Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (24th August 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
197 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 4.2 pounds, and today I weigh exactly the same, so I've maintained my weight this week. I had hoped to lose some weight, but I ended up over-indulging a couple of times, and I ate some extra salty and calorific foods over the weekend - namely a homemade risotto, plus some crisps, oh yes, and some cake, so I can understand why I've not managed to lose anything. Infact, now I've just listed those things, I'm relieved I didn't gain weight!!! :-)

My goal for this week is to make sure that I don't over-indulge, and I hope to cut down on the salty foods too. So all being well, I hope to lose 2 pounds this week.

Here is a summary of last week's Monday weigh-in group stats:

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 42

Total people who lost weight: 31 (68.17 pounds lost) (30.92 kilos)

Total people who gained weight: 3 (3.25 pounds gained) (1.47 kilos)

Total people who maintained weight = 2

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan = 4

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss = 2

Therefore, overall pounds lost by the group = 64.92 pounds (29.45 kilos).

Really inspiring stats. :-)

I hope you'll join us for today's weigh-in, and good luck to everyone - here's to a great week ahead for all of us. :-)

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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197 Replies
NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI

Hi LowCal,

Well done for maintaining this week! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend :) I love risotto!

I am really chuffed this week - I have lost 2.4 lbs! This means I have now lost half a stone on this plan :) very happy! I think it is the exercise that is helping me - I have been doing HIIT and body combat. I've also just checked my BMI and it's now 25! Just in the healthy weight bracket - JUST!

Starting weight: 10st 4.2lbs

1st week: 10st 1.6lbs (loss 2.6lbs)

2nd week: 9st 13.6lb (loss 2lbs)

3rd week: 9st 13.2lb (loss 0.4 lb)

4th week: 9st 10.8 (loss 2.4 lbs)

The group stats are so inspiring :)

Here's to a good week for everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NoMoreJunk

Hi NoMoreJunk,

I am thrilled to hear you've lost 2.4 pounds this week, really well done!!! :-) So great that you've lost half a stone in total. Wow, you've got a healthy BMI now, that is such an achievement.

Glad to hear you've been enjoying your exercise, and that doing the HIIT and body combat have been helpful. I bet you're getting toned as well.

Wishing you another great week ahead. Now that you're into the healthy BMI, I guess you have an idea of where you're 'ideal' weight will be - or when you'll want to start maintaining weight.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to Zest

Thanks LowCal! The BMI calculator says my healthy weight range is from 7st 3lbs to 9st 11 lbs so I'll guess I'll go for the middle, about 8 1/2 stone. This was a weight I was happy at. I'm only 5ft 1.5" so I don't carry weight well! I still have a way to go but determined :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to NoMoreJunk

OMG that means you are in the healthy weight range as at today - that's so great!!! :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to NoMoreJunk

2.4 lbs right now for you is AWESOME - no wonder you are chuffed! Well done you have obviously worked hard and watched what you ate.

Go you!

TUBOFLARD6 profile image
TUBOFLARD6 in reply to NoMoreJunk

Wow! well done at losing 2.4lbs this week and keeping up with the exercise...I have been going to HIIT and feel brilliant at the end of a work out....I have lost 2lbs this week and a total of 14 inches of my body in 4 weeks!

This calorie counting really does work and it makes you aware of just what you were putting in your mouth!!

My weight should be like yours.......between 7.13 stones and 9.5 stones for my height of 5ft 1.5 but it has crept up over the years and I had got to 14 stones!!! hopefully I am on a journey to health (although it may take me some time to achieve) I am certain with all the help on this forum and grit and determination...I will make good inroads.....

I agree that this forum is awesome and it really does keep everyone's to another good week


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to TUBOFLARD6

Hi Tuboflard6,

Don't know how I missed your post this morning, so my apologies for the late response!

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, and also the 14 inches off your body in 4 weeks, that is amazing!!! :-) You are doing so well. You're well on your journey towards greater health and well-being.

You are already making excellent in-roads.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

TUBOFLARD6 profile image
TUBOFLARD6 in reply to Zest

thank you are the one that keeps me going with all your inspirational posts along with everyone on here...

Well done on staying at weight this week as you had fab weekend......

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to TUBOFLARD6

Well done on the 2lbs lost, 14" off is amazing!! You will do it - this forum will help you all the way!x

in reply to NoMoreJunk

That's great NoMoreJunk :-) Sounds like all the exercise is really helping. And that's fantastic getting into the 'healthly' BMI bracket - what a boost for you :-)

in reply to NoMoreJunk

Congrats on reaching a healthy BMI. So pleased for you - lots of luck reaching your goal weight and, most importantly, staying there :)

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to NoMoreJunk

Well done! You and I are a similar height and were a similar start weight. You are a week ahead of me but I hope to break through the bmi barrier next week. You are leading me back there !

2.4 is awesome at this stage and a reward for your commitment!

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to 2bFabnfit

You will do it! Exercise has been the key for me - I have been doing HIIT and body combat. Makes you feel great afterwards!

Good luck for this week!

Artsoru profile image
Artsoru in reply to NoMoreJunk

Well done NoMoreJunk!

That's so awesome that you're down into a healthy BMI! :D

You're an inspiration to us all! Keep it up! :)


Bealmor profile image

Hello Lowcal! It's a long time since I posted! Life gets so busy when kids are on hols! Anyway, I'm back from my holidays in Croatia (fabulous), the 50th birthday has come and gone (horrific!) and here I am at 11.11 today.

That's 3lb up from my last eported weight but taking a few positives eg: I'm still sub 12, I ave been pretty active and I do seem to have shaken off a lot if the health issues (all minor) that gave bugged me that last few months.

So, here we go, - still one long weekend away to go but with the help of myfitnesspal ready to whip myself into shape! Going to drop these annoying 11lb by end of October. Positive action! Good luck all for the week. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bealmor

Hi Bealmor,

It's great to see you again. I can imagine you've been very busy, with the kids being on holiday. A Very Happy Belated Birthday for your 50th - and I hope that you enjoyed your holidays in Croatia. Beautiful country.

I think you've made a minimal gain, considering the combination of Birthday celebrations, holidays, and school holidays - plus the health issues you've had (thankfully all minor). You should soon burn off those extra pounds, and be back in shape in no time!

You sound motivated and determined, and you've set a realistic goal to achieve by the end of October.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

SineadC92 profile image

Hi lowcal glad to hear you haven't gained after over indulging. Fingers crossed for your goal next week.

I haven't been on the last 2 weeks after a death in the family i put on 2 and a half pounds. I got back on my healthy eating this week and did lots of walking and gym sessions and am very pleased to have lost 4 and a half pounds!!

I go on holiday this Sunday so hoping to make another dent in it this week and just keep on going on!

Hope everyone has had a good week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

I am so sorry to hear you've had to cope with a death in your family - my sincere condolences on your loss. Understandable that you would gain some weight, in those circumstances.

I'm glad you've been able to get back to healthy eating this week, and I hope you enjoyed the walking and gym sessions - and many Congratulations for losing 4 and a half pounds this week! That is great. :-)

I'm glad to hear you're going on holiday on Sunday, as I'm sure you need a good rest and time to recuperate and re-charge - so wishing you a lovely time, and good luck with your goals to make another dent in your weight this week, and continue with your goals.

Wishing you a good week ahead. Will look forward to catching up with you when you are back from holiday.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to SineadC92

Gee its hard when these sorts of things happen to continue with our healthy lifestyles but it sounds like you had a little blip and got straight back into it.

Well done - 4.5 lbs is awesome!

Dave1961 profile image

Hi Lowcal

I would assume Myfitnesspal didn't agree with those crisps :)


Starting weight 139.5 kg (307.5 lb)

Last Week 134.5 kg (296.5 lb)

This Week 131.7 kg (290.5 lb)

Loss 2.8 kg (6 lb)

Another good food week and apart from a small weekly chocolate fix last Tuesday nothing else bad to report. Its extraordinary for me – I have never been so diligent about my food intake before – must be all you lovely people keep me in line! :)

Problems with my knee stopped me from getting out and pounding the pavement for long distances but went on a couple bike rides and was stubborn about walking round the shop and running up and down the stairs as much as possible – I usually cover 6 – 7 km a day just from doing that in the shop every 20 minutes or so.

My knee seems fine with short bursts round the shop and once I have my procedure on Wednesday am looking forward to getting out and sweating hard.

My days will be a lot freer after Thursday so I'm looking forward to trying some swimming and also resistance and weights.

Very happy with progress this week all in all.

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to Dave1961

Congrats on your 6lb loss Dave - that's fantastic!!

Well done for keeping up your exercise too with a not to enthusiastic knee - it's always easy to use it as an excuse :) Hope the minor op goes well on Wednesday and enjoy your first day of freedom on Thursday!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dave1961

Hi Dave,

Wow, another significant weight loss for you this week, many Congratulations for losing 6 pounds. Especially as your mobility has been reduced due to your knee. It's great that you'll have more time to try out that swimming and the resistance and weights after Thursday. I saw that Thursday is your first day off in several weeks, so I hope you have a really great day, and enjoy the freedom! Good luck with the knee procedure on Wednesday, I hope it goes really well. :-)

Well done on being so diligent with your food intake, that does take focus and determination, and you're definitely succeeding in making the changes necessary to ensure success. Really well done. :-)

I think on the day I had my crisps, plus the risotto, and the cake, that Myfitnesspal thought it was Christmas, or some similar 'festival of gluttony' - and it 'celebrated' with me, and encouraged me to eat another piece of cake! I now realise it's not enough to just record those things, I need to be 'accountable' and ensure I don't overdo things. I used a reduced salt stock for the risotto, but it still tasted incredibly salty as well.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Dave1961

Well done Dave that's great news. You are doing so well but don't let those chocolate fixes take a hold! No seriously, you are a force to be reckoned with. Have another great week and good luck with the procedure on your knee.

in reply to Dave1961


That's a fantastic weight loss considering you've not been exercising as much as you wanted. Swimming should be a really good idea as well, once you aren't in the shop so much. But the great thing is that you seem to be controlling your appetite better, and that's the hardest thing to do in my opinion - that's what I really struggle with, especially when bored. Hope all goes ok with the knee this week :-)

TUBOFLARD6 profile image
TUBOFLARD6 in reply to Dave1961

Congratulations on your 6lbs weight loss...that's fantastic! you must really be feeling over the are an inspiration to us all on here and keep us all going...have a good week and enjoy your swimming...

in reply to Dave1961

Dave you sound so determined and positive even in the face of an injury that would made a lot of us feel like exercise was no longer an option. It's really great that you're continuing to exercise despite this, and you really have to be focused to be doing it in the way you're doing it, short regular bursts throughout the day. Your 6lb loss is absolutely amazing - I salute you!

