Hello friends and family it's Fancy 59. It's been now approximately 6 to 7 weeks since I received botox in my bladder for my incontinence issues with MS and I can tell you I have never been more pleased. My bladder is pretty much back to pre MS normal. I can often wait 4 to 5 hours before I have to use the bathroom. I will wake up in the morning sometimes still not wet and be able to get to the bathroom before I have to go. So to me it is an a huge success in my Bladder incontinence wars. I have noticed as I pick up drinking normal levels of water which after I got out of the hospital I didn't quite do I have to use the bathroom more frequently but that is to be expected on my end at least. So if you're tired of having bladder And incontinence and you are thinking of trying Botox for your bladder I would encourage you to go to a urologist to check out your bladder and find out if it would be a good option for you. What do you have to lose except your pull up adult diapers or pads and tons of embarrassment that go along with the incontinent bladder. Fancy59.
Update on MS incontinentence, and findi... - My MSAA Community
Update on MS incontinentence, and finding bladder control with botox.

congrats Fancy! i wish they would call it something else like ...disposable underwear? i'm still using that. my doc says "not yet" with botox
How often will you have to have this done and was it painful? My best friends wife is dealing with this and she is wheelchair bound so it’s a lot of work for him. Thanks 🙏 👍🏼😉
Kenu, Of course this is my 1st time so I I am not sure I'm qualified to answer all your questions. My neurologist thought that I would have to have a done every 6 to 8 months roughly depending on how my body responds to it. It wasn't painful to me. They numbed the opening and the bladder so well really all I felt was pressure when they injected The botox into the bladder. They did check the bladder out thoroughly and they said my bladder was In excellent health with lots of blood flow in the very pink composition.I hope that helps. One good thing is medicare covers it so out of pocket expense is nil as far as I know.. Take care. I wish your friend best of luck. Fancy59.
Hello, I hope I can help a bit. Fancy59 I am so happy for you. Kenu. I have done this for years. Remember this is MY experience. To answer in short, yes it can be a bit painful to get done. HOWEVER, that is because they are injecting a needle into your bladder. But let me clarify that. A guide (medal tube) goes into your urethra then a needle passes through with a camera so the doctor can see and he puts several shots into the bladder (20-30) I did occasionally get a sharp pinch and jump but I have a ton of nerve damage down there. They do fill your bladder with lidocaine and numbing stuff first. Like I said I have done it for years to the point I have now gone for 1.5 years without renewing it and still cathing. It is important to tell your friend that she will have to be self cathing and there is a risk of more UTI's as we all know UTI's are/can be mimicry of relapses. I am considered "chronic cather/chronic uti" however, all that being said I would NOT ever go back and change my mind. Fancy59 is correct. Super worth it. I hope this helped.
That is great news L am so glad it worked for you! Botox scares me to piecesI am thankful that my bladder issues are very manageable with pads right now.
I’m so glad you have found a successful answer.
Glad it is helping you. I've always had a mental problem with introducing Botulism Toxin into my body, but I have heard a lot of good comes from it.
I am glad that has worked for you.!!
I’m at a point where I don’t want to leave the house for Dr appointments. I’ve pretty much been in isolation sine the start of the pandemic, except the hospital and rehab episodes.
My neurologist also thinks Botox would be a good option for me. Like you between the pads, pull ups and forget about the money spent!
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Talk to a urologist and they can run test on your bladder to see if you're a successful candidate for the procedure. It will give you a lot of peace of mind. I know it did me. Fancy 59.
Thanks. It’s every three months you need to repeat the Botox, I think I remember my neurologist recalls.
My plate is so flowing with things, I don’t know when I’ll go, but I want to make sure it’s very soon! So much so I’m not on here as much as I want/need to be.🙁
I went straight to a urologist at UK and not my neurologist Get my information on botox from. I believe my urologist said it varies from person to person but typically it's every 5 or 6 months. I will call her if I start having issues to check but other than that I'll just wait until it starts to wear out totally . You gotta try it. I love it. If you have questions about how it's going with me feel free to give me a shout and I'll answer anything I can for you. Fancy59.
I am glad it's working for you. I haven't gotten there yet but thanks for the thought of doing Botox when it's time.
you’re in good shape now.
Appreciate you sharing this & glad it’s working for you!
that’s great that worked for you! My dr didn’t want to go that route but I do PTNS treatments and they help a lot after doing some pelvic pt. I just have to go once a month and I can always tell it’s getting closer to treatment time by how my bladder is doing.
Whatever works for you is fantastic. So keep doing what you're doing and just keep botox in the back of your mind if it gets to where your current regime doesn't work any longer. Thanks for sharing. Fancy59.
Early in the diagnosis process Botox was suggested and meds- everything had its pros and cons. As it was hard to say if my issues were MS or from pregnancy I went the route of pelvic pt, bladder scopes (horrible test) and fluid hold tests to end up without a med and PTNS - nerve stimulation. Incidentally you’d think nerves would be the last thing to do for a person with MS but it’s been good. I no longer do the PT but some of the tops they taught.
Besides if things change I can always try Botox and/or medication but it all has a shelf life for effectiveness.
Good luck to you. 🤗
I'm still taking that pill you "warned me about" which really helps me. I've decided I will stay on it until I retire in May, then see a urologist and follow in your footsteps. I really thought and researched how that pill can be and figured that since I'm so close to retirement I would look into the Botox then. I am very glad for your report!
I just looked up oxybutant ER again mrsmike9 And I found more than 10 studies that linked the usage of the drug to dementia and other issues. The longer you take it it seems the more it built up in your brain. So I am glad you are gonna talk to a urologist and look into botox this coming may. I know you'll love it once you get into it and see how easy it is and how well it works. Fancy59. If you have any questions while you're doing it or before just give me a shout and I'll answer what I can.
I haven't been on it too terribly long, but I just need these last few months to get me to retirement. I really appreciate the warning, and thanks for showing the way to another option!
so glad this was a great achievement for you ...wow...ayayyayay

