I may be having a back surgery in May. My doctor is basically saying that we are out of other options. I’m in excruciating pain constantly, so I’m open to anything at this point. I will keep you updated if I have a concrete date. I ask you for your thoughts and prayers, if you are a praying person. Love, Kelly
Possible back surgery : I may be having a... - My MSAA Community
Possible back surgery

My love and prayers are with you. Enjoy your new hobby, and your time outdoors!
I know the feeling, but I will fight until the end! I would much rather be outside than in bed, and I feel better outside than within walls...
Dear Kelly, ooh. i am so sad that you're in pain. You have my support, love and prayers. Keep sharing it. Here for you.💜 i hope your connection with HP is helpful.
Oh, boy! You know it! Every day I turn my pain over to my HP and try not to dwell on it. I have tried to go to the gym, but I find that irritates the muscles. But gentle stretching and getting outside and walking helps me feel a tiny bit better. If I think about looking at nature, then I’m not thinking of the pain. How are you doing, my dear friend?
glad to hear you are using all of your resources. i admire you tremendously. as for me i saw the neuro opthalmologist yesterday for a check up for double vision. Now they said i might have early glaucoma ?! Glaucoma specialist in May. Oh well. HP please help me stay positive. i need my vision. Otherwise good. taking on a new program commitment. Life is good.
my thoughts and prayers are with you! Have fun with your new hobby! Bird watching is nice, relaxing, and fun🙂
keep us updated and enjoy the bird watching x
I will pray for God to guide you to the best solution and to give you comfort. 🙏
My prayers are with you🙏🏾
you got our support and you got this - to feeling better 🏋️
Kelly, have you truly exhausted everything else? I wouldn’t go by what one doctor says and neither would he. Please get a second and third opinion. If an operation is the only answer you have to have a surgeon who has performed hundreds of the type of surgery you will be having. Do you have someone who can advocate for you? It is hard to be proactive while dealing with pain so now is the time to ask for help and guidance. I wish you all the best.
Yes, I have gotten two other opinions. I agree with you that it is a last resort. If I am going to have it done, I will be going to Boise for the surgery, as Pocatello is a very small hospital and I want the surgery to be done by a specialist. Hope you have a wonderful day, my friend!
Amore55 first, my sincere prayers are with you if you do indeed have the surgery. may I ask have you tried injections with a pain mgmt Dr.? My neuro advised me NOT to have surgery on my back AT ALL. I might add he is known world wide and treated Clay Walker (country singer) who is still giving performances. the neuro also reads his own MRI's and does a lot ot research. I do have pprocedures for pain sometimes twice a year now (c3,c4 L4 L5 and tail bone. ) It does help, although not a cure. Of course you cannot be guareenteed surgery will be 100p/c and requires a fairly long recovery as well as therapy. I don't mean to sound negative only thinking of options because our backs contain so many nerves. I am going to keep you in my prayers daily & I do so empathsize with you. God bless you! p.s. I am also a senior in my 70's, living alone but hanging on with the Lord's help.
I receive between 20-35 injections every month in my back. I have tried SI injections, which were not effective at all. The ones I get monthly are only effective for about 6 days, then they wear off. I have numerous discs which are degenerated to the point of none existent. I also have degenerative scoliosis which we just discovered. Much of it is the result of carrying so many children. I’m grateful for your advice. Hugs 🤗
Will do!
Good Luck & Best Wishes
Prayers going up for you that you can find relief soon.
Good luck we will pray for you
Back surgery has improved significantly over the past couple decades when neurosurgeons started doing it.Praying all goes well and you have a speedy recovery 🙏🙏
You are and you will continue to be in my prayers.
My friend, you have my prayers and I hope comfort of any type can come your way. Please keep us updated! Blessings. NeeC
I am so sorry you are in constant pain, Miss Kelly. May God's healing hand reach out and make you well. Girding you with prayers every single day. "..... For I am the Lord who heals you." Exodus 15:26