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to Dave1961

Well done Dave. You are an inspiration. In pain but still exercising and you have done great with the food. Thanks for sharing what you research with the rest of us. You Rock!

Ali911 profile image
Ali911 in reply to Dave1961

6lbs yay well done! I said you'd have a fab result :)

Keep up the good work & roll on Thursday I think you've earned a day off! x

Artsoru profile image
Artsoru in reply to Dave1961

6lb loss! How awesome!

Well done Dave! :D


Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Dave1961

Hi Dave, congrats. Looking forward to hearing about the gym on Thursday

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Lowcal,

Well overall you had a successful week. I've come to the conclusion it's ok to have a little over indulgence so long as the brakes are engaged at the right time to prevent the cake and crisps taking control!

Like you I maintained this week, I've remained within my calorie allowance so I can't actually pin point why I haven't had a reduction, but hey ho, I haven't gained.

Have a good week and hopefully next week we'll both have a more positive result.

Enjoy the week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Thank you. :-) Yes, you've said exactly what I was just saying to my response to Dave, i.e. that sometimes it's important to apply the brakes when faced with cake and crisps - they can take control otherwise, and I do think they managed to get the better of me, but thankfully not sufficiently that I gained any weight.

Well done to you for maintaining your weight this week - it's definitely an achievement to do that. I am sure you probably feel a little disappointed that it's not a loss, especially as you can't pin-point why you haven't lost anything, but sometimes our weight stabilises or plateaus, and we just have to wait it out. Hopefully that loss on the scales will take place over the coming week, all being well.

Like you say, next week, hopefully we'll get more positive results. Fingers crossed! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Alison185 profile image

Morning all..

Thanks again Lowcal for facilitating the weigh in. Looks like you are on track to pull things back.

My weight last week was 14 st 9 lbs. This week my weight is 14st 4lbs.....I have been on and off my scales 3 times. That's a 5lb weight loss, 8lbs in 2 weeks! #surprised #pleased.......

Good luck everyone...have a good week.

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Alison185

Thats SO good - I think its funny you had to check the scales because you were surprised. Clearly hard work has paid off :D

Alison185 profile image
Alison185 in reply to Dave1961

Morning Dave

Congrats on your weekly loss. I have been struggling for 18 months to get back to my target weight and it has been a slow journey. I feel more committed to it right now. I'm saying "I will". Just didn't think I would see such immediate results. Thanks for your encouragement.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Alison185

HI Alison185,

Morning! Thanks for your positive words - I do hope to pull things back this week, and achieve a loss very soon!

Congratulations to you for losing 5 pounds this week, which makes 8 pounds within 2 weeks, that's such a great start! :-) You must feel really great!!! :-)

Hope you're enjoying the plan so far, and I wish you another great week ahead. It's likely that your weight loss will reduce as time goes on, so don't be disappointed if your future figures aren't as large - slow and steady weight loss is healthy and ideal as time progresses.

Have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Alison185

Well done Alison :-) That's great motivation for next week - good luck !!

in reply to Alison185

I was like that last week with my 6lb loss. The scales were switched on and off, I stood a different way each time, everything. But they weren't broken. I think the hard work just eventually catches up and shows up in the lbs lost - that's why you have to be patient through the 'slow' weeks! Many congrats on your impressive 5lb loss :)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Well done for maintaining. I'm at the end of week 1 I was 14st 1/2 now weigh 13st 10 3/4lbs so have lost 3 1/2lbs. Very pleased.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 191253summer

Hi 191253summer,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Congratulations on losing 3.5 pounds - that is really great! :-)

I hope you enjoyed your first week, and hopefully you're looking forward to the second. I hope to see you again next week, and in the meantime, would like to wish you a great second week.

Lowcal :-)

TUBOFLARD6 profile image
TUBOFLARD6 in reply to 191253summer

Hi 191253summer

Well done on losing 3.5 lbs in a deserve to be very pleased with yourself....keep up the good work

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 191253summer

Hi again 191253summer,

Also, many Congratulations for making the transition from the 14's into the 13's - that is amazing! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

I'll be back later to respond to further posts. :-)

Carolee13 profile image

Morning everyone. Just checking in before work, will read all your replies later. I to ate some highly calorific stuff last week, mainly in the form of Chinese, takeaway at the end of the long and tiring funeral day. Coupled with being unable to do my normal fitness classes, this has meant I have not lost weight this week. I was possibly 9st 1 last week on old inaccurate scales, now I'm 58kg which works out 9st 1.8. Not a normal week though, so not surprised.

This week won't be normal either as from Friday to Monday I'll be working at a festival as a volunteer, so who knows what I might be eating?!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Carolee13

Hi Carolee13,

Glad you managed to cope with last week, it must have been emotional and draining, but I hope you are ok. You've not gained very much - as 0.8 pound will hopefully soon disappear, although I know you have another challenging week ahead in terms of attending the festival. Maybe try to think of some strategies to help you through that - hopefully they will provide some healthy options amongst the choices available - hope so! Otherwise, just watch your portion sizes. Hope you enjoy the festival.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Carolee13 profile image
Carolee13 in reply to Zest

Thanks, Lowcal. Hopefully I can find healthy options to spend my meal vouchers on and avoid the ice creams, cookies etc

June1965 profile image

Hi Lowcal.....

Firs time posting on here !!! I need some guidance & motivation to shift 9 lbs..

So starting weight !! 9.12 1/4lbs 👿........Goal is 9.4lbs 😀

I've been eating ok,then fall OFF the wagon arse !! Big time.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to June1965

Hi June1965,

I am so happy that you decided to join us today! A very warm welcome! I've seen your posts in the forum previously, and so I feel as if I 'know you' already, if you know what I mean. :-)

You've put your initial weight, as of today, and set yourself the goal to lose 9 pounds - are you going to follow the 12 week plan to achieve the loss? I'm not sure at what stage you are with regards to that, but hopefully being part of this weigh-in thread will provide some extra motivation to add to your exisiting strategies. Glad to hear you've been eating ok, but you mentioned falling off the wagon big time, so hopefully you can feel like you can get back on that wagon, and achieve your goals one step at a time.

Great to have you 'on board'!!!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Good morning Lowcal and good morning everyone.

Congratulations Lowcal, that's really great that you maintained. Sometimes it's just so difficult. I'm still trying to boost my father's weight. He has gained a stone now with my help but still only ten and a half stone and he really needs to be 11stone. He reckons it's easier to lose weight.....pah! He comes over at weekends and it was really difficult not having any of the bread & butter pudding and custard that I made him yesterday. Just looking at it doesn't do me any favours!!!! A will of steel required!

Well last week I was 12st 9.5lbs and this week 12st 8lbs so a pound and a half lost. I need to lose 2lbs for the next two weeks to reach my target before going away! I was only able to make the gym twice this week as the third day my garage door came off it's tracks, (a bottle of car shampoo on a shelf saved the car from being trashed!) but the car was stuck in the garage until someone could come out and deal with the problem. This week will only be going twice again as a funeral to attend Thursday.

I shall just continue doing as I do and hope we all have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Thanks for your kind words, and encouragement, which I appreciate. :-)

It must be extra challenging for you to be trying to boost your father's weight, whilst trying to minimise your own. Well done for executing that will of steel and avoiding indulging in the bread and butter pudding with custard yesterday. That must have been really tough, as it's a very tasty dessert. Well done for your strength in that situation.

Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week, that is really good! Well done for getting to the gym twice this week, and I know you'd have gone more times if it wasn't for the garage door problem.

Sorry to hear you've had a bereavement, and my sincere condolences on your loss. I hope the funeral goes ok on Thursday, and I hope you cope ok.

Wishing you a good week ahead, and good luck with your goal to lose 2 pounds this week.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Candystripe

Thats really great and your right on target for what you should be losing.

Although I am getting a little nervous about this whole who is going to reach their target first cause these big losses of mine have gotta dry up sooner rather than later and you seem to be pretty consistent!

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Dave1961

Don't think that I'm going to quite make it Dave. Think you're safe :)

in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Congrats on a good loss and your will of steel, mind you bread and butter pud is the only one I don't like😇. !!

I'm sure you will reach your target just take it steady and give Dad second helpings lol

Hope Thursday goes ok.

Have a great week


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

Thank you Flossie for your kind words. It's my husband's step dad who passed away. We didn't see him very often but feel the need to attend as my husband can't be there as he is in Saudi just now.

Have a great week yourself. X

Dozzle profile image

Well stayed the same this week.

I ate 1384 kcals and walked at least an hour everyday, not eating my exercise calories. At 49 and 5ft 2in, and weighing 9st 10lbs I guess my weight loss will be slow! my Bmi is just 25, but with many health problems,I would like my weight to be more in the middle of,the range. My target was another 2lbs before my holiday starting next TUesday.

Keep going Lowcal, and thanks,for this thread every week, it's great.

in reply to Dozzle

Hi Dozzle,

I guess once you are in the healthy BMI, it does take a bit more effort to lose the weight. But it's as important to get a bit fitter, and all your walking must be making a big difference to that - well done :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dozzle

Hi Dozzle,

Well done for maintaining your weight this week. I think you're definitely right in assuming that your weight loss will be slow, as you are already at the top end of the healthy range, and you are trying to lose the final pounds, and those are particularly difficult to shift. I am in the same position as you, as I am also in the upper end of the healthy BMI, and trying to get to the middle of that band, but my body seems to like being at the upper end! I think that in our situation, it's definitely an achievement every time to maintain weight, and an added bonus to lose any. You lost 2 pounds last week, which was incredible, and you've maintained this week, which is brilliant too - you're making great progress.

So like you say to me, 'Keep going' and eventually, hopefully, we'll all achieve our goals. You've already achieved a lot to get to the healthy BMI. Definitely something to celebrate!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Dozzle

I posted recently about a new study that has been done showing great fat burning results under scientific conditions - it was published by an American Government Agency.