Thanks twooldcrows for the congrats! Yahoo! Fancy59.
I'm so happy to hear that, please share directly with me what it entails; I see an urologist too. Again happy for you. Blessings. NeeC
YES YES YES!!!! I have done this for YEARS. I do get tons of UTI's which we all know SUCK for MSers. But again I have been cathing for years. Please be sure to get a prescription for catheters if you are cathing. For me I have no choice. (They pumped the heck out of my bladder. Lol) This last round has lasted me 1.5 years. Still don't need it. I am SO happy for you. Despite the UTI's and Catheters. I DON'T regret a thing.
that's wonderful news!

Fancy59 Thank for this post. This is something Botox for me and I will be looking into it. Did you go to a urologist for your Botox treatment? How often do you need to have it re-done? (I had to have complete hysterectomy when I was 28 and often think "Life" is punishing me for all those years I enjoyed not having a period,!!)
I spend more on pads, paper panties and bed protective pads!!)
I'm glad it worked out for you! I will be seeing a urologists' soon to see what my options are.
That is such wonderful news! Thank. you for sharing. I have been getting botox for almost fifteen years due to bladder incontinence. I was actually in the trial for FDA Approval. It changed my life as well, and to be honest I do not understand why more Urologists and Neurologists don't recommend it. I do have to catheterize in order to empty, and just want to mention for you to be aware of UTIs....Ecoli in particular seems to colonize. Just stay close to your urologist is my advice...I even keep in touch with an Infectious Diseases Dr. I met when at hospital with Sepsis a few years ago, and he has standing orders for urine checks at my lab. This all didn't happen for a few years after getting botox for my bladder. Also, please note that in my case the botox seems to have also numbed my sphincter, so it is important to keep your fiber intake up and stay hydrated so your stools are soft when passing....because it happens more quickly and with less feeling/notice that I have to have a movement. This is not something they tell you, or most people talk about because it can be embarrassing....Enjoy your new freedom and best of luck and health to you! Amy