Hello MS friends,
Does anyone know about a Zoom MS Support Group? I'd love to join one. I lived in western NY state and went to two support groups which were very helpful.
My husband and I retired to the coast of Maine and there aren't any in-person support groups that I can find, unless I want to start one. Not interested in starting one, but would love to find a Zoom group for folks with MS.
I'm back on my old drug Avonex, after a huge flop with Aubagio developing Neuropathy. I had five new brain lesions not taking anything so I wanted to go back to Avonex instead of trying Mavenclad and I'm glad I spoke my mind to go back onto it. All's well so far!
Speak your mind, listen to your body and follow your bliss however simply you can do it. Books on tape, calming music, chair yoga, sketching, a vase of flowers...whatever you can do to enjoy and take good care of yourself!