Put simply you fast from bedtime to lunchtime and do high intensity aerobic activity in the morning. It can be as simply as walking. Seemed to yield good results and was under clinical conditions - lots of praise for this mini fast aerobic activity programme.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Dave1961

Dave, this is really working for me. So easy to do and makes logical sense. Read around the articals. Very interesting. I just walk up the hill near my house. It's a pretty big hill though! Thanks for the initial post!

Jo4950 profile image

Morning low cal,

Even though you didn't lose any weight as least you have understood why. In the big scheme of things that is the most important thing.

I say well done for maintaining, Woo hoo and look forward to a good week ahead.

My stats this morning are on completion of week 3 are 14 stone 3lbs, loss of 3lbs this week.

Start weight, 15st 4lb

Loss of 15 lbs in total

Now weigh 14st 3lbs

Looking for a 2lb loss next week for week 4 would be amazing.

Hope you have a fab week.


in reply to Jo4950

Jo, That overall 15lb loss is so impressive - well done :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jo4950

Hi Jo4950,

Thanks very much for your 'woo hoo' - and encouraging words. They are much appreciated! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 3 pounds this week, that is so great!!! :-) You've lost over a stone since you started, and that is fantastic. You're getting closer to the 13's, and they must feel like they're in sight.

Wishing you a great week ahead, and good luck with your goal to lose 2 pounds this week.

Lowcal :-)

TUBOFLARD6 profile image
TUBOFLARD6 in reply to Jo4950

Wow! well have lost over a stone...good going....have a good week..

Heidi162 profile image

Good Morning,

I stayed the same this week,so at least did not put on. Hope you all have a good week.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Heidi162

Hi Lesley,

Great to see you again, and well done for maintaining your weight. How did you find your first week? I hope it was ok.

Stick with things, and hopefully you'll see a change on the scales for next week's weigh-in. Are you using an app to keep track of your calories and exercise? If not, I can recommend using something like Myfitnesspal, as it's very easy to use.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Yoyo10 profile image

Morning lowcal, really glad to hear you managed to maintain this week after what sounds like a great weekend :-) I've lost 2lb this week so that 12lb in five weeks am really pleased with this !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Yoyo10

Hi Yoyo10,

Thanks very much for your kind words! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, and achieving a loss of 12 pounds in 5 weeks, that is such great progress. Well done you!!!! :-)

I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Yoyo10 profile image
Yoyo10 in reply to Zest

Thanks low cal just reading this evening how well everyone has done helps to keep me motivated have paid out lots of money on slimming clubs over the years but I'm def finding your Monday weigh and all the people's support more motivating and less daunting than standing in that big long line to the scales !!!

rossie1942 profile image

Lost two pounds this week down to 10.6 so very happy.

Just need to make sure that I don't lose focus.

Love this site.

Nsky24 profile image
Nsky24 in reply to rossie1942

Stay focused and good luck

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rossie1942

Hi Rossie1942,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Glad you're enjoying the forum - it's very supportive and encouraging with so many like-minded people, all with similar goals - to lose weight and be healthy.

Congratulations for losing 2 pounds this week. That is great. :-)

Hope you're able to keep that focus going, and wishing you another great week ahead. Some weeks will be better than others, and you can always learn from the weeks when challenges come into play, so remember that focus can waver occasionally, but it can't take away from the progress you've already made, and you can easily turn things around - so even if the worst happened and you lost some focus, you can always re-focus and move forward.

Hope that makes sense...

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

rossie1942 profile image
rossie1942 in reply to Zest

Thanks a lot,much appreciated

hubbardhovis67 profile image

Week 2:

Lost 1 pound.

Was 168 now 167.

Now it may seem very little but I cannot tell you how happy I am to have list that pound.

Week 1: no loss. So this is an achievement

AND I am now under 12 stone !!! WHOO HOOO🎉🎊🎉

I can only think it's all the brill tips I've been getting and motivation. So, THANK YOU

right plan plan plan this week, salad a day, water and walking

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to hubbardhovis67

Hi Hubbardhovis67,

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pounds this week, that's really great! I agree with you completely that it is an achievement, and I am really glad to hear how happy you are with that loss, it definitely deserves lots of "Whoo Hooo's" :-)

Tips are helpful, but essentially it's your hard-work that has paid off, so Congratulations to you! :-)

Good idea to do lots of pre-planning, and enjoy your walking too. A great way to exercise.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to hubbardhovis67

Not a little loss. Any weight loss is major and deserves congratulations 🎶🎷🎶🎷. Enjoy the walking

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to hubbardhovis67

Hi again Hubbardhovis67,

Congratulations also on making the transition from the 12's into the 11's - that is sooooo great! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Nsky24 profile image

Amazing losses, and some who stayed the same!

Congratulations to a few including Dave, such s big loss in a week..............weighing myself Thursday, my weekly weigh in, hoping for 1lb loss, only 4 to go, so no major losses

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nsky24

Hi Nsky24,

Thanks for your encouraging words - they are much appreciated! :-)

Good luck with your weigh-in on Thursday, and hope you achieve your 1 pound loss. I'll keep a look out for your weigh-in on Thursday. You're getting very close now to your ultimate goal.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Nsky24 profile image
Nsky24 in reply to Zest

We see, still losing, so that I so the main thing

gothchick profile image

morning guys.. just home after a night shift... first ever weigh in is 92kg.

here we go... been healthy eating since fri... time to change my habits... i can do this .. i gave up smoking some years ago so i no i can do this... night night xx

in reply to gothchick

Good luck for the week gothchick :-) I gave up smoking years ago as well, and I think the same thing - if I could do that, I should be able to do this !!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gothchick

Hi Gothchick,

Glad you made it to your Monday weigh-in, especially after just finishing your night-shift. A very warm welcome to you, and I hope you'll enjoy being part of this Monday weigh-in group thread.

You've taken that first brave step of posting your starting weight, and you've already started healthy eating since Friday, so well done for committing to the plan. I'm wondering if you've bought the smaller plates you were hoping to get yet. Hopefully you found some that you like.

You're sounding focused and positive, and that's such a great mind-set to start out with, and you've already achieved a really challenging change in terms of previously giving up smoking, and you were successful, so here's to success with this current goal. You can do it! :-)

Sleep well, and hope you wake up refreshed and ready for a great week ahead. Look forward to catching up with you at next week's weigh-in, or out and about in the forum in the meantime.

Lowcal :-)

gothchick profile image
gothchick in reply to Zest

thanks ... one more night shift to go... x

Claireep profile image

Morning everyone!! Last weeks stats are very impressive. For the last 2 weeks I had lost my mojo but am pleased to report that I am back in the zone and have lost 4lb this week so I now weigh 15 stone 10lbs. So pleased to weigh 15 something. Next target to start with a 14.... Hope everyone else is feeling inspired this morning

in reply to Claireep

Mojo - check; weight loss - check. Well done Claireep :-) :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Claireep

Hi Claireep,

Yes, the stats from last week are so impressive!

Sorry that you'd lost your mojo for the last 2 weeks, but glad to hear it's back again now, and many Congratulations for losing 4 pounds this week!!! Wow, that means you're in the 15's now, and have left the 16's behind. Congratulatons!!!! Those transitions are so amazing! :-)

Very inspiring.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to Claireep

Welcome back to your mojo. So pleased for you

Morning Lowcal and everyone :-)

Hopefully Lowcal that is just a weekend blip, and by next week you will be back on the losing path again ! That's the problem with a Monday weigh in - it will show all the sins of the weekend with no chance to redeem yourself before the weigh in. However, it probably also helps prevent some over indulgence at times, knowing that the scales await on a Monday ! Good luck for next week !

So, for me it is the beginning of week 3 - last week's weight was 14st 0.2lbs - now I weigh 13st 11lbs - loss of 3.2lbs :-) Feeling mighty pleased with that, and also pleased that I'm doing well avoiding extra snacks etc. I also feel like I've finally got some willpower ;-)

Good luck everyone for next week :-)

Claireep profile image
Claireep in reply to

Morning!! Bet that 13 something looked amazing this morning. Well done x

in reply to Claireep

Thanks Claire - it's funny though because I normally weigh myself not in stone/lbs, but just lbs, so I don't notice when I drop into a new stone category !! But at the moment my weight comes in at 193lbs, so I shall really notice when I drop the next 3 and get below 190lb :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Lucca10,

Yes, I agree with you, the Monday weigh-in definitely shows up any over-indulgences of the weekend, and that's the main reason I chose to do this thread on a Monday, along with the fact I have more time available on Monday's too. It normally helps me to keep myself accountable, and I hope it has the same influence on others who choose to weigh-in on Monday's. I think weekends are often more challenging than other days, so knowing the scales await on Monday is definitely motivating. Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I do hope to have a loss next week.

Wow, Congratulations to you for losing 3.2 pounds this week, and for coming down into the 13's - that is really exciting!!! :-)

Well done also for avoiding extra snacks, as that is showing that you have definitely got some will-power, and therefore you're stronger!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Morning folks maintaiance is good Lowcal, if only I had your discipline! I you have a teaspoon to spare let me have some please, I am 11st 5 this morning I have gained 7lbs in 2 weeks! although I thought the scales were more favourable 2 weeks ago my aim is to lose 2lb by thr end of the week- or buy some new scales😂 have a good week all and I hope I can make a better contribution to the stats next week.....

in reply to Prin

Definitely sounds like you need the new scales ;-) Hopefully you'll find your willpower this week and lose those 2 lbs - good luck Prin :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Thanks for your encouraging words, and I hope to pass on some teaspoons of discipline to you. You've gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks, so I'll add on 3.5 pounds gain for this week (if that's ok) for the stats.

I am sure you will achieve your goal to lose 2 pounds by the end of the week - you are very disciplined when you focus, and hopefully you'll have a good week ahead with lots of opportunities to get back on track. You can do it Prin. :-)

You'll be back in the 10's before you know it, all being well. :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Prin

Prin remember those weight loss police you were going to send around to me a while back, well they're onto your case!!!

I guess you could treat yourself to new scales but it's likely they just need new batteries (maybe!!)!

