As you can see in my above statement I am having my back ablation again tomorrow. It will be 8 nerves again, hopefully the right ones, as last year it was ineffective. But I am willing to try again. So please just keep me in your thoughts. I’m not really big on being sedated, I get my shots every 3 weeks without sedation, which many people do have sedation for. But my doctor says I am tougher than the average bear. I think that after 8 kids those shots are a piece of cake. I’m looking forward to getting this done tomorrow. Thankfully I have enough friends here that I have many offers of rides! But I only need one. Lol 😆 Love to you all. By the way, isn’t life wonderful, I really mean that. Even though I hurt a lot, it is still so wonderful! I am breathing, so it is a good day to celebrate by checking on someone who you have not talked to in a while or doing something kind.
Back Ablation tomorrow : As you can see in... - My MSAA Community
Back Ablation tomorrow

I hope everything goes smoothly for you & you're pain-free.
I agree, life is wonderful.
As far as doing something kind, the day is still young and I could be out of practice!
On his way out the door, my hub said, "I love you!"
and I thanked him. Wot!?😂😂😂😂
He was laughing on his way to the car and I'm sitting here wondering how much sleep do I actually need to be present.😜
Best wishes!! 🙏
i bet the shots are nothing after having 8 children boy you are very BRAVE i thought two was going to kill me ...but they do sound wonderful to get rid of the pain ....lots of blessings and prayers that they hit the right ones this time and feel wonderful and i agree life is still very good and enjoyable for we do wake up and can breath all of the wonders of our lives around us

Wishing you the relief that you are looking for, Amore55 . Did you say that you get these shots every three weeks? Is there anything that can be done that’s more permanent? You are tougher than I!
Hope this works and helps your pain. Keep us updated when you can.
Best of luck, I really hope it works this time. 💕
I hope it all goes well! 🙏 Love back at ya! Yes, it is wonderful 🥰
Prayers for successful procedure
I cant imagine that pain! The pain doctor wanted to do ablation on my neck, but I was fearful of him burning my nerves. So, I just suffer. I pray the ablation be successful this time..
Hoping all goes well today, keeping you in my thoughts, big hug, 🤗
hope all goes well 🌈
hope all goes well 🙏🌸
Best wishes! I hope you get the results you need. My first shots will be on Monday. If that doesn’t work, then like you, I’ll be next for ablation.
Praying now for you, Kelly. Check in when you can!
I hope at this time it's over for you and you're feeling better!!
prayers for you. Please let us know how it goes

Hope it all went well. Thinking good thoughts for you.
Amen to that! I'll be thinking about you and praying healing and comfort. The best my friend 🌹
Did you say the ablation procedure did not work for you and you had it done 7 times? So what is the purpose if you’re not gonna help? If it were up to me I would take the sedation! But everyone’s different. I do have a higher pain threshold but I don’t know since I’ve gotten older and after I had kids I decided that I’m not in for the Pain part anymore!I’m supposed to have some kind of nerve blocking done next week for my arthritic neck. I don’t know if it’s considered an ablation I don’t think so, but whatever it is I told him yeah I’ll take the sedation.
Dear Kelly, just seeing this now. Hoping you got some relief. Please keep us posted.