Have tried just eating soup lunchtime, not eating lunchtime and generally trying yo eat healthily but no change.....media today further depressing in terms of once gained always gained.
Frustrated: Have tried just eating soup... - Weight Loss Support

Hi Vixbear,
I know it can be depressing when you read reports that suggest that weight gained is always gained and difficult to lose again, but it really is possible. There was a study in 2006 by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention which was called "Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviours Among Adults Successful at Weight Loss Maintenance" and they studied 2,124 people Of those people 587 lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off, and these were some of the factors which helped those people to do that:
* They ate less
* they ate more servings of fruits and vegetables
* they ate smaller portions
* they ate fewer bad-for-you-fats (i.e. limited fried stuff and trans fats)
* they eliminated sweetened beverages
*they limited simple refined carbs
*they reduced their intake of food prepared away from home
* they kept a food diary
* they were active (in terms of physical activity and exercise)
I've just summarised the factors from the information I was reading, but I find it a useful summary and quite inspiring to know that people were successful.
Hope you have a better week ahead. Have you looked at the NHS 12 week structured plan? It has some useful information and advice there that is really good.
Think about what you are getting not what you are not having / getting.
Your getting:
• in control
• thinner
• closer to your goals.
Hunger comes and goes - you know you can do this!
Skipping meals or just having soup isn't enough, no wonder you're hungry!! Your lunch should be between 200 and 400 calories and consist of at least 2 protein rich foods. For example, tuna and a yoghurt or egg etc. a typical lunch for a healthy diet: 1 slice of bread with tuna for a tuna sandwich, 1 piece of low sugar fruit like a peach or Apple, 1 unsweetened, in flavoured yoghurt, preferably full fat, 1 'treat' food under 100 calories. I find I don't eat lunch all at once, I spread it from 12 until 2 and sort of snack my way through it. As a rough guide, your lunch should be about 25% of your overall daily calories
The once gained always gained theory isn't to do with anything physical, it's about mental attitude. The people who lose weight and keep it off are the people who embrace a lifestyle change forever, be one of them
Hi! Sometimes it has also happened to me to skip meals or try to eat less etc and not lose weight. That's extremely frustrating. The reality was that I was then somehow compensating that by eating more of something else without realiseing.
For me, eating a varied controlled calorie diet is the best solution, and what workd for me, something with fish, meat, rice, and lots of vegetables to fill you up. I get to eat more than enough for each meal (more than I would have while just tring to cut calories) and then I'm not hungry or snack. I follow a nice healthy diet from a slimming magazine, and it's just worked. And I keep trying new foods to make it more fun and exercising a bit, etc. I find this easier than just cutting (cutting food is like reducing smoking, not easy, as both are addictive...)
It's not true that you can't lose weight. Once you start losing, you'll find the motivation easier. I'm also using the services of a coach, who helps me change my mental patterns that end up causing me to put on weight. Just an idea...
Get a diet you're happy with and just do it to the letter for 1 week. You'll see the results.
So what does a day look like on this diet? So confusing - people say low carbs, others high fat....