Have a great week and go get those 2lb off otherwise I might just be catching you up tee hee :)

kars1111 profile image

Morning lowcal and everyone else.

well my weigh in this morning revealed a 2lb loss which im happy with.

Good luck all for the coming week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kars1111

Hi Kars1111,

Good morning! :-)

Congratulations for losing 2 pounds this week, that is really great. I know you lost 3 pounds last week, so you're making good progress. Hope you enjoyed your gym trips.

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Shelley822 profile image

Hi Lowcal and everyone,

This week hasn't been my best week with a loss of 0.5kg or 1lb 8oz, the bad weather stopped me venturing out as much on my daily walks so I lost my motivation a little, and my job has been hectic this week with meetings all over the place.

I also attended a BBQ on Sunday and I did behave drinking water and only having salad and a pork loin chop, unfortunately last night we had been helping a family member and ended up getting a take away on the way home as it was getting really late.

Time to put last week behind me, the sun was shining when I woke up today so got up early and took the dog for a walk, I need to be really motivated this week, and I'm aiming for my usual 1 Kg off.

Does anyone know how many calories you should be having a day? My fitness pal is telling me 1200 which I've been sticking to (apart from my take away!!) but I've read some posts and unsure if this is right for me, after all I'm still over 13 stone in weight.

Have a happy, healthy and successful week everyone!


in reply to Shelley822

Still a loss Shelly - that's something to be pleased with, especially with the weather, BBQs and takeaways :-)

1200 sounds quite low - I aim for 1400 at the moment. I think I would struggle on 1200 - would take far too much willpower :-)

Shelley822 profile image
Shelley822 in reply to

Hi Lucca,

thanks for your reply, I've been sticking to it easily enough the last couple of weeks filling up on salads, fruit and veg but I read some posts last week and was wondering if it was too low for me just yet, I know the lighter you get the more calories you have to drop to loose weight, but at around 13 and a half stone I'm eventually going to have to drop down to around 900 when I get down to the 10 stone mark which sounds impossible to be healthy!

in reply to Shelley822

Hmm - yes, that 900 really sounds a bit low. I'm a few pounds heavier than you, but fairly tall at 5'9", and 1400 is fairly good target for me at the moment (and that's with minimal exercise 'til the end of school holiday).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Shelley822

Hi Shelley,

Congratulations on losing 0.5kg (1.8 pounds) this week, that is a great loss, although I know you were hoping to lose more.

Well done for coping so well with the BBQ over the weekend, and making healthy choices. Any sort of buffet situation is such a big challenge. I know you felt that your motivation levels waned a little last week, due to the weather curtailing some of your walks - it can definitely have an impact on us when the weather isn't great. I really hope it gets better this week.

The calorie calculator on Myfitnesspal is supposed to take into account how active you are - and by that I think it means how active your week is 'before you do extra exercise' - i.e. whether a person is sitting behind a desk, and therefore not very active at all, or someone moving around a lot e.g. waitress or waiter etc. So the calorie allowance would vary from person to person, and of course it also takes into account someone's weight and height too, so it should be fairly accurate. Maybe you could re-enter your activity levels and details, just to double check everything? I'm sure others might add answers to that question - I just follow the advice given by Myfitnesspal to work out my own calories.

Anyway, I hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Shelley822

Hi Shelley, what calorie intake does your b m I nhs calculator suggest. Mine was 1600!

Shelley822 profile image
Shelley822 in reply to Portlandprincess

Just had a quick check and it's 1605

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning Lowcal

Thank you once again for taking the time to put the group stats together, it really is inspiring to see how everyone is doing. I'm happy to report that I'm back to being a loser this week and have turned last weeks 0.5 lb gain in to a 2.5 lb loss this week. I'm even more pleased because I made it through an annual social event, followed advice and mixed alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks throughout the day/evening. This week is a busy one with work, stock-taking means that I'll be working all weekend which will impact on exercise time. This weeks goal lose at least 1 lb and make sure that any convenience meals are healthy ones.

Good luck in your week and achieving your goals.

in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Well done Mrsg for getting through that social event unscathed - good luck for this week :-)

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to

Thank you so much, and well done on your loss this week. I agree with you there is something about this plan and joining in the forum that seems to increase willpower and motiviation. I'm just starting Week 6 and for the last few years I've started so many diets on a Monday only to have given up on it completely before the end of the week. Together we can do this! Have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi Mrsg3,

Yes, it is inspiring to read the group stats. Great to hear you're back to being a loser this week, and Congratulations on losing 2.5 pounds this week! That is really great! :-)

Like you say, to lose that weight despite having had an annual social event is even more of an achievement. Great that you managed your alcohol consumption differently, and mixed alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks throughout the day/evening. Hope you enjoyed the event.

Hope you cope ok with your extra heavy work-load this week, and that your exercise time isn't squashed out too much. Good luck with your goal to lose 1 pound this week, and that you are able to get those healthy meals.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

2bFabnfit profile image

Morning Lowcal and everyone,

Thanks for all the encouragement and inspiration.

Lowcal, well done for maintaining and recognising why you didn't lose. This is as much about self awareness and healthy living as what the scales say. Keep on learning and I am sure you'll be a loser next week.

Last week I was 60.9 Kg, this week (end of week3) 60.3kg so lost 0.6 kg.

Happy with that. Slow and steady is the way and in 3 weeks I have lost 3.4 kg.

I am sure I can cracking the 60kg barrier over the next week which will put me back in the healthy bmi range. So onwards and downwards.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 2bFabnfit

Hi 2bFabnfit,

Good morning! :-) Thanks for your encouraging words. :-)

Congratulations on losing 0.6 kg this week, that is really great. Fantastic to hear you've lost 3.4 kg in 3 weeks. You're making great progress.

Good luck with cracking the 60kg barrier over the next week, and here's to celebrating the fact you'll have achieved the healthy BMI range very soon! Like you say, onwards and downwards!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Good morning Lowcal, it sounds like you did well to stay the same considering the indulgences which you know pushed you over your limit. I think if the effort you put in the rest of the week was enough to counterbalance this, then if you continue with that you'll be sure to see a loss next week, perhaps an accumulative one... Are you still fitting bits of exercise into your routine, starjumps while the kettle boils etc? :) I've started walking up escalators on the tube, which makes me out of breath still, but I think I need to keep doing things like this in order to improve, and it's all good exercise.

This week I've lost 1lb, down from 10st11 to 10st10. I'm now 3lb away from my goal of 10st7, or 4lb from a healthy BMI. I'm pleased as I wasn't as active as last week, although I still did 3 runs and a very long bike ride yesterday as well as various shorter bike rides during the week (well under last week's 100km!). I kept under 1400 for 5 days out of 7, and at the weekend went over a little, more like 1500-1600. I have more of my freelance work on at the moment which means I'll be more sedentary at the computer for most of this week, so potentially less cycling and general moving around during the day. Maybe I should start doing starjumps too :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for your encouraging words, which as always I appreciate! :-) Thanks for reminding me of those kettle boiling star jumps - I have to admit my enthusiasm for them had waned to non-existance, but now I'm reminded of them, the next cup of tea or coffee I'm having will involve more of those! :-) I did work hard on my exercise last week though, and I think that did help to counterbalance potential weight gain from over-indulgence.

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week. You had such a big loss last week (6 pounds) so I wasn't sure if you'd lose anything this week, but you have!!!! You're amazing!!! Wow, it's exciting to hear you're getting so close the the healthy BMI - you're doing so well. :-)

Your calories over the weekend were really good, in addition to your commitment during the week. I admit I had over 3,000 calories on Saturday! That's why Myfitnesspal thought it was a celebration, but it wasn't - it was just lack of control...

Good luck with your goals for this week, and hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

That is funny about myfitnesspal thinking it was a celebration! I admit I was worried last week's massive loss was a blip, so to have stayed the same or even gained 1lb would not have surprised me too much, I was relieved to just see my weight firmly under 11 stone still, the 1lb loss was an extra bonus! I really believe exercise has made the difference to me, and seeing people like Dave1961 fitting it into the day in lots of short bursts is really inspiring. I wish you luck for keeping up your exercise this week, however you plan to do it :)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to

Hi Ruth, you have done so well the last few weeks. When I work at home I keep some little weights, a step and some exercise bands near the printer which is a long way from my desk ..... ..😇

in reply to Gonti

That's a good idea, thanks Gonti. I have a step onto my balcony that I sometimes use as part of a 'circuits' routine. I could add in a few steps on there between screen sessions. I don't need to print anything out as my work is all online (proofreading essays, boring!), but I could do with getting up from the screen a bit (having a break now in fact, but an on-screen break, should be doing some steps I guess and moving around instead! ;) )

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to

Congratulations on the loss Ruth! You did so well last week and it just continues :) you will be at your goal weight very soon!

Ali911 profile image

Good Morning Lowcal & everyone :)

You did well to maintain, I fear if I had one slice of cake it would result in more so I admire your strength to get back on plan. Here's to your wish of a 2lb loss next week.

I've moved my weigh-in day from Thursday to Monday purely so I can have the support of this thread. I really didn't expect to see a change on the scales after my 3lb loss then but I'm delighted to say I have lost another 1lb since Thursday so that brings me to a total of 12lbs gone!

I will class that as the end of week 5 & enter week 6 now then hopefully I can get on track by next Monday.

Good luck to all, have a great week & thanks for all the support :) x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Ali911

Hi Ali911,

Great to see you, and glad you've joined us for this Monday weigh-in. I know you previously weighed-in on Thursdays, and it's great to have you with us! :-) Many thanks for your very kind and encouraging words - I really must 'get on track' as I would love to lose 2 pounds for next week's weigh-in. Ruth has just reminded me of my goal to do star-jumps during kettle boiling breaks, so I'm already feeling more motivated!

Wow, it's so great that you've achieved another 1 pound loss on top of your existing 3 pound loss, and that you've achieved a loss of 12 pounds in total. That is such great results, and really good progress.

