sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to hydrogirl

Yes he is a sweet, well-behaved little chap. He craves affection - probably as he was thrown out by the owners who had him initially and he now needs to feel wanted. Believe it or not they hunt with Cocker spaniels in France and I think Mr Boo was living in a hunting kennels where they put down one big bowl of food for all the dogs and he never got any as he is not pushy and the other dogs could well have been Bracques Francais, a bigger breed, so he got by on insects and plants. Certainly when I took him on he was no more than a little skeleton.

hydrogirl profile image
hydrogirl in reply to sibyll

awh im so glad you took him in! I had a blue roan cocker up until last year when he sadly passed away. Mr Boo looks as chilled as my Harley was :)

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to hydrogirl

I am so sorry Harley has passed over the Rainbow Bridge but I do sincerely believe in life after death and I think we will be reunited with people AND animals we love.

sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to sibyll

Below is a sad poem but very true:

Lend Me A Pup

I will lend to you for a while

a puppy, God said,

For you to love him while he lives

and to mourn for him when he is gone.

Maybe for twelve or fourteen years,

or maybe for two or three

But will you, till I call him back

take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you

and when his job is over

you'll always have his memories

as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise how long that he will stay,

since all from earth return,

But there are lessons taught below

I want this pup to learn.

I've looked the whole world over

in search of teachers true

And from the folk that crowd life's land

I have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love

Nor think the labour vain

Nor hate me when I come to take my pup back again.

I fancied that I heard them say

"Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done,"

For all the joys this pup will bring,

the risk of grief you'll run.

Will you shelter him with tenderness

Will you love him while you may

And for the happiness you'll know forever grateful stay.

But should I call him back

much sooner than you've planned

Please brave the bitter grief that comes

and try to understand.

If, by your love, you've managed

my wishes to achieve,

In memory of him that you've loved,

cherish every moment with your faithful bundle,

and know he loved you too.

hydrogirl profile image
hydrogirl in reply to sibyll

that's really sweet - tho made me cry whilst reading and since im at work I had to sneak away to the loo to dry up lol


sibyll profile image
sibyll in reply to hydrogirl

I adore my two boys and the thought that at 8 they have at best 4/5 years left really upsets me.

hydrogirl profile image
hydrogirl in reply to sibyll

try not to think about it, and please post a picture of them with every post you do!

sibyll profile image

I have bought dark 70% chocolate today from Aldi. It comes in a packet with 5 mini bars each 143 calories. Great for a treat. I have given up for the moment trying to banish all carbs and I enjoyed a sandwich with my homemade bread for lunch. The slices are more like doorsteps than the thin commercially produced bread but hey ho I am going to see how I get this week and try not go mad as you suggest.

sibyll profile image

Hi BL,

it is coincidental that you say what you do as today I took a country lane to the supermarket and passed a farm selling whole, unpasteurized milk. I have bought a pint (£2.50 that made my eyes water lol) and yes I know it is full fat but I thought I would put it on the porridge. My cousins in Scotland put a sort of homemade thick cream akin to clotted cream on their porridge and top it off with a generous helping of soft, brown sugar. Now that is literally to die for lol.

Yep; it all gets tiresome if not downright boring. It will be worth it but wont feel this way until we're there. KBO, my dear.

WeightWarrior profile image

I eat some form of cereal every morning for breakfast and at the moment things seem to be going ok. I have milk on it or make the porridge with milk too. I use semi skimmed milk, and put half milk, half water...tastes plenty good enough for me as I'm not a fan of really creamy porridge. That said there's no way I'd be able to enjoy it by making it solely with water, I'm completely with you on that one, it's like gruel! I think there has to be some compromise, you have to enjoy your food or you will get fed up (forgive the pun!) and may eventually be more likely to binge. If it's a more realistic long term solution which you enjoy eating, you are more likely to stick with it and continue to lose your weight. Just watch your calories and I'm sure you will be just fine!

sibyll profile image

I agree with what you say 100% WW. I just remember my lovely sister-in-law who always watched what she ate - no puds or biccies or any naughties at all, she existed on salad. At 55 she still wore a bikini on holiday and looked good in it. At 56 she died of lung cancer and had never smoked in her life. Now for me eating is one of the great pleasures in life and it saddens me to think that Barbara never had chance to enjoy it.

sibyll profile image

This is where I got it:


sibyll profile image

I like the way they keep the calves with their mothers.

They sell meat too and I bet it is good but it is VERY expensive £25 for a smallish joint of topside. You're right it didn't come home with me lol

Netty-123 profile image

Hi Potatoes are low in calories and low fat. and great food. make a soup, pumpkin soup with all onion, carrots, potatoes, garlic, fresh peppers, anything goes. its lovely and very healthy.

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