Hi All. I have just been diagnosed with inclusion body Myositis and I am just overwhelmed by this and not knowing what to do next. I will be seeing the neurologist again at the end of this month for next steps but just wondered how to cope in the interim period. Having gone through blood tests, CT scans of hip and spine, EMG and muscle biopsy and still being in pain it is taking it’s toll. Any advice please?
IBM diagnosis today : Hi All. I have just been... - Myositis UK
IBM diagnosis today

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis of IBM.
I was diagnosed with Dermatomyositis 25 years ago (aged 25 with total muscle loss) and one thing we both have in common is exercise is a form of treatment.
I will post some links that may be helpful
Link has links for IBM home exercise sheets and video's (Myositis UK has had both Dr. Helene Alexanderson and Sue Maillard speak at UK patient conferences) myositis.org/about-myositis...
Link for the Myositis UK Forum on facebook, which is more active then this web based group: facebook.com/groups/Myositi...
Also follow Cure IBM, although USA based it will post about the latest in IBM research and news cureibm.org/
Facebook page: facebook.com/Cureibm/
Kind regards,
Jo Goode
Is anyone currently receiving treatment for IBM and if so what? Having being recently diagnosed I just wanted to see how others manage IBM. Thanks.
Hi Jo. Is it possible to filter on this site to be able to see IBM separately at all? Thanks
Hi guys i have been recently diagnosed with myositis, I am 18 years old and i just wanted to find out what i can do to help myself