Good luck with Week 6 of the plan, and hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Ali911

Hi Ali911, I thought you might lose a bit more by Monday despite Thurs being your last weigh in and you totally have! Congrats on reaching 12lbs lost overall. It's amazing how all the little changes, all the little lbs lost here and there, all add up into something really substantial. Good luck for week 6 and thanks for all your support too :)

Ali911 profile image
Ali911 in reply to

Thanks Ruth .. I'm amazed but it's certainly keeping my momentum going. Pouring with rain here today & I would normally reach for the biscuit tin to 'cheer myself up' but I'm not going to fall into that trap & undo all the benefits so I had a nice cup of green tea instead :)

Have a great week x

in reply to Ali911

That's because biscuits aren't the things that cheer us up anymore! We're getting an uplift from the achievements enabled by ignoring the biscuit tin now :) Hope you keep the momentum going in the meantime and get used to seeing the amazing effects of that willpower :)

in reply to

Oh I don't know Ruth - I think a chocolate digestive might still manage to raise a smile in me :-( !! :-)

in reply to

But not the whole tin :D

Folliegirl profile image

Hi Lowcal - only managing to post this morning because the rain has put me on a go slow!!

I find the holidays a real challenge, I managed to gain 4lbs over a couple of weeks despite lots of running and swimming, so got back to basics last weekweek ... Soup instead of a sandwich at lunchtime and only carrots to snack on ... Lost those 4lb 🎉🎉 so now back to 11st11lb and feeling determined!

Have a great week everyone! ☀☀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

That rain has a lot to answer for - it definitely affects us in different ways, but of course I know the gardeners will be very happy about it. :-)

Your post is really inspiring, because you describe the challenges of the holidays, and how they can contribute to weight gain so easily, but you also show how getting back on track and making changes can significantly change that - you gained the 4 pounds, but you were able to loss them again, so Congratulations for getting back to basics, and achieving that 4 pound loss. Really well done!!! :-) You're back below 12 stone, and into the 11's, and that's fantastic!!! :-)

Also great to hear you're feeling 'determined' again - it shows how you can turn things around, and it's so important that we remember that we can do that.

I love the sunshiney symbols - let's hope the sunshine comes out! :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Morning Lowcal!

Risotto is a weakness of mine also, I am trying not to make mine as there always seems to be a lot when I do and then I end up with a tump of it on my plate haha!

Well done for maintaining your weight after those nibbles! You did well! :) you'll be at the 13st mark soon! How exciting!

I had a good week until the weekend arrived. Made a unexpected visit to Frankie and Bennys Saturday so I decided to weigh on Saturday morning just to see how I was doing for the week! I had lost 2lbs in the week! Which I am glad I checked because I did put 1lb back on by the time I had weighed this morning! I am 12st 11lbs. But I am glad that I saw I had done so well in the week it has encouraged me for next week!

I have a friends birthday Wednesday and we have been invited over for a takeaway and a movie so at least I know that's coming I can plan the rest of the week. I intend to go to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and I have also planned all my evening meals for the week so I know I will stay on track. I have a nice list pinned to the cupboard. I am going to lose that 2lb this week.

Oh and if anyone was wondering, the courgetti spaghetti I made last week was delicious! I had it with mushrooms and diced chicken and a little bit of cheese sauce! The other half loved it too so we will be enjoying that again! :D

Have a good week everyone!

Sophie :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Thanks for your encouraging words. I really appreciate them. :-)

I was wondering how your courgetti spaghetti turned out, and I'm glad it was delicious! Sounds really good! Great that your other half also enjoyed it. I'll have to give it a go sometime.

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week - I know you had lost more when you weighed on Saturday, and that's good that you know that your week had been a good one - for the stats I'll count 1 pound loss, as it's important to go by Monday's weight - as that is part of the challenge of weighing after a weekend. At least you know the meal at Frankie & Benny's didn't result in a massive weight gain. That's good!

I admire the fact you've already pre-planned your week, and that you've got a strategy to enable you to cope with the friend's Birthday meal on Wednesday. That's a really great approach to the week, and I hope you achieve your goal to lose 2 pounds as a result. Good luck!

I hope you're enjoying being in the 12's - I am so looking forward to one day joining you in those 12's. They are forever tantalising me with their proximity. :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Artsoru

I'm tempted to try and get one of those spiral tools now! Have you tried making spiral butternut squash? That's meant to be a good spaghetti replacement too. For risotto, try using barley instead. I like sweating a whole leek chopped into tiny pieces, then adding barley and stock and leaving it to simmer on a very low light. You don't need to worry as much about stirring as it doesn't stick as badly as risotto rice. The leek bulks it out a lot, and you don't really need to add cheese as it's so tasty. A bit of crushed garlic helps the flavour and you can stir in a small amount of green lentils if you want to add protein. I use 50g barley per serving which is plenty and not high in cals at all.

Good luck sticking to your plan around all the meals out, takeaways etc, it's not easy. Your 2lb loss counts I think, as you'll find that extra 1lb gained over the weekend will disappear very quickly. Good luck for this week :)

Cass6 profile image

Hi Lowcal and all, I hope you all had a fun week. Well I'm chuffed, last week I weighed 15st 2 lbs and this week ..... 14st 12.75lbs. Fanfare please!!! That's 3.25lbs lost. I'm thrilled (can you guess??) in the 14's now- my first goal achieved.

Onwards and downwards this week.

(And I did the same as you Ruth_canal_runner, stood on scales/ turned on and off etc 😀)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Cass6

Hi Cass,

Here is a massive fanfare for you - and many Congratulations for losing 3.25 pounds, that is absolutely fantastic! I am really pleased for you! :-) I can tell you're thrilled, and rightly so! :-) So great that you're into the 14's - and you've achieved your first goal. Well done you! :-)

Very inspiring! :-)

Here's to another onwards and downwards week.

Have a lovely week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Cass6

Big grin from me too Cass6. 3.25lb is excellent. You are well on your way towards the 13s now - keep it up! We really don't trust those scales do we. I think it's because they kept showing us horrible numbers that we didn't want to see for so long. They have a lot to answer for ;)

vickster5 profile image

morning all! Lowcal, I read your post and it is exactly the same for me of staying the same and some over indulgence, and yes I am pleased to have maintained and not quite sure how. It was a testing week with a hotel residential for a night, but planned ahead to manage the food and used the hotel pool. Then over indulged at a bbq with food and alcohol and at home. I seemed to not have my "off button" at weekend. Then went to a festival where you cold not take own food in so had fish and chips but tried to dance with some energy! So a lovely week but tough on the food.

I then really got thinking about how I need to loose another stone to be in healthy BMI but that I can get in old clothes. Struck me that now I have lost weight, that I have slowly put on over 7 years I have never been a healthy weight for about 20 years!! So in my head I have started I think to doubt if I can do that and feel as a result started not sticking to goals at weekend. So very pleased with getting in old clothes but need to think about how I achieve that last stone!

Hope we all have a healthy week! (sorry for long post, but it is me focusing on where I am at).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

What a good way to describe it, in terms of not having an 'off button' at the weekend - that's how I felt as well - I knew I'd been 'good' for the majority of the week, but somehow things were different this weekend, particularly on Saturday. I know I need to look back and think about what 'triggered' that lack of an off button, as I know there will be something underlining it, and so I will look back and contemplate it - but more importantly, I am planning on making this week more consistent.

I think your week was definitely incredibly challenging with all the various social events and the residential stay - it shows what changes of routine can do - but the great thing is that despite all those changes, you maintained your weight, and you didn't gain. So Congratulations for that! That is an achievement in itself. :-)

There were lots of positives within your post, in that you pre-planned how to cope with the residential, and you also made the most of the festival in terms of dancing to try to work off some of the extra calories, and you have also already started contemplating where you are at, and focusing on where you want to be - a really important process, and the fact you're getting so close to being at a healthy BMI, is such a great achievement. Weight gain can be insidious in terms of how it can slowly gain over years, if left un-checked, but you're working hard to return to being healthy, and you're getting ever closer.

Keep going Vickster5, just think how great you'll feel when you lose that final stone. You're already able to fit in clothes that were previously too tight, and you've done really well. Just keep going. The final stone is extremely challenging to lose, but it is possible with continued focus and determination.

Don't apologise for writing a longer post, it's the detail that can help us all learn, and I for one really appreciate the fact you wrote such a considered post. Thank you! :-)

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

slimjan profile image

Well done on maintaining your weight, it's not a gain and as you said you have had a few treats.

I am ashamed to say I have put on 2lbs this week, it doesn't suprise me as had a few treats in the week and then a full Sunday roast lunch plus crumble for pud yesterday and wine.

Must not have treats this week, we are going away next Monday for a few days it's our 45th wedding anniversary so will probably have extra treats.

Sorry to upset the stat's , on a mission this week to get this 2lbs off.

Well Done to everyone that have lost weight this week.

Good Luck everyone

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,

Thanks so much for your kind words. :-)

Don't apologise about the stats, we'll all contribute gains to the stats at some point, and the group can take it. We can all learn from when we gain, and at least you know how your gained your 2 pounds this week - it can be amazing how much some of the extras can add up, and a full Sunday roast with a crumble is definitely one of the more calorific meals, and of course wine can add quite a few calories too.

I'm sure you'll soon be back on track again, especially as you're planning to prepare for the following week when you've got your 45th Wedding Anniversary - definitely a time to celebrate! :-) Congratulations in advance of that. :-)

Great to hear you're focused on a 'mission' this week to get the 2 pounds off, and I can hear the resolve in your words, and I am sure you can do it!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Lowcal et Al. Lowcal l am glad you are maintaining your weight even when you have splurged a small amount. I also stay exactly the same at 93.7 kgs. There was no splurge for me: this was, in terms of gross and net calorie intake my best week.

I will stick to my long term plan to eat healthily, keep an accurate food diary, exercise loads and hope that eventually my weight down. Am in lovely Wales all next week.

Have a great week everyone, I look forward to reading the rest of the thread. I really get a lot from the experiences you share. 🏊🏽

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gonti

Hi Gonti,

Well done for achieving your calorie goals regarding gross and net calories, and having your best week from that point of view. Well done for maintaining your weight, although I am sure you expected a loss on the scales - but it does show that even on weeks when you stick with things and don't splurge that it doesn't necessarily show up on the scales.

You're extremely sensible in that you are just sticking with things, and waiting for the loss to show on the scales. Definitely the best approach. You may have toned up or developed more muscle - which doesn't show as a loss on scales, but makes the body more defined and will help with metabolism.

It's great that you have a week in lovely Wales to look forward to. :-)

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

gracie1985 profile image

Hey guys

Well done lowcal for maintaining and well done to Nomorejunk, your 4 week progress has been really good!

