Slipping.: I've been with the plan for... - Weight Loss Support

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eeek1110 profile image
13 Replies

I've been with the plan for 8 wks now and have lost 12lbs which I'm very happy about. Has anyone come to a stage where they know they are slipping? I'm at it now and it scares me to think I'm going to undo all my hard work. Any ideas to get me back on track? I can't exercise at the moment so it's all down to will power for now. Today is going to be a problem as my aunt is taking a few of us out to a coffee shop to celebrate her birthday and I just know I'm going to be scoffing sandwiches, cakes, etc. I've been keeping to under 1,800 calories when I've had bad days except for a couple when I had just over 2,000. The one thing I do is to make sure I do is fill in the info on myfitnesspal. Advice needed please!

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eeek1110 profile image
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13 Replies
sueper profile image

Hi eeek. It isn't easy especially if you have a fair way to go. I still have cake if I go out with my girlfriends for lunch but now I just have the coffee and cake but nothing else. Ok, so it is not perfect but that way I don't feel I have missed out and I only do it about once a month.

Are you restricting yourself too much? I have vowed not to cut anything out, just reduce amount and frequency of those things I know are not good for me. The reason I do this is because the last time I properly lost weight I piled it all back on again when I realised how nice the food was that I had been cutting out.

Try to treat your new regime as a lifestyle change that you hope to maintain long term which will mean having a few treats.

12lb is a great loss and so close to that 1st stone. If you let it slide now you will be so angry with yourself. Everyone has an off day, try to work out what you feel is making you slip and see what you can do to combat it.

Good luck and I hope you can find your way through your little blip - it will be worth it:)

eeek1110 profile image
eeek1110 in reply to sueper

Thank you sueper. I don't deny myself anything but I do know sweet things are a trigger for a binge so I do try to avoid them. Chocolate sent me off track when I had some at the wkend and it's been a struggle since then. The afternoon tea was a treat and the damage is done now so back to the new me who I do like. All I had when I got home was an apple and a small piece of cheese for my evening meal so at least I didn't carry on with my indulgence period. I wouldn't be surprised if I do put a lb on this week but that doesn't matter as long as I've learnt my lesson. x

Hi eeek. Sorry to hear that you're struggling.

Don't know if this will help (and may be too late to catch you pre-coffee shop) but a wise woman once said "Now when I'm tempted to a treat I ask myself "Is it worth it?". Works for me and just wanted to share"...... who was that? It was you, a month ago! :-)

Only you can decide if it's worth it but they do say that nothing tastes as good as being fit, healthy and thin feels....

Sueper is right that you shouldn't ban all treats if you're in this for the long haul but if you do have the odd treat then maybe you should do so cos you really want it and not just cos it happens to be someone's birthday, cos someone takes you to a coffee shop or cos you're happy or sad or confused or whatever. There is always a justification to eat if we look hard enough! :-)

Anyway I hope the birthday celebrations went well and cheered you up a bit :-)

eeek1110 profile image
eeek1110 in reply to

Ha Ha Mags! You got me there with my own words. Good one! Thank you for your support. It has made me stop and think. Hopefully I'm back on track now. x

Ubiquitous profile image

Hi eeek, How did it go today? Did you find yourself scoffing everything? If not, well done. But if you did, it's not the end of the diet: you've still got the rest of your life to go and let's face it, if we want to get slim/stay slim we're all going to have to make healthy choices every day of the rest of our lives. I think if you're tempted in future it's all about damage-limitation: so, okay, eat the cake and enjoy it but don't go back for seconds and don't start grazing on the sandwiches. Also, reduce what you have for breakfast and dinner that day. It's easy to reduce calories on drinks by having green tea and black coffee, and plenty of water. It's amazing how the drink-calories add up. I find that if I eat too much at a meal, the feeling of fullness I get makes me want to eat more at the next meal too. It's weird. Hope you've overcome your blip now, you're doing well. Smiley face.

eeek1110 profile image
eeek1110 in reply to Ubiquitous

I had a good old time Ubiquitous as it was a proper posh afternoon tea. My aunt is lovely and she even bought slices of cake to take home for our men. Mine didn't fancy his though (misery) so I ate a little bit of it and then felt guilty so threw the rest away. I shall avoid sugary things for a few days so the sugar rush can get out of my system. Thank you for your reply. I really do appreciate the support. :)

eeek1110 profile image

Thank you Concerned. I'm surprised how strong the urge has been to eat, eat and eat. It just reminds me how little control I had before and I intend to eat lots of fruit and veg tomorrow when I get the urge. I don't think it's gone away just yet. There are some jobs I've put off doing around the house so I shall keep busy tomorrow. It's my weigh in on Friday so that should be interesting. Hope you are having a good week. :)

TakeTwo profile image

Not a fan of my fitness pal, to many calories allowed:( In the process of searching out a more realistic tracker as we speak...:) As far as will power goes, I've realized how much my mental has contributed to my progress. One thing I've done is "spring clean" my house, amazing how therapeutic organization is to me. Keeps the anxiety at bay and me busy at the same time. When I meet friends for coffee, which I do often I have a bite to eat prior and a sweet treat with my coffee. Many times I'll check out the menu prior so I know what to order when I get there, keeps it simple.

Hope this helps:)

eeek1110 profile image

Thank you TakeTwo. I do think it is "mind over want" and I just need to remind myself how much I hated being out of control. It's not very often that I go out with friends so I'll let myself off this time and have a fresh start tomorrow. Stress does get to me so that's another one to master as food is not the answer. This forum is such a great help! :)

djas profile image

I do think you are being a bit hard on yourself for going out and enjoying yourself, this is a long term plan we are on here and we are going to have times when you go out for treats. Well done for stopping when you got home i just hope i can still do it when i'm on week 8. Do you think its because you cant do any exercise at the moment that you feel a bit like your going to mess it all up? Get your jobs done around the house it all burns calories and i'm sure you will feel a lot better, today is a new day. Good luck for the rest of the week and let us know how Friday weigh in goes. x

eeek1110 profile image

Thank you for your reply jh. I do miss my walks especially when I'm tempted to give in.

Feeling very fat today but craving sweet things. Sugar is such an addiction for me so it will take me a few days before the craving quietens down. Fortunately I only like dark chocolate now and do not pig out on it. Be posting my weight tomorrow. Fingers crossed! x

Willow308 profile image

Hi eeek,

Well done on your weight loss that's brilliant.

You will be so cross with yourself if you were slip permanently down the slippery road.

I agree with sueper, I would have a coffee/cappachino my favourite and a piece of cake really enjoy the treat then back on plan.

Last year I lost 3 stone and gained it all back again in a few months, I am so angry, cross, disgusted with myself, don't gain what you have worked so hard to lose.

Have a lovely afternoon with your aunt, enjoy it.

Have a great few days, you can do this. Take it one day at a time.

Willow xx

eeek1110 profile image

Thank you Willow. I must say I do love your blk cat. Oh dear! Fancy gaining all your weight back. That must have been awful but you are going to lose it all now and keep it off. I am trying to get back on track today but my evil husband bought some crm cakes as he felt he had missed out yesterday. He had one and a half chocolate éclairs and I just had the half for lunch. Am trying! x

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