Peruzzot, the following are some of the codes I found. I couldn't figure out how to take pictures with my fickle tablet so here goes:
BFF - Brace for fall
FWIW - Forgot where I was
ROFLHAPA - Rolling on floor laughing, had a pee accident
ROFLCGU - Rolling on floor laughing, can't get up
IBIF - I'm back, I fell
ATD - At the doctor
FDGB - Fall down go boom
NP - New pain
ITWEIN - I'm tired, what else is new
NDIM - Not drunk, it's MS
BTW - Bring the wheelchair
BYOC - Bring your own cane
SIDTP - Sorry, I dropped the phone
GGISD - Gotta go, I'm seeing doubles
AM - Another migraine
I'm sure there are more. I thought I had seen one where they took a good many of the codes people currently use and changed them to fit us. I can't find it, though. Anyway, I hope you can find humor in the ones above. Some are a little too real...ok, most are... Have a great day!