Last week I was 14 stone 9.4 and this week I am 14 stone 8. So a 1.4lb loss for me.

I have mixed feelings though because I spent hours walking the malls in circles to get my 10,000 steps and I even went to Aqua gym to paddle about.

Last week I was more active than I have ever been with only 1 rest day AND I followed slimming world 100% so I was expecting at least 3lbs off :-(

I don't know why my body is fighting me like this, I am wondering if it's because I have 46% fat mass so my metabolism is probably non-existent?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie1985,

Thanks for your kind words. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1.4 pounds this week. That is really great! :-) I know you were expecting more weight loss, particularly as you'd achieved all those steps, and went to Aqua gym too.

I find it interesting that some weeks when we might have been extra 'active' that the weight seems resistant to coming off - although thankfully you did achieve a good loss of 1.4 pounds. In the past, I've had some weeks when I've done loads of exercise and actually gained weight - and I have wondered if it might be because the extra exercise causes the body to retain more water as the muscles are tired. Therefore, once that water weight disappears, maybe the following week, the weight loss might be more significant.

Maybe someone reading this who might know more about the effects on the body of exercise might make other suggestions. I am just thinking aloud, based on my own experiences, so it is pure conjecture.

Like you say, maybe as your muscles develop, and the fat mass decreases, your metabolism will increase accordingly, but at the moment, you are finding it harder to see the results that you hope for.

But to be honest, losing between 1 and 2 pounds a week is a healthy amount to lose, and slow and steady is often easier to maintain in the future - so please don't be hard on yourself. I think you're making good progress. Just try to keep your motivation going, and keep at it. It will be worth it in the end!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Congratulations on your loss - its great! I felt the same last week - I did 2x HIIT exercises and 1x body combat and I saw a 0.4 lb loss, I was expecting more! It ended up with me becoming more determined and I think that weeks exercise and this past weeks exercise has resulted in a bigger loss for me.

Keep going, post on here when you need! Exercise makes you feel so good (afterwards!) that's worth it in itself!

Good luck for this week!

gracie1985 profile image
gracie1985 in reply to NoMoreJunk

Thanks for that.

Think I needed it since I stopped trying so far with the exercise. I read a lot of articles that say exercise doesn't help with weight loss and if I am not going to lose anything from killing myself in a fitness class then I might as well stay home. But like you said it did make me feel more refreshed and a little happier to feel my heart beating.

This morning I went on the scales (I know I shouldn't weigh every day) but I went from 14 stone 8 to 14 stone 10 in 1 I am panicking and feeling deflated at the moment

will try to power on, thanks for the encouragement

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Try not to weigh yourself before Monday - I find it hard too though! The week averages out any spikes (this could be water retention due to more salt that day etc). Dave said to me a couple of weeks back - scales are just a number, it's how you feel that is important - you will start feeling fitter, clothes will feel looser, you will have more energy. Focus on that and the scales will follow suit!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

HI Gracie,

Yes, defintely try to power on. Sometimes our weight can vary a lot overnight, and a gain doesn't mean you've put fat on - it can purely be water weight, or hormonal related weight gain etc.

So just keep going and persevere, and hopefully you'll see some great results at the end of the week.

Lowcal :-)

Elissy profile image

Hi Lowcal,

have been trying to reply, but my phone didn't want to today ;-)

Sometimes it's nice to have an indulgent time, it gets you back focused for the next step.

And no gain can't be bad :-)

I have now decided to weigh in lbs only, it might look more, but also the losses come quicker ( in theory that is). I made a rainbow coloured chart with stars going across, 9 small multi-coloured ones and then one bigger red one. I am crossing the lbs off as and when they go, and I hope this will encourage me more. Never seen so many stars on one page, but it looks nice :-)

I was 15st 3.6lb last week, which I think is 213.6lb, and I am 209.6 lb today.

Have worked really hard exercising as I know from next week I am back at work and I won't have as much time, so my losses will decrease.

But it has given me a great start, and with this threads help I am hoping to keep going!

Thank you, Elissy

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Elissy

Hi Elissy,

I am so glad your phone finally allowed you to get through to us, and join us here! Great to see you! :-) I remember that you started last week. Many thanks for your kind and supportive words. Great that you've made yourself a rainbow coloured chart with stars going across it - sounds like a great system! I think it should definitely prove to be a fun way of losing the weight and keeping account of the losses. Definitely encouraging. :-)

Congratulations on losing 4 pounds in your first week, that is a great start! :-) Not only that, you are now into the 14's already! Really well done!!! :-)

Well done for doing the exercise too, and hope you can keep that up despite being back at work this week, and having less time. Your weight loss is also likely to decrease after the first one or two weeks, as people usually lose more at the start, as a lot of it is water weight.

I hope you're enjoying the plan so far, and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to Elissy

Thank you Lowcal, for the encouragement, I will try my hardest to keep going. Have tried countless times, different methods from ww to intermittent fasting, this time healthy eating, calorie counting and exercise are going to be my lifetime changes. I will have the odd day off without getting too worried and then carry on.

I can't use my fitness pal on my windows phone, so I use fatsecret which I love. Anyway, thanks for your thread as encouragement,


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Elissy

Hi again Elissy,

I've just noticed you've changed your profile picture - really cute!!! :-)

Lowcal :-)

p-pnallen profile image

Hi Lowcal .Weighing in this morning for the first time. I joined Health unlocked last Friday but decided to start weighing in today Monday so now my weight is charted.

I am 5ft-1 and a bit, waist 38 weighing in at 11st 2ozs and age 74. Thank you for your response to my post on whole milk. I've had loads with only one tedious answer.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to p-pnallen

Hi P-pnallen,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. It's great that you've joined Healthunlocked, and thanks for joining us - you've taken that first step of sharing your starting weight and stats. I remember your post about the whole milk. I'll have to take another look at the post to read all the responses. Great that it's generated loads of responses. :-)

I hope you enjoy your first week. This community is great in that there are always supportive and encouraging people around, so if you have any questions about the NHS 12 week plan, just ask. If we can help, we will certainly try! I find it helpful to use an app to track my calories and exercise as well, and I have found Myfitnesspal to be a really useful one.

Wishing you every success with your goals, and I'll look forward to catching up with you at next week's weigh-in, and around and about on the forum.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Floppy123 profile image

Morning Lowcal,

Good to hear you have maintained this week despite enjoying yummy food!

Decided not to actually weigh for a couple of Monday's due to fact I was weighing myself all the time in between,which was actually driving me a bit mad.

Decided to just stick to the plan and exercise as much as possible.

Must admit was a bit apprehensive about weighing today,pretty pleased to see 9stone 5 pounds,wahoo I have lost a stone!

Went for it and retook measurements:

Waist 32 "(lost 3 inches)

Hips 38"(lost 2.5 inches)

Chest 38"(lost 3 inches)

Took a long time for me to see any difference in measurements so good to see some reduction!

Have a great week everybody,really enjoy reading all the posts .x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Floppy123

Hi Floppy123,

Yes, weighing is a very personal thing, and you defintely made a good decision to do it when it felt right to you! I'm so pleased to hear you had such a great result when you chose to weigh today - Congratulations on losing a stone! Fantastic to hear your measurement changes too - losing 3 inches from your waist, 2.5 inches from your hips and 3 inches from your chest - that's really great! :-)

You're doing really well, and thanks for checking in with us today to keep us posted of your progress. Very inspiring!

I'd like to include a loss for the group stats - but obviously you won't know how much you lost in just one week, so I wondered if you could tell me over what time period you've lost the stone, and then I could divide your total loss by the number of weeks to enable me to include something to represent one week's loss?

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Floppy123 profile image
Floppy123 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal,

I started NHS 12 week plan 20 th July,cutting down a bit a week before that.Officially started c25k now so find that is taking my mind off the scales!

Really don,t want to yo yo diet anymore so exercising is helping my mindset.Really persevering with Davinia,s dvd and I just found it too much a few weeks ago but am now doing the arm,core and recently the legs part now most days.

Had a big wobble around the weekend of the 8th August and fell off eating plan,told my older son who is really supportive and super fit,his attitude was ok move on,get over it like nobody has ever over eaten before mum stop getting down about it!

Felt like all was not lost and am trying to accept I will have slip ups but not to let it go on for to long.

He is starting to come swimming with me and my youngest son every Friday and my 10 yr old is doing c25k with me so feel we are getting so much more active as a family😀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Floppy123

Hi Floppy123,

It's great that your older son has been so supportive, and that he and your younger son are enjoying going swimming together - really good that you're active together as a family.

Thanks for reminding me about Davina's DVD - I still haven't looked at it - I need to try it! Sounds like you're enjoying it - it sounds like it's quite tough to start with, so I'll bear that in mind! :-)

Glad you managed to get back on track after the challenges of the weekend of 8th August.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Floppy123

Hi again Floppy123,

Just calculating the group stats, and in view of the fact you started the 12 week NHS plan on 20th July, that means you've been doing the plan for exactly 5 weeks, so I have divided your loss of a stone in the time (i.e. 14 pounds) by 5 and conclude you've lost 2.8 pounds per week, hence I'll add that to our stats as your loss for this week. Hope that sounds ok with you!

Really good!!! :-)

Lowcal :-)

p.s. If it is incorrect, let me know, because Maths is not my strong point.

alex7ra profile image

I am afraid I am going to ruin the stats this week. It's a gain - 0.2 kilos on.

Really struggled this week. Had lots of cake and toblerone over the weekend. Two meals out during the week. I guess I should be pleased that it's only 0.2 kilos !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to alex7ra

Hi Alex7ra,

Challenge that thought that you've 'ruined' the stats - it is simply not true. Gaining some weeks is part of life, and we all have those weeks (I'm sure someone will argue they've never gained - but they would be rare and unusual)...

We have sufficient people in the thread to 'take the weight gain in our stats'. We can all learn from the situations when one of us gains.

You've only gained 0.2 kilos, and like you say, you have had some calorific foods this week - as well as those meals out - it's a relatively small gain in terms of looking at the week as a whole, and hopefully you'll soon get it off again, just re-focus and get back on track. You can do it.

Maybe pre-plan this week more if you can, and think of some strategies to help you stick to your goals.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Portlandprincess profile image

Low cal, your amazing doing this! Thank you.

