I'm still VERY far from getting a diagnosis (thank you, NHS) and I'd have given up long since if it wasn't for my near-constant facial (and nipple) rashes and the calcinosis I have. Mine's is very mild, I only get one, or perhaps two, small 'pearls' on my hands and they can be very far apart, time-wise. I had NO idea that they were a thing, and I thought everyone got them. I assumed, in fact, that were cholesterol 'bumps' like people get round their eyes.
I've been getting them on my knuckles and along the edges of my fingers since at least my 40s - that's when I first remember noticing them. I only discovered what they were a few weeks ago when I discovered Dermatomyositis. It was the fact that they are rare that made me stick to my guns that this might be Dermatomyositis - that and the rashes, as I said.
It's one of the problems with being older (63) that aches and pains make you uncertain as to what is normal, and maybe it's normal for me not to be able to climb hills and steps without panting like a heavily overweight walrus, or to have problems getting into my leggings and up a two-step stepladder, but I KNOW it's not normal, and nothing to do with age, to have rashes round my eyes and now, also, that the calcinosis is not something everybody gets.
Annoyingly, I had one on the side of my finger in September/November and finally, curious as to what it was, removed it with a needle to discover it was hard, not fatty, and had a chalky liquid in it, then I discovered calcinosis. Damn! I'd destroyed evidence! God knows when I'll next have another one.
Like I say, I only ever get one at a time, mostly, and they are just teeny, hang about for a couple of months then disappear on their own. I'd be curious to hear from anyone else who has them and if rheumatologists are likely to give any weight to them as regards a positive diagnosis.