Hello everyone! Hope you guys had an awesome Easter. 🥰 Mine started off slow after hosting an Easter Egg hunt and pageant for the kids at church. I worked hard all week so I was hurting on Easter! However, I managed 2 make it to church!
As I type this, I am getting my weekly infusion of vitamins and minerals. I know some folks are worse off than I am; however, some days I just want 2 scream and shout that I am tired of living with MS! I am a smiler! I smile thru the good and the bad, the ups and the downs. 🤷🏾♀️ No one truly know what’s behind the smile. Some days are truly rough and I feel like MS is winning. I do aquatic therapy, weekly infusions, take herbal supplements , and the list goes on + on!
Yesterday, I had a 2 hr MRI which literally exhausted me! I also need a knee replacement on what was my good leg! 🤦🏾♀️ I overcompensated by using it more when I was diagnosed in14, now it’s bone on bone! I need 2 know if any of U had knee replacement surgery and what was the outcome? I need 2 hear from someone in my situation. Sorry 4 ranting! I try to smile everyday despite my trials. Sending hugs! Continued blessings 2 all!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