I was a little worried to post my big news. In the past, I've never got past one week of dieting! Can you believe that? Thought that by telling anyone It will all go to rats. However, this is such a supportive place that I feel genuinely cared for. Without the sabatours. Know what I mean? I really believe that this will work for me. Because of this forum.

Here goes....first week and 6lbs lighter! Yeah! Feeling awful as I have a cold but really excited as this is so the moment!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi Portlandprincess,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us in this Monday weigh-in. I'm so glad that you've already found this forum to be a supportive place - and that you feel genuinely cared for, that's really positive.

You've achieved such a lot, and I completely appreciate your apprehension to have admitted that you'd never previously got past one week of dieting - it shows how challenging some 'diets' can be. But the 12 week NHS plan is more of a healthy eating plan than a diet, and I do believe it helps us to achieve lifestyle changes that are achievable and can fit into our daily lives.

Congratulations for achieving and getting through your first week, and Congratulations for losing 6 pounds - that is amazing!!! :-)

I am sorry to hear you're suffering from a cold though, and feeling awful as a result of that. I hope you will get better really soon - try to take things easy and keep hydrated. Maybe have some vitamin C - lemon drinks are supposed to be helpful for a cold, aren't they?

Your weight loss will definitely slow down, in terms of the amounts lost as the weeks progress, and between 1 and 2 pounds a week is likely.

I hope you have another great week ahead, and hope you'll be free of that cold really soon.

Lowcal :-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Zest

Low cal, how on earth do you do it, replying to so many people with such positivity! My aim is to loose between 1 and 2 ponds a week but as I've been so sedentary over the last few years my body's in shock. Six pounds is amazing and I can even see the difference in my jaw line already. Thank you again for all you do!

Dundorran57 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Thank-you so much for remembering that I wanted to post and for sending me the link-I may have already inadvertently posted my starting stats elsewhere as Dave (thank-you) has already sent an encouraging response! However in a final bid to be part of the Monday weigh-in here, for the last time today-and no I don't have a big ego-I'm just technically/technologically challenged-are my difficult-to-accept-horrendous figures.

Starting weight 123kg or 19st 5lbs

Height 5'2"

Age 57

Waist 52"

Hips 60"

Bust 53"

Thanks for doing what you are doing-it must take up eons of time looking at all the posts and replying but I already feel motivated by the response I got from Dave so looking forward to posting a (hopefully) positive loss next week!

Good luck to everyone else x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dundorran57

Hi Dundorran57,

I did say I'd be back after lunch, but my appointment has been cancelled, so I'm able to respond earlier than anticipated. :-)

I'm so glad you found us - I did see your post, and also Dave's lovely reply - he's a really supportive and lovely member of our community. I thought you'd want to join us here, as you had specifically asked about the thread yesterday, so I'm glad you have popped by and introduced yourself here. Wishing you a Very Warm Welcome!!!!

You've taken the first step of posting your starting out stats, and I know you mentioned that you think the figures are horrendous, but honestly, they are not horrendous - it's just that they probably make you 'feel' horrendous, as it's never easy to share them at the start, and of course it's always a personal thing as to whether you want to share them.

You're starting your weight loss journey today, and hopefully you'll be lighter by next Monday's weigh-in. Are you doing the NHS 12 week plan? If you need the link to it, then just say, and I'll send you the link, but it can be accessed by clicking on the icon above which is labelled 'Weight Loss NHS' and then you can follow the links to find the downloadable materials.

I'm probably repeating some of Dave's advice here, and he's probably mentioned Myfitnesspal to you as well. It's definitely a useful tool for keeping track of calories and exercise.

Wishing you a great first week. Look forward to catching up with you in future weigh-ins, and around and about in the forum.

Lowcal :-)

Dundorran57 profile image
Dundorran57 in reply to Zest

Thanks so much Lowcal-I'm really looking forward to being part of this online community-even if my posts do go astray! I have got the NHS info and am good to go. Will try to download the Myfitness app as well but have managed to download the Cto5K podcast-just need to get out and do it now. Once again, thanks for your response and encouragement-I'm sure it will help to keep me on the straight and narrow! x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Got to go out afterall, so will be back after lunch. :-)

Meshyt profile image

I love this thread!!

Not great for me this morning, a little gain of 0.4lbs. I kept to my calories and I exercised a tonne, so I'm hoping it's just a blip (I had a salty homemade dhal curry yesterday that my friend had made, and I also haven't "been to the loo" for a few days - sorry if that TMI). So I'm trying not to let it worry me - maybe I'll have a sudden drop in a couple of weeks like Ruth? who knows.

Here's my stats so far:

Starting weight: 11st 8.6lbs

1st week: 11st 5.8lbs (loss 2.8lbs)

2nd week: 11st 2.8lb (loss 3.2lbs)

3rd week: 11st 3lb (gain 0.4 lb)

But the good news is, that since I started I've lots 1in from my waist and 1.5in from my thighs :)

Off on holiday this week (on Tuesday night) to Disneyland Paris, so gotta keep my mind in check. I'm at least hoping that all the walking will help!

Well done to all the losers!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Meshyt

HI Meshyt,

I'm glad to hear you're not letting that miniscule 0.4 pound gain affect you, most likely it is due to the salty dhal curry you had yesterday, and also the lack of contact the the loo (all info is helpful in these matters).

Congratulations on losing 1 inch from your waist and 1.5 inches from your thighs. Your progress to date is fantastic, and since you started your weight loss journey, you've lost a total of 5.6 pounds, that's nearly 2 pounds lost each week, so you're well on track!

How exciting that you're off on holiday on Tuesday night to Disneyland Paris. I hope you have a fantastic time.

Look forward to catching up with you when you get back.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Carolecal profile image

Hi Lowcal and everyone

I would like to join in on here for the weekly weigh-in please. I definitely need something to help me stay on track and feel that committing to this ,plus all the support and great motivational posts on here will surely help me to keep focused. 😊

Having plateau'd for weeks at 66.4 kilos fault I know because I start the week with good intentions and routinely fall by the wayside come Thursday or Friday...I weighed myself this morning and actually put on last week 😖

So today I am 67.5 kgs ( I think that translates to around 10st 9lbs )

I am only around 5ft 3 ins tall and have quite a small frame ,so my first target

is 60 kilos and then I'll see how I feel at that point as to whether I need to drop a few more .

Now I'm going to read some more inspirational stuff on here ( I've been out for a run already today so feel justified in sitting down with a cup of tea for a catch up) and I'll post my ( hopeful) progress next week.

Have a good week everybody x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Carolecal

Hi Carolecal,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks so much for joining us for this Monday weigh-in thread. Thanks for sharing your stats. Sorry to hear you'd reached a plateau for a few weeks, but at least you hadn't gained very much.

As you're a new member of the Monday weigh-in group, as of today, I'm counting you as a 'new starter' - hope that's ok. That way you can put that gain of last week in the past, and look forward to hopeful losses in the future. You've set your first target, and that's a great start.

Well done for starting today with a run - I hope you enjoyed it! Definitely justified to enjoy that cup of tea and a catch up.

Are you following the 12 week NHS plan? It is very good. Definitely worth a look if you've not already seen it.

Wishing you a great week ahead. Looking forward to catching up with you at next Monday's weigh-in, and around and about in the forum too.

Lowcal :-)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Zest

I am very happy to be counted as a ' new starter ', Lowcal 😊

I have downloaded the 12-week plan in the past and have been having another good read of it to re-acquaint myself with some good habits which have rather tended to slip a bit lately .

I've done the 5:2 on and off for a while now ,but clearly that's not quite working for me ...or I've not been committed enough to being sensible on the 5 days for the two fast days to work for me.

This week I plan to have 1400 calories a day ,though fewer on Monday and Thursday as a nod to the fast/light days and monitor my intake on MyFitnessPal.

I am a graduate of C25K and have been running now for about 2 years ,though the amount of running has tailed off a bit since the spring ,but I'm now hopefully back on track with that ( excuse the pun !).

Thanks for the warm welcome Lowcal .

trafford1 profile image

Hi Lowcal, well done for maintaining this week :-) and I'm pleased to hear that you have enjoyed your weekend. Risotto sounds yummy so do the crisps and cake, but at least they didn't add to your weight so that is a bonus.

I have had a lovely weekend with some indulgences as well, but now Monday has come around it's back to business. Focused on losing 2 lbs this week so fingers crossed for that. I plan on working out 2/3 times a day as I am off work and I already have two under my belt already. I've done a lot of cycling this morning and again went out this afternoon going on a walk later and will have burned over 1000 cals. I have a new determination this week and am going to watch every calorie in and out.

The groups have done an amazing job losing 29.45 kg which is very impressive.

Have a lovely week and good luck on losing those 2 lbs :-)

Trafford1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Great to see you! Sounds like you've already had a busy active morning, and I hope you enjoyed all that cycling this morning, plus your walk this afternoon - wow, you've burned over 1000 cals, that's amazing! You definitely sound like you've got lots of determination this week, and I'm sure that will see you through to more successes - you are doing so well. I enjoyed reading your inspirational post recently.

Thanks so much for your encouragement too, you are really supportive and I appreciate it. :-)

Wishing you further success with your goal to lose 2 pounds this week, and wishing you a lovely week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

kitkat34 profile image

Stayed the same

My thought slipping back into old ways

Start again in earnest

Well done to every one

With out all a support would proberly have given up

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi Sienna5luis2daisy2,

Firstly, well done for not giving up - that is an achievement in itself, as it can be tempting sometimes to do that. The way you've written your post today looks almost like a poem - you've conveyed a lot in relatively few words.

You mentioned that you're potentially slipping back into old ways - so it's good that you've managed to stay the same and maintain your weight. The fact you're determined today and starting again in earnest is great! I remember that you lost 2 pounds last week, so you've maintained that loss. Well done. :-)

Maybe have a look back at your week and think about which old habits in particular were luring you back, and think about how you can tackle them differently this week? It takes time to adjust to new habits and lifestyle choices, and it isn't easy, so keep going, and all being well you'll see a loss on the scales next week.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal,

Great post as always, staying the same is a good result, it makes it easier when we know what we have done.

Stats really impressive as well.

Have a great week don't lose sight of your goal


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flossie358,

Thanks so much for your continuing support, which is much appreciated! :-)

I'll try to keep my goal in mind. I need to lose 2 pounds - it's been a long time coming!

Wishing you a great week ahead. I'll keep a look out for your posts. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal and all. Lowcal, well done for maintaining even though you had a few treats, it just serves to show that your overall choices were good and balanced out the whole picture :)

I couldn't get onto the site to post last week - it is really odd - I can read and "like" posts on my mobile phone but everything goes awry when I try to type in the reply box.. Anyway, my weight last week was 17st 6lbs so a 4lb loss on my previous weigh in.

I joined this thread last year on Mon 25th Aug weighing 16st 12&1/2lbs and one year on I weigh 17st 9lbs!!! Not good :/ It is my time of month so that could be weighing heavily too but I know essentially it is all me!

I am re-starting the 12 week plan today, It is my 19th wedding anniversary tomorrow so am going to enjoy a nice meal and wine with my hubby and then back to it on Weds. This means that my week 12 weigh in will be 3 days after my 40th birthday (a lot can happen in a weekend!!) so i may make week 11 my "final" weigh in as I know with the amount of weight I will still have to lose at that point, that I will probably repeat the 12 weeks anyway.

Onwards and downwards (hopefully)

Good luck with the weight losses everyone and have a happy healthy week :)

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

I am so sorry that you couldn't access the thread last week, and I'm glad you got her today! Congratulations on losing 4 pounds since your last weigh-in, that is fantastic!!! :-)

It's good to hear you're re-starting the 12 week plan today - and I hope you have a great time celebrating your 19th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow - enjoy your meal and wine, and wishing you a very 'Happy Anniversary'.

Sensible to make week 11 your final weigh-in, as celebrating your 40th only happens once in a lifetime, and I agree with you that a lot can happen on a weekend!

I know you gained some weight over the past year, since you joined back in August, but it is possible that if you'd not been with us in the forum that the gain might have been larger - it's difficult to know isn't it, but essentially I think you've done well to stick with things, and to persevere. Like you say, start afresh and hopefully here's a onwards and hopefully downwards future for you, from now onwards!!! :-)

I hope you have a great week ahead, and I hope you can access the thread next week, all being well. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi again Kate,

Your new profile pic is also very cute!

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi again Kate,

I feel like I'm 'pestering you' now, but I just wanted to wish you a Very Happy Wedding Anniversary for today! Hope you have a lovely meal tonight.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal :) I've only just seen your message. You're not pestering at all! It's lovely that you have such an interest in the people who have joined your thread - that's why we all keep coming back :)

We had a lovely evening, I cooked pork dijon which is one of our favourite indulgence meals and banoffee pie, which I find so sickly sweet that I can't over indulge on it (method in my madness!!)

A few people bought us Prosecco etc (they know me too well!!) We shared a bottle and hubby has put the rest in the garage to save for other occasions.

I'm back on the healthy wagon now :)

See you next week.

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Really glad you had a lovely meal and enjoyed your Anniversary.

Look forward to catching up with you next week!

Glad to hear you're back on the healthy wagon now.

Lowcal :-)

Julesy64 profile image

Hi LowCal and everyone, I'm new to this and first time posting on here, I'm joining today, I am going to follow NHS 12 week plan, use MFP, and my Fitbit Flex, I'm setting my first target to lose half a stone, got a few stones to lose. Today's weight 12st 5lb, but I am only 5ft 1 inch. Really need to keep motivated and stick to it. Any ideas, help, inspiration would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Julesy64

Hi Julesy64,

A very warm welcome to you, and really great that you've joined us in the Monday weigh-in thread. You've got all your resources sorted out, with the NHS 12 week plan, MFP and your Fitbit Flex, and you've set yourself a good first target to lose half a stone.

You've taken the big step of sharing your starting weight etc, and it's fantastic that you're starting with a good mind-set - i.e. feeling motivated to stick to the plan.

Pre-planning is definitely something that helps me stick with things, and I usually plan the meals for each day, and often put them into Myfitnesspal before I have them, so I can see how they look for the day. I often have to make changes as the day progresses though, due to unexpected things, or forgetting to include something - easily done, but I always ensure I go back and change it to reflect what I actually ate and drank at the end of the day.

Will look forward to catching up with you at next week's weigh-in, and I hope you have a great first week. Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Lifestyle-Change profile image


Weight in this morning was great. Lost 1kg. Starting weight was 95.5kg. Total weight loss for the past 8 weeks is 6.35kg. I am thrilled. At least some progress

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Lifestyle-Change

Hi Lifestyle-Change,

A warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in.

Congratulations to you for losing 1kg this week, that is fantastic!!! :-) Well done also for losing 6.35 kg in the past 8 weeks, you are doing really well.

I can understand that you are feeling thrilled - such a great feeling!!!

Yes, definitely some great progress.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Beccylove profile image

Hi well done for all the efforts put in by all this week... whether it resulted in a loss or not, you still should all be proud of the efforts made.

I am pleased to say I lost another 1.5lb which is my weekly goal so mega chuffed with that...

I don't even feel i'm depriving myself so even better


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Beccylove

Hi Beccylove,

You're right, the efforts put in by everyone are definitely excellent! That is a point very well made. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1.5 pounds this week, and for thereby achieving your weekly goal - you deserve to be mega chuffed! :-)

Great that you don't feel deprived - that is how it should be ideally. Deprivation is never good, at any level. Having nutritious balanced food is definitely the way to go.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

the_old_me profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Sometimes we feel relieved to see the scale same as the last week. At least you did not gain weight, congratulations on that!

I am happy today as I lost 1.1 kg last week. I tried to maintain the calorie intake though did not calculate :-( I have started cycling. I just finished my c25k week 2 day 3. And I am planning to begin the strength and flexibility exercise by NHS too.

I am thinking of cutting my carb a bit and increase the protein intake. I think I am not being accurate about the portion size. Sometimes I am quite confused. How do you measure the portion size of your meal?

Looking forward to a great week ahead!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to the_old_me

Hi The_Old_Me,

Many thanks for your kind words, which I appreciate! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1.1 kg, that is really great! :-) Also, great to hear you've finished the C25K week 2 day 3 - hope it went well and hope you enjoyed it. Good luck also with your plans to begin the Strength and Flex programme.

You asked about portion size - I usually measure a portion of rice or pasta as being approx 60g per person (dry weight), and a portion of protein (e.g. chicken) is just 1 chicken breast, average size - probably 100g or thereabouts.

Are you using Myfitnesspal, as you can look at the amount of carbs, protein and fats that you're eating on there, and it also has recommended daily amounts so you can check if you're eating within the recommendations. You can also create graphs of those things, if you want to see how it varies week to week.

Personally, I tend to try to eat complex carbs - i.e. wholegrain pastas, wholegrain rice and wholegrain bread, a few potatoes or sweet potatoes, things like that. I avoid processed carbs like white flour, white bread, etc.

I hope you have another great week ahead, and good luck with your goals for this week.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi everyone,

Just to say I am so impressed by everyone's enthusiasm today - as I am every week to be honest.

I am going to bed now, but if there happen to be any late night weighers, please rest assured I'll check this thread tomorrow, and will respond to you then! :-)

Night night!

Lowcal :-)

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal

I'm sure that I won't be alone in saying a big thank you to you for all of your time and effort in particular with this weigh-in thread on a Monday.

The enthusiasm of the group and weekly progress stats are a real inspiration and great motivation to start another week on the right foot.

Good luck to everyone for a good week, let's all try to beat the stats again on Monday.

Thank you again.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi Mrsg3,

Thank you! Here's to starting another week on the right foot. :-)

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

190 replies - since yesterday....

really impressed with the huge total loss last week - well done to everyone.

I am a tad late as busy and errr put on 1.5 pounds. Pah I feel irritated- but eye was off the ball and had too much a weekend and paid the price.

So trying to concentrate this week - but already feel my resolve weakening....

This week the worst I want is to stay the same !!!

Well done to you LC for your effort to maintain this thread- keeps us all honest:-)

Bank holiday Monday next week -so I am not expecting great results this week:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Great to see you! :-)

Sorry to hear you gained 1.5 pounds this week, but at least you know why, and you are trying to concentrate on making this week a better week - I can hear the uncertainty in your 'voice' as you mentioned your resolve is weakening. Stay as strong as you can!

You've got a good plan to try to maintain your weight, as hopefully that will help you to keep on track, and any loss will be a bonus.

Yes, it's Bank Holiday next week, and I will still be here to do a Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in, so I'm hoping there'll be a few people wanting to be accountable on that day, although I can also understand if people may be busier or not around that day.

Look forward to catching up with you then, and wishing you a better week ahead.

All the best :-)

Lowcal :-)

MrsBooboo profile image

Hi Low cal,

I am back from my camping week. I tried to add in fruit and veg each day as well as eating a lot of the wrong things. The weather really was not kind to us, rained when we put the tent away. It is still wet in the boot of my car at the moment. I can came on to, which is why I was heading towards carbs more than normal. This morning when I weighed myself I have put on 1 lb. 17 stone 2lbs. Still not broken into the 16's :-(

However I have brought a juicer. I had 750mls of fat, sick and nearly dead, mean green juice this morning. Now I am going back to the fridge to get blueberry and apple juice, I made earlier.

I am going to Juice on.....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MrsBooboo

Hi Mrs Booboo,

Great to see you, and welcome back from your camping week. Sorry that the weather wasn't kind to you, and hope your car boot dries out soon! You've not put much on, considering you've been on holiday, so those added vegetables and fruit must have helped! You'll soon get rid of that weight, and be into the 16's very soon, all being well.

Hope that green juice tasted ok...!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

channan profile image

Hi lowcal, I lost 1kg last week, weighed in at 82.6kg. Definitely slowing down now. Not had a good week so far, so having a week off. Feeling very tired but have been working extra to save for a holiday. I hope not to put too much weight back on ! Good luck everyone else 😃

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to channan

Hi Channan,

Great to see you! So sorry to hear you've not had a good week so far, and glad to hear you've got the week off to recuperate. Sounds like you deserve a much needed rest.

Congratulations to you for losing 1 kg last week, that is really great! :-)

Hope you feel better as the week progresses, and that you have a lovely weekend when it comes too.

Lowcal